ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd, 196) K..dal. News A show.er was held on Friday, March 28th at the home of Mrs. W. Mercer for her granddaughter Miss Shirley Mercer. A iarâp number of ladies attended from Orono, Newtonville and Kendal to wish Shirley a happy future. Many lovely gifts were received. A dainty lunch xas served. This was tls second shower given to honour Shirley. The previous one asheld, -in Port Hope where she is an emp1oyee of the Royal Bank. There was a full choir in Kendal ehurch on Sunday. mora- ing. They sang "The Old Rugged Cross". We hope there will bc a f ull church on Easter Sunday. This is the time we give our speciai E aster gift. A number from Kendal attend- cd the funeral of Mr. Wm. Arm- strong on Monday. As a merch- ant he bas served the community ahl his life. He will be missed. Mrs. Thos. Stevens is a patient in St. Micl.ael's Hospital in Tor- onto this week foilowing a foot operation. The ski-doo club had their party and dance in Kendal Or- ange Hall on Friday night, In a very few weeks the East- ern Ontario Basebali Assuriation will be drawing up its schedule for the coming bail season. As in past years the Amateur Athietic Association sponsors Miinr base. bail in 'tte area. Last year when we cailed a registration we had vewry few turn out to register so another. night was scheduied with Easter Candies Ail fie Easter Candes are at Middletoas Yocr choice can be-ninde frein a wide selection of freda stock See them nlow boy Jackmaiia PHEONE COLLECT 623-3365 162 Kng St. E. BOWMAN VILLE For Ail Your Fiower Needa Library Closed The Clarke Public Library will NOT be open on Good Friday, April 4th. You may borrow books for your weekend reading on Sat- urday morning, April 5th from 10 - 12. A Thingof Beauty Always an attractive room, the Library is even more pleasant than before thanks to the Horti- the sime thing happening. We were, late with our registration and with so few boys registering, the basebali scene was pretty grim so this year we are endeav- ouring to get off to a better start. There will be a registration night to be held from 6:30 tili 8:30 in the Arena on Aprilý 8th so let's have ail boys and parents who would like to see basebali this year, corne out please. We have to have coaches and managers and we have to know how many boys and what teams there will be to enter into the E.O.B.A. sehedule whieh is drawn up Ap- i ith so do n't forget April 8th. Thank you. Amateur Athietie Assoc. cultural Society. Floral arrange- ments will bc on display at al times with plenty of variety and frequent changes. At p&esent, a g1 owi ngly beautiful arrangement of dried materials catches the eye as you enter. For the Easter season, there is a charmîng bowl of artificial flowers that conceal Easter bunny's eggs as he peeks out from the blooms. 11 You are missing a real treat if you do not drop into the Library occasionally to sec the Horticultur- al's iatest thing of beauty. NE~W BOOKS Adult Sea Jade - Whitney The Strode Venturer Ham- mond Innes Castie Ugly - Barrett The Town in Bloomn - Srhith Trudeau: A Man for Tomorrow - Stuebing The Grey Seas Under - Mowat Nicholas and Alexandra- Mas- sic Mrs. Satan- Johnston. Juvenfle Mountains The True Book of Jungles' About Rivers Coral Reef s You're lu Love, Charlie Brown Good OP Snoopy. Up And Down the Book Staciks When you have a child or reach 21 or move to a niew address or when you are newly maried... Té keep your OMWSIP protectioni and to speed paLymený. otify within 30 days: Health Insurance Rtegîstration Board, 2195 Yonge Street, Toronto 7. If we are to help we need to know. AraYou For the Well Dressed -Men in the latest styles and patternls PrIcd $9.5and up Co-ordinates the latest style Sport Jacket and Pants $75.OO UP Young Men's Sport Jacket size 26 to 36 ... $10.98 - $18.95 Koratron Pants, priced f romt $6.95, and up. SHIIRTS-Shirt and Tie matching sets; white and coloured dress shirts, The Big T Sport Shirts and fancy knits for all the men in the family. For the Ladies Crimp knit dresses and suits. Fancy aIl weather coats by Irving Poslum and Niccolini. Lovely Spring Bonnets many styles and colours. Gloves, Scarves and Purses. Also dresses for ail the girls f romt baby to Teen-age. JEANS Girls and Boys- Latest style with the f lare bottomt or plain. Crosby Square, Jarman Greb Rush Puppies, Naturalizers, Wild Woolleys. Just Arrlved The spring samples of Drapery Material by Trendloom. Thé New Broadloom samples for your floors by Burlington, Ozite, 1.M.K. Newton and Celanese. TOMS&aSOS LTD NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO