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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Mar 1969, p. 11

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1969 See Agency Mor AUl classes of persona] and Commercial Co'verages Office: Main -8tOroumo 983-5"32 Res. 983-5754 IGord Simps. iph.e Oroe o9S3-58"S ore»o, Ontario PAINTTNIà CAIFENTRY 'GENEE.AL IRPAJIS g luteri or Exerir CHARLES R,ýID Oruni's Licensed Aueti.eer and Valuatur Si.c4allze i Farm anýd Consuit me fr terms PRUNE OOO983-5914 (krit qualty and service leavez utbhg te be desired the person who bought froni a neiýghbour, friend or relative The RU¶1ER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE 'Largest display tu Southera ontaTl." WATSON'c Marine and Cycle orea Pheme 983-584 & MOTOUS CUAHfSAWE Upalru ta aU niahe efLawn mawwr M 2 a 4 cycle OTACO PLOW POUNT AND MACEINEET LYCETT PHONE 9884r, oreomt ael Barnes &Byom PLUMUT9NG x A i HATING1 adService PH fOE »3-5546 r 983-594 #%B% lhatermila OLCRvIeCat OterAtoN FRIGIDAIR-554 or983594 ORIONO LECTRICM ELDCTRICAL CONeAIG 1 L~U ETN FrIGIIDtaIeE -LC.a. Hal amitnltni- BOX 133 Phono 668-M5521 Stafford Brothers Manufacturera 01 Cemeery Mmeor"a ais lhmdau Street Flest WEITBY, ONTAIO Buiàg a House? Floyd Nicllsou. FOR SALE Tent Trailer, sleeps 6, excellent condition. Reasonable price. Phone 983-5214. a-p FOR SALE. One beavy duty Electric Stove, 30 inch. Phone 983-5154. a-c FOR SALE Good size table Potatoes, rea- sonable price. Can be delivered. R. E. Rienstra, phone 9835081 ac FOR SALE Dried shelled Con for sale. . r pick up 0« deltvery cal Bob Carruthers. RR 1, Bowmýan- ville. Phone 623-5485. t f VISIT FRED'S FRUIT MARKET We specialize in quality apples, Red Deliclous, Spys, Russets and many other varieties, at whole- sale prices. Fresh Apple Cider, Ice Cream. .79c hallf gallon. t-f REAL ESTATE CAREER We have openings for career minded people. Interested in selI- ing Real Estate properties, full or part time. If you are living in Orono, Bowmanville, Newceastle, Ponty- pool, Mîllbrook, Port Hope or areas. Phone Johin F. DeWith for a personal interview, from: John F. DeWith Real Estate LId. Bowmanville, 623-3950. f-14-c AUCTION SALE The property of Simon Fed- dema, Lot 18, Con. 7, Clarke Township, 5 miles north of Or- ono on llîghway '15, turni right at Krby, goeast one aind one -haîf miles to top of saw k Club Hlli. SATURDAY, APRIL 12 at 1:00 p.m. sharp Allis Chalmers W.D. 45 Tract- or Live P.T.O. Quick Hitch; A.C. 3 Furrow Plow; A.C. Combine, Ail Crop 'Harvester 66; A.C. Side Mounted Mower, 7, ft. (ut; A.C. Front End Loader; A.C. Tandem Dises; M.F. 35 Diesel Tractor and Front E Loader; Ferguson Trac- tor 85; Ferguson Side R ake; New Holland Baler 65; New Holland Hay Conditioner; 3 PT. Hîtch Sub- Soiler; M.F. Furrow Plow 3 Pt. Hitch; M.F. Cultivator, 3 pt. Hitch; 2 Bale Elevators; 2 Bale' Bunchers; 6 Blade Tiller; Five - 200 Gallon Tanks; Geo. White Snow Blower; 4 in. Grain Auger 26 ft. long; Hawk Bilt Flail Type, Side Manure Spreader (Good); 2 Rubber Tired Wagons and racks 5 ton Rubber Tired Bail Bearing Wagon and, fiat rack; Cardinial Grain and Bale Elevator; 3 Drum Steel Roler; 1963 Int. Truck 3 ton and racks (Good}; 1958 Chev. Truck and racks; Quantity of pig feeders; Snow fence; Extension laddek; Approx. 2000. bales of Barley Straw; 2 .steel water Troughs. Many other items too numner- ous to mention. Ray and Roy Williams, Auc. JA&CI REA4lTOivR BWàANVILLE Whem fluyiag or Seliag «Bl WILFlIA WKE FOR SALE Chesterfield and chair, bive with white. $65.00; in excellent condition. Phone 983-5505. a-c WANTED An incubator ln good condi- tion. Phone U3-5931. a-p INVOICING CLERK Typing Invoices and varied clerical duties. Excellent workirgg 1conditions and Fringe Benefits. For appointment caîl Mr. K. Nealy, Curvply Wood Produets, Orono, Phone 983-9171. a-c IIELP WANTED Two tobacco plant pullers and two planters. Phone 983-5803. a-c EMPLOYMENT WANTED Book-keeper typist, experiene- ed in small office books, to and including trial balance. Wishes book-keeping to do at home. For reference phone 983-5480. b-14-c IIELP WANTED Man 'Wanted to help on farm. Live out. Apply DURHAM FARMS, 8th Line, Clarke. 