OKONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1969) Se.e Milisos Insurance Agsuicy MI classes of personal and C7ommercial Coverages Offce: Man St-, Orouo 983-5032 l-es. 983-5754 IGord Simýs.n, 5 phone Orgne 983-590)g orome, Ontaro- PAINTINU gCA1tPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL &EPAIRS Inteier Extaer CHARLES fRdWD Oreno's Licensed Auctioneer and Valunatuî Speciallze in Farm and Furnitulre Sale, ConýSuiv nefo eri PBoN"E ORONQ 983-591,1 n' Cumenti und Ou quality and service leaves nothlng to' be desired ,&Mx the person -Who boughit fromi ýja neighbour, friend, or relative lb. Rt1J¶IER GRANITE COMPANY "3 Otario Street PORT HOPE "Largest dîsplay lu Southern Ountarlo", WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Soiue Phono 9834843 Mecýulocl Oc ATS & MOTO"S CHAIN SAWS aepaire t. aU makes of La"U agowers&aid 2 sud 4 cycle Engn"' OTACO PLOW POINT ANII NACHINEET PUMPINGOUT SurlieTAN"S mrt T.umpkimSl Ph"* 74U FYCETT PHOmbNgE&9H3a4n7 Barn~ & Byain FLUMRJNG sud REATING m4 S.rvk~D -~ IWU~ uiURlLft ~,i-~K4I4--k.- 8-A flNA~CiNt~ ~ Phonco: Tyrone 263.264~0 ilanipton 265-2288 _______________- ------y ---a.. Orville Chatterton Electrical uonfracting Electrie tteatîng --a ci~..,:,.,. j j ~IZIU ~VIV1LV j PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 j Orono, (>nttrîo, IORONO ELECTRIC Herh and Gerry Duval ELEcTRICAL CONTRACTING: ELECTRIC H EATINO ELE4ýTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. -" COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-,FI FRIGIDAIRE - il C.A. DOMINION ELELýCTÏROIIOIE I?4GLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED -3ERVICE- F imilty ondg adervamie Puace of clSadte Hmioni 318 .mdo 983-51 M WBMYIONTAI Buildig a Blouse? or edlMg 71' Pi' Floyd Nicholso'n FOR SALE T.V., 23 inchl. Good condition. Phone 983-5981.a- FOIR SALE X 198 Ski Doo, in good con- dition. Reasonable price. Phonle 983-"20. b-p FOR SALE Dried shelled Corn for sale. pick, up or delivery cali Bob Carruthers. RR 1, Bowr-n- vil'(e. Phone 623-5485.t- VISIT FRE D'S FRUIT MARKET We specialize in quality apples, Red Deliciotis, Spys, Russets and many other varieties, at whole- sale prices. Fresh Apple Cidter, Ice Cream. .79ü, hall gallon.t- REAL~ ESTATE CABEER We have openings for career minded people. Interested in seil- ing Real Estate properties, 'full or part time. SIf you are living in Orono, Bowmanville, Newcastle, Ponty- pool, Millbrook, Port Hope or areas. Phone John F. DeWith for a personal initerview, from: john F. IjeWith Real Estate 1-1d. Bowmanville, 623-3950. f-14-c .IACK IUCARD 99 Knhg St.,Er e(OWMYANVILLE WhnBu3 ng or Sellin-g eau WILF HAWKE VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 vlembers of )shawa and Des trict Real !Estate Board Oxferd BRICKLAYERS STON EMA SO NS IV. Schmahl specialhtug i an knds of STONXEWORK and FIREPLACES We aise do Cihuney MDu ROGERSON MBONO, ONTAMJ ANTIQUES mE BUT ANI>Sm£L 0ou Q"i, ChI"%,FMe Atc Top àmad OUilles IF rrs oLD .-. CýALLUS WB PAY CASH! Ph....9U14210 or 623-3128 COMING EVENT You are invited to attend St. Saviour's A.C.WV. Salad Plate sup- per in the Parisýh Hall on Wcd- nda.April "'2 Ad1mission $1-50. Children un- derv 12 yrs., 75e. Time 5 p.m. on. Palm Sunday, 'March 3Oth ser- vice will begin aà 9:30 ar.. b-c NOTICE Official opening of Kîrby Cen- tennial Sehool, March 28th at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. a-c NOTICE The family of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ransberry, R.R. 2, Orono would like to invite friends and neighbours to a dance in honour