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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Mar 1969, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THURb"DAY, MARCU 2Oûth, -1l46j Science Ini Canada Topic For Lecture Four distinguished Canadian ýientists xiii speak on "Science ln Canada's Second Century" in 'the 1969 Champlain Lecture ser- ies sponiored by Trent Unieers- ity. They are: Dr. W. G. Schneider, I'residcnt of the National Rie- search Cauncil of Canada; Prof- essor Ian McTaggart-Cowan, of the University of British Colum- bia; Professor Arthur Porter of the University of Toronto, and Dr. -j. Tuza Wilson', of the University tbf Toronto. Dr. Schne4der xii deliver the first lecture on Friday, March 21 ini connection with the opening of Trent',, new Chernistry Building. 1-Ie will speak on "Science, Tech- ýiology and aur World of the Fu- ture"'. Ail lectures xiii be la fQueen Mary Auditorium at 8:30 On the following day, Dr. 'Schneider xiii formally apen the 'Chemistry Building. Dr. Schneidezr, a research chem- ist, is a native of Sastkatchewvan Who took bis B.Sc. and M.Cc. at the University of ýSaskatchewan and his Ph.D. at, McGilI Univers- Ity. Hle vas involved in war re- searchi during the Second World War, and in 1946 joined the Na- tional Research Council. Before his appointment to its presidency, hie was director of the divisio)n of pure chemistry af N.R.C. Dr. McTaggart-Coxvan, a zoolo- gist of note,- was born in Scot- land, and holds his B.A. from the Vniver',,ity of Britsh Columbia ond biS Ph.D. from the Univers- ity of California. H1e joined the facuity of U.B.C. in 1940 and in 19)64 became Dean of Graduate Studies. His special.fieids of in- 'teresi are mammalogy and amni- 'thology. He xiii speak on "The New 'Challenge in Biology and Medi- ýcine." Dr. Porter is widely known as ahn authority on computers. He. ~wasý borii in England, took his M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the Uni- versity af Manchester and ater- 'ward lectured there and at Mas- sachusetts Institute of Te-2cbnol- ogy. In 1961, he wa,, apointed Professor af industriai engineer- ing and head of the department at University. of Toronto. fle ser- ved as head of the adviý,Qry com- 1-nittee on ýscience and medicine for ExpQ '67. His topic xili be."The Chang- ing Nature of the Man-Machine interaction. " Dr. Wilson, a geophysicist af international repute, is a native of Ottawa, and holds a B.A. de- grec from the University of Tor- ointo, his MA. £rom Cambridge ind Ph.D. fromn Princeton. From 1936 to 1938 he worked with the Canadian Geological Survey. In 1946 he became professor of gea. ph~ sics at University of Toronto and ln 1967 was appointled prin- cipal of Erindale College of Un- iversity of Toronto. lie ill speak an "Revolutions in Science." Letter to Editer ) March 13, 1969 Dear Sir: After reading the opinions of the gentleman, who was not in favour of, the passing af the bill ta legalize homosexuality between consenting adults, I decided ta also relate my opinions,' which are in favour of the bill. I, personally, know of no0 one whç9 engages in hamosexual acts, yýet 1 feel that in passing the bill, it is in its right standing. It is a matter that affects very few persans, yet ta arrest two persans because of tieir private, and very personal acts is degrad- ing ta the persans involved, their familles and their jobs. The law prohibiting hamosexuality does not change their sexual emotions, and punshment has neyer chang- ed a hamosexual. The gentleman stated that the government is jaining themn when they can1 beat them. I feel this is a'very narraw minded state- ment. The goverament is certain- ly not prômoting homosexuality. They are only trying ta under- stand a situationî that does exist. f1oamosexuality certainly did nat corne into being with aur present youth revôlt. It has been with us ,%ince life began. Let us, as aduits, be open-minded enough as ta recognize this, and not put it down as a fault af todays youth. 1 agree with the gentleman that this is the age when we need strong, fearless leadership. I feel this is exactly what we are get. ting. A governmnent that has the strength ta propose such a bill knawing of the criticism it wil receive, is, a strong government. 'A govenment that has enough human feelings ta care about what happens ta ALL of the peo- ple is a government, ta be proud of. If a persan is ignorant of the f acts conefting homosexuality, then he has no right ta judge or condema his fellow-nian. If homosexuality remaîns a crime, then send the offenders ta Prison, where in prison homa- sexual acts are flourishing. If this is the solution then there is ne hope for anyone. Mrs. V. J. Simpson, R.R.2, Newcastle, Ont. * tCharIie Brown Week" At Your Clarke Publie Library MARCLI l7th to MARCH 2d OPEN EVERY DAY FOR ONE WEEK For the benefit of Publie Sehool Children Fre Baloos -Lucky Prizes Twe.ýntyfive ballons given away ecd day. Look for the luek baloonentitling holder ta a fre Charlie Brown Book. LIBRARY HOURS FOR CIIARLIE BROWN WEEK Monday: 2 - 4; Tuesday: 2 - 4 and 6:30- 8:30 WYednesdayý: 2 - 4; Thursday: 2 - 4 and 6:30 - 8:30 Fri:day: 2.,70 - 5, 6:30 - 8:30; Saturdy 1 - 12 Kinderga rten (Continued from page 2) day be buï'ýd ta the Orano and Newcastle sites. Twenty-one pu- plis ta the church site at Kendal every ather day. It was also sug- gested that _Kendal might join with North Hope and have ful week kîndergarten at eitber Ken- dal or Garden Hill. It was reparted that Oronoý was already equipped. Further furn- ishings and equipment was esti- mated at a cast of $4000, teachers $19,500 with rent and transpor- tation set at $6.650. Total cost of kindergarten in Clarke was esti- mated at $30,150. Th e report contained other sug- gestions-for areas now supplied with kindergarten. It was pointed o ut that the num- ber, of additional centres- needed wauld total 17 with seventeen teachers.- Total enralment la the areas not naw having kindergar- ten was s(t et 878. Total cost for the fulli year was estimated eat $23 1,750.00. If portables were needed ia Darlingtan the cast could increase fram $40,000 ta $48.000. The report was studied by the Baard but no action was taken. The Board is awaiting the grant structure which h as.flot as yet been handed dawn by the Prav- vince. CARD 0F THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Willempje Van Hattum wish to express their sincere apprecia- tian ta friends, neighbours and relatives for their visits, beauti- fui floral tributes, messages of sympathy, acts of kindness, in our recent loss of a loving wife and mother. Special thanks ta Dr. McKenzie and staff of the Meim- anial Hospital, Bowmanville; Rev. B. Long, Barlow Funeral Home and to the ladies who served tea at home. Albert Van Hattum, Hendriena and ýBetty. a-p CARD 0F TIIANKS 1 wish ta express my sincere thanks, for the flowers, gifts phone caîls and good wishez sent to me while in hospital. Carl Billings. OrnoWeekyTlmes5 Latest 19"1 Color TV Why wait any longe? G et the name you know best at the best price right now. RCA Color TV is Reliability Tested. And you get Solid Copper Circuits (like those perfected for space-craft!). guaranteed for life. Famous New Vista Tuner pulls in the best color picture ever. COLOR MODEL SHOWN (9T405) - Automatic Chroma Control for better color intensity - RCA Automatic Color Purifier-Simplified color-quick tuning. Compact table model in vinyl-clad metal cabinet with Walnut grain. OnIy IN SO MANY WAYS THE FINEST SEE "THE fRELIABLE MAN" -YOUR RCA DEALER. Electric ýOrono

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