983-5191 evenings. WANTED To rent a two or three bcd- room house in Orono by the lSth of May. Phone 786-2280. a-c NOTICE Fish and - ail you can eat every Saturday tight at "The Acres" for 99 cents. t- < WORMS A PROBLEM? Use PAMOVIN Tablets or Liquid.L The ein4gle dose treatment for piniworm,4. Availiabe at Stu±t's Pharmacy.m-6. REAL ESTATE 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-4393 Tarento 9Z8-174 Port Hope Office 885-4548 For prompt, courteous, efffl- ent sevloe when buylng or seIIlrig mandfor the Jargeot ml- ection of prepertles lu the ares ContactOrono Are& Roy Footer 9835801 Rtos Gilhart 983-553 Andy Sutch 983-9119 Roy Strong 52 r il Bethany Clarke Citizens Commîttee and Rati-payers' lac. Meeting Tuesday, April Sth Kirby Centennial School 8 p.m. Speaker:. E. M. Hewson, CountY Assessor Subjeet: Assessment and Taxation NOTICE The family of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ransberry, R.R. 2, Oronio wvould like to invite frîends 'and neighbours to a dance in honour of their par~ents, 251h Wedding Anniversary at the Oddfellows Hall in Orono on Saturday, April S5th at 8:30 p.m. NOTICIE Let us help you entertain your - EasAer guests. Phone 263-8421, The Acres Restaurant for reservations. a-c NOTICE Will care for children in my home. Phone 983-5634. à c MISSING Three yellow Tyke Hockey Sweaters. Please return April Bth to the Arena. a-c Orono AmateurAth. Assoc. COMING ÉVENT You are invited to attend' St. Saviour's A.C.W. Salad Plate sup- per in the Parish Hall on Wed- nesday, April 91h~.> Admission $1.50. Children un- der 12 yrs., 75c. Time 5 p.m. on. Palm Sunday, March 30th ser- vice will begin at 9:30 a.m. b-c ATTENTIOfÏýN tUBS Anyone w~igto selitheir gray sweaters and gre aps te an out of-town Cvb Pack. Please cali Mrs. Ross Gilbart, 983-5533. a-e COMINO ýGEVENT You are invited to attend St. Savîour's A.C.W. Plate sup- per in the Parish Hall on Wed- nesday, April 9th. Admission $1.50. Children un- der 12 yrs., 75c. Time 5 p.m. on. a-e COMING EVENT U.C.W. Spring Fair and Tea, Saturday, May 3rd at 2 p.m., Or-. ono United Church. Watch for further notice. a-c BASEBALL REGISTRATION . In the Arena from "~0 - 8:30 on April 8, for ahl minor teams - Tykes - Peewees - Bantams - Midgets or Juvenile. Coaches and managers are urgently, needed also. a-c Orono Amateur Ath. Assoc. CARD 0F THANKS 1 wish to express a sincere thank-you to ahl for their kind- ness, flowers, cards and friends who provided transportation for, members of my family and those who offered to do so during my stay in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. A. F. McKenzie, nurses and staff at Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Thank you. a-p Annie Farrell. BIRTH ATKINS-Karen and Earl are happy to announce the saf e ar- rivai of their baby brother Wayne Gordon who weighed in at 9 lbs. 1l oz., on March 25, 1969. Mommy and Daddy (Lorna and Gord) are very happy too. a-p DIED ARMSTRONG-At Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Friday, March 28th, 1969 William E. Armstrong, Orono, Ontario. Beloved hiusband of Velma Neal and dear father of Charles of Peterborough, Wil- liam Jr. of Orono and Mary Ann (Mrs. P. Baxter) of Peterborough. Rested at the Barlow Funeral Home Orono, Ontario until Mu- day. Fueral service was from the Orono United Church at 3:30 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. vubufleOUT *£Fm TAPIK mort T.upau 7894M Repr«mbdb«

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