ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1969 Not lmmediate (Continued from page 1) tain the 'continuity of interest and to assist in achieving a mut- ually advantageous regional gôv- ernment. Mr. McKeough said the province had no map showing future reg- ional boundaries and they had no timetable for the, creation of ro- gionai governments in any given area. The population figure of 150,- 000 to 200,000, ho sae, represent- ed- the minimum population ne- quirements for the fficient son- vicing of rogions by tho varions dopanîmonts of the provincial government, howevor the minist- or recognized that these figures may not always bo achievoable. The Departmont of Municipal, Affairs had 14 negional govern- 'I mont studios underway ia vani- our stages. They did not feel that they had tho staff or the finances to begin another rogional study. The major delays had boon caus- ed by lack of staff. The study in Ontario, Mr. Mc- Keough said,I was being financed by the local governments, the Departmont of Highways, the De- partmont of Treasury and Econ- omics and the Department of Municipal Aff airs. It wouid includo the western portion of the United Countios and the area of study could bo ex- panded if the commissionor feit that additional areas woro in- voived.. The ministor said that rogion- ai studios woro not undertaken because of a local referendum or plebiscite. The department would not be able to consider the ro- quest of Northumberland and Durham until 18 months had passed. The department wouid, in al cases, want an "lurban-controd" ecgion. fho committeo was assured t1lat the Township of Darlington would nqot bo recognizod without 1h ,-ught being given te the rest -' the couTitics. The minister feit that the study itseif would take one year and that settiement would tako one yoar. The aim was to have logislation which would bo effective January 1, 1972. Mr. McKeough inferred that ho would not like a groat deai of monoy spent on a tegional study. He thought that perhaps existing staff couid carry out the studios, or at ieast propane tho way for such a study. His departmont would weicome proliminary studios and ho stress- ed that ail boundary or jurisdic- tional linos must ho kopt flexible. 2 lb. 1cello 4 Best Buy! - Reg. $1.39 Maxwelli buse Instant 14c off Pack COFFI Ho suggested that the next year be used to promote and develop- discussions between governing authorities and poiqted out that amalgamations of small munici- palities were being activoly sup- ported by bis departmoent. During the meeting, W. L. Thomas, chairman of the special advisory and co-ordinating com- i! -ttee, tlvinked the minister for his commcnt3 mard said that the United Counties would try' to help wit h the amalgamations. Ho also requested that the minister, draw a north-south lino on the oastern boundary of the Ontario County Planning and De- velopment study so that ail par- ties concerned wouid' know their situation more fully. Mr. Thomas asked about t he department's plans for tho re- maining portions of tho counties of Northumberland, Durham and H-I Fresh - Neyer Frozen - Grade 'A' TURKEYS 39c1IL FulIy Cooked - Shank Portiion Pnemium Sugar Plum SMOKED HAM .... lb. 69C SMOKED TIAMS .... lb. 89C Swift Fuliy Cooked SAUSAGE MEAT lb pkg 49e IHAM SUICES ...... lb.- 89C Beef Chuck Red Brand 60 to 80 lb. Avg. 59c lb. Bursting wth Juice,, Floida GRAPEFRUIT 10 â%for 59m" Gourmet's Delight, Fresh Large Bunches Pantry Sheif Brand 48 oz. tins Green Onions 3 -fer 29c Pure Apple Juice 3 for $1 Save 13c! . Faney Quality 14 oz. Tins Stokely's Pyeas Honey PofOr89C Save .12e! - Fancy Quality 12 oz. Tins Stokely's Corn Whole Kernel 2 for 39c Best Buy! - Reg. 2 for 65e value Se off Pack - Monarch, 1 lb. parcbment Save 30e! - Canned Midget Margarine 4 for .99c MmAPLE A m Best Buy! - Save 6c! - Prepared 16 oz. jar I French Mustard 25c' LEAF AN I Best Buy! Save 10e Stuart House 50-ft ae20!aneyaeFoul Wrap 12" wide 69c Save 20c! - Pure Glant Pkg. IR' 1 e Oatmeal Dad's Cookies Save 9c! - Mix for Bar-Tender's 81 Feature!- Valley View 1 oreakfast Prunes -8oz. bags' S 39< 19C pkg. 1% lb. cello 49c Sugar Crisp 9 oz. Prost Cereals 2 pkg.s. 69< Save 10e!- Stuffed Manzanilla - Loose Paek 12 oz. jar Club House Olives 59c Reg. 69e!- Premium Value 100 to eelio Lyons Tea Bags 59C Best Buy! - Save 8e. Bieks Pollsh 32 oz. jar1 DILLS 45, I aaa Spaghet Best Buy! - Save 12e! s TA19R-T orange Crystals 31/ oz. tins 2fer 390 1½%lb. TIn teg. 98c! - Plastice Economy Package :urad Candages 69c FROZEN FOOD MEATURE Package of 2 Shrimp Cocktaili 4-oz. Jars 75c Delieious, Refresbing Weleh's 6-CR. Grape Juice 2 for 39c GiantPkg. 4 roils 49c Ivalue Save 17e! - Ailen's 48 oz. tins It Assorted Fruit - Allens 6 oz. jar DRINKS 2 for $I Phone 98-521 OlRONO, ONT. Local News' Mr. Tom Lewis is a patient in the Toronto Generai Hospitai. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. 0. Coatham have moved into their new home which they reeently built off Mill Street, Orono. Mr.. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey moved on Saturday to their hoir;, o-i Main Street south which they recontly purchas.,d from Mrs. Elsie Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Yeo and son movod into tho a- partment vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Bailoy. Victoria. SAlex Carruthers, MPP for Dur- ham, a member of the committee asked about the department's thoughts for the eastern bound- arios of the United Countios. Mr. McKeough roplied that the idea with regard to the inclusion of Darlington in the County Planning and Dovolop- ment Study, had corne from the Central Ontario .Joint' Planning Board. H1e again assured those present that thoy would not have their bounýdaries changed without a great 'deal of prior consultation. H1e said Darlington would have ils say inthe development of fu- ture plans. The department was not anxious to break up a:muni- cipality or a county. D. J. Little, the committee's municipal planning consultant, asked the minister if ho and bis department, would welcome a re- gional study and if such a study should ho initiatod. Mr. McKeough said ho, wouid weicome such a study and that both he and his department woç~ld welcome. ail the discussion taking place between the Count- ies of Victoria, Peterborough, Hastings, Prince Edward and the United Counties of Northumber- .land and Durham. Custom Gardening Services Ploughing - Disking - Cultivat- ing- Levellîng - Earthmoving Custom Landscaping - Weed and Grass Mowing - Post Hole Boreing - Snow Removal Sm McAFEE UR 2, Bowmanville Tel. 725-6024 Oromof Bvildiuag Contractor Brick - B".e - CeeRet. 963» WOW& carea* -.Cabis Wek 383-8441 ORONO SIMPSOW's Buy of, the Week! MIR LIQUID DETERGENT 24 oz. twin pack Save 20e 69 Maple Leaf Flakes 79c BEST BUY - Save 6ce1- LANCIA Reg. $1.13 Value - 15e off Paek Cheer'Detergent Best Buy! - Save 13e! Ballet Tissue, CORNISH'S RED'& WHITE ----- - ----- mw à 0 ý %4Z E