of their parents' 25th Wedding Anniversary at the Oddfellows Hall in Orono on Saturday,,April 5thi at 8:30 p.m. NOTICE Fish and Chips - ail you can eat every Saturdiay ntght at "The Acres" for 99 cents. t-f WORMS A PROBLEm?. Use PAM4OVIN Tablets or IÀquàd. The single dose treatinent for pinwu-rms.' Av*aibable at Stutt's Phairmacy. -6. NOTICE Newcastle Liens Club Easter Dance, at the Newcastle Com- munity Hall, S$aturday March 29 at 9 p.m. Music by the .Ambassa- dors. Bar Privileges -'Spot dances. $400 per couple. b-c NOTICE Storage, Snowmobiles, and Ten Trailers. Cal,786-2404. W. FRANK, REAL ESTATI COMING EVENTS The Orono Figu re; Skating Club presents its i23rd Annual Carnival on Frîday and Saturday, March 28th and 29th at 8:00 p.m. Admnision: Aduits $1.00, children under 12 years, 50e. b-e ATTENTION Fr eezer Owners Custom meat cutting for al meats. Phone 983-5201. HORTICULTURAL NOTICE Mr, S. Rutherford will show pictures of Scotland at. theý Hor- ticultural meeting, Thursday ev- ening, March 27th at 8:00 ýpm. in the Main Hall of the ChuZch. Plan to attend. i2éc, CARD 0F THANKS 1 would like. to express; my sinr çere, thanks toe relatives,ý frieý.ids and neighbours for flowers, cards and- gifts. during my stay in hos- pital., Speclal thanks to Dr. H. B. Rundie, nurses and staff on surgical floor for their kinç¶ness and care. a-,p MÈs. H. 'W. (Tom) H rdy CAJtD 0F THANKS, ýI would like to say thanks toý my friends and rel.ativesý for theý lovely cards received on my 8th bàrthday. Also thanks -to our faily for the pleasant 'surprise birthday party given at our home, March 16th. a-p. Calv in' Myles DIED ville Memoial Hospital, lviarch' Boats l6th, 1969 Willempje, van Hattum (Kool). Beloved, wvife of Albert b-c van Hattum; dear mother of Hendriena and Betty. Age 49 -years. Funeral service was. fromn the Barlow Funeral Home, Orono Ontario on Tuesday, March 18 at, I2 p.m. Interment Orono cemetery. E UIMITED Realtor 21 King St. W. B&wmanvîille 1623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 port Hope office 885-4548 Fer prompt, courteouls, effld ent service wheu buylug or selllug aud for the. Iargest se& et-tion of properties lu, the ares Contact Orono Area Representatlves Roy Foster 983-580 BLoss Gibart 983-5533 Andy Sutch 983-91191 oy Strong 52~: FARM SALE To be held on the property of Simon Feddema, April 12th at 1:00 o'clock. 11/ miles east of Kirby. Ray and Roy Williamson. Aue- tioneers., AUCTION SALE Farm sold. Auction sale of machinery, hay and s traw, the property of Lyle MeMillan, Con. 12, Lot 22, Oton- abee Township; 2 m~iles south of By-Pass, Texaco Station, Old Keene Road. Saturday. Aprîl 12 Terms Cash. No., reserve. at 1:00 p.m. sharp. David Cornish, Graham Lowes, Auctioneers. .AUCTION SALE Western Stock Heifers, the property of J. R. Edgerton will be sold at the f arm 1 mile north of Bailieboro, Highway 28 then 3 miles east on Con. 2. Saturday, March 29. Sale to commence at 1:00 p.m. sharp. 24 head top quality western (last f ah) stock heifers approx. 550 to 600 lbs., guaranteed open. Terms cash. No reserve. Charles Reid, Graham Lowes, Auctioneers. HERD DISPERSAL 160 Hoisteins 43 -Registered; 17,Grade. Clas- sified, Cert. Area, Unit Sires, Vac- cinated, Pregnancy Tested. Selling at the farm, the prop- erty of Mr. Seldon Parker, New- castle, Ont. Second farm directly west of Newcastle on Highway No. 2. Sale to be held Wednesday, April' 2nd, at 1:00 p.m. sharp. Lunch available at the f arm. Terms cash, no reserve. Charlie Reid, Sales Manager and Auctioneer. p l j;,iýi ý - lýgqý111 .!..!