ORONO WEEKLLY TIRlES. TEURDAY, MARCH 27, 1969 - -. Th~ .etFace / Albet's Texaco GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orone 1 think this- morxiing of a, muan .a iob, -and a cross. And 1 thint agamiàn of thec wondcs of Oxenhamn, To every mani there openeth A vWay, and Ways, and a Way The lligh Soul climbs the Hligi Way l The Low Soul gr-opes the Low And in betwveen, on the mist,3 flats, The rest drift to and fro. Jesus had set his face to go t( Jerusaleni, and his followers ha( tried to disuiade hlmr becaus< Jlerusalem me-ant a time of dang er, agony, and yet fulfilment. Aý Jesuis set his course he faced thý bitter hatred and opposition of; few -who wanted to walk the wa: William C. Hall, B. Comm., Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday ROYA"'L BowmANVILLE 'A ~PHO NE 623-59 April Calendar, THURS., SAT. and SUNDAY EVENINGS, - MARCH 27 29 - 30 THURSDAY and SUNDAV AT 7:30 SATURDAY AT 7:30 and 9:15 p.m. "A Man and il Woman" Cannes Film Festival Iinner FRIDAY, MARCH 28 and SATURDAY MATINEE 2:00 p.M. "Hillbillys in- a Hunted House"l In Color - LonChaney Jr. THURS., FRI., SAT., and SUN. - APRIL 3, 4, 5, 6 Whos M indi*ng the Mint Min Hutton, .oey Bishop also Where Angols Go Trouble Follows Rosalind Russell, Stella Stevens SUNDAY, APRIL 6, MID.NIGHT SHOW "Vengeance of Fu Manchu" and 'THE SHQTTERED ROOM' Adult Entertainment THURS., FR1., SAT. and SUNDAV - APRIL 10, 11, 12, 13 FI*tzwi*lly Dick Van Dyke, Barbara Feldon "Hong IEm High" Clint Eastwood -- Adult Entertainment THURSDAY, FRIDAY,, SATURDAY and SUNDAY - APRIL 17, 18,' 19, 20 also 'Barbarella' Jane Fonda- Adult ente ,tainment THURS., FR1., SAT. and SUNDAY - APRIL 24, 25, 26, 27 tSour KO Sean Connery, Brigitte Bardot Aduit Entertainment he,. walked, and lie was surround- e' d'by a mob who neither loved or hated himn very much. They were neîther wvarm or cold. This samne fact of life is also F expressed by George Bernard Shaw who wrTote, "Thiere are a fewi people who are thoroughly yreligious, and a few who are thorouighly irreligious, but the vast najority live in a k;ind of vacilliting, lukewarm idwol 0 betwcen thetw" Often, in my efforts to ex:plaini self lessness of the Christian, 1 speak, of being, "a channel" in e which one seeks to be the impie- a ment through which the spirit of v God flows, rather than seeking to obtain mnent for oneseif in a selfish way. Invariably the comi- ment is made in return, "yes, but how mnany becomne that" and then the additional comment is almost sure to come, "that is possible for ministers, but surely it does flot apply to the ordinary prer- sonV" Sncb an attitude recalis to mmid the morning smile from one of the niewspapers, "a hen and a hogc passed a chuirch with a sign which read: 'How can we help the poor?' The hen hit upon the idea of a ham-anid-egg1 break- fast. 'You cani say that' the hog replied, 'for you that's just a contribution, buit for mie it would demiand total commritmenit'!" It seems that m-ost people feel that the minister is like the h og who had to give everything and that the congregation should be like the hen making a token con- tribution. But there is not one path for thc ýminister and anotheir for the people. In Christ, ahl are called to walk the one high road of total commitment. There is an old legend about grateful subjects who wanted, to observe an anniversary of their king in an unusual fashion. What c.ould they give hîm to express their high repârd and apprecia-. tion, in a special gift. They resolved that each would bring' a bottle of his best wine and pour itinto a large vat. In looking over his wine to find the best, one man conceived the no- tion of contributing a bottie of water, confident that thcre would bie 5o much good wine, no one would detect his fraud. The moment camre'at last when the king was to taste of the blending of the best wines' of his subjects. The vat was opened with ceremnony and was found to contain nothing but water. Every man had acted in the ýsame man- ner. Each had spoken enthusiast- ically about the unusual gift. Each.,had promised to do his best. ELch had expected the others to do his part. Yet when the oppor- tuity Came to nmake a real con- tribution, each had failed. It is just a story, but doesn't it illu- strate af'ter a fashion the attitude of the average, individual toward the problems of his times? There is a great deal of talking about the problem of war, the probleni of poverty, the problçm of dis- ease. We sympathize wt those who suffer - my, howý sorry weý (Contint4ed pagé 5) YOU CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO Are you f inancially able to stand a total crop loss this year? If flot, you need crop insurance. This time it could be your crops that fait - the resuit of bad weather, inseots or disease. Dori't take the risk - proteot your investmnent end yotsr farmi future, with low-cost crop insurance from The Crop Insurance Commission of Ontario. ind out how from your local agent - ask your local Agricultural Office for his namne. Or complete and mail this coupon today. TkE ROPINSURANCE COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO r Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario I Please senid me complete information on the.latest crop insurance program j NAMVE .................................................... ADDRESS-.....................................................I IL . . . uÊ . .- . . . .5M.. .= -. .. . ..W . ÎI-âüa.fl . ..j Eastr'sJust a Leap Awayi Sq îHcp on to these Bargain'! 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