ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL lth, 1969 Th e Easter Messcge At The Oom United (lit ch (Continued from iast week) There was one woman in Jer- usalem who was totally crushed by the fact of Jesus death. Her name was Mary and as she came from the village of Magdala, she ~was always cailed Mary 1Vagda- lene. She had been in the power 'of evil spirits, a terrible experi- ence, worse than any pain or terror we can imagine, but the powerfui Jesus liberated her. Since then she'had follo.wed Jes- -us where H1e went; in His pres- ence she feit perfectly saf e and happy, but when He was- not near she feit uneasy again, afraid that the evil spirits might corne back and make lier their slave again. She had watched near the cross hoping and praying, but nothing liad hirp-pened: Jesus had died and H1e was now in the grave. She would neyer see Hlm again, neyer again would she hear the beloved voice. During the Sabbath day she had to stay home but the next miorning xvhile it was stili dark, TherIoine 0f 'Sports ENJOY THE GAME OF BILLIARDS AT MATT'S Where ail the sports meet Also available:, Ciegarettes Tobaccos, Cigars,,Pipes, etc Lighters and Watches $Soft Drinks- Candies ATIS BILLIARDS and Burbershop PINE RIDGE Landscapi',ng and Garden Service (FREE ESTIMATES) Home Maiunenance, Nursery stock,. etc. -Phone 62a-7633 Box 25BoýýMaùie she went to the gardien where they had putJesus to rest. To be where .the body of Jesus was, was the small and only consolationi left to hier. But she arrived there, ber eyes grow wide with fear; the stone was rolled away, the grave empty. The last and small con- solation she had hoped for, to be near Jesus' body had been taken from. her. Now nothing was lef t, nothing but hopeiessness and mis- ery. As fast as she could she went to Peter and John saying to themn breathlessiy; "they have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid Him." Jeter and John went with hier to the grave, and saw that it was so . . . . the tomb was ,empty, only the linen cloth in which they had wrapped Jesus was there, but Jesus' Body had disappeared. Most men are mat- ter of fact, business like, even in their love and friendship, there la nothing for them to do, the grave is empty, s0 they go home again But Mary the womrna is different, she does not go. She is compieteiy stunned by this last and final blow. The only thing for hier to do now is weeping, weeping, because everythîng she has is lost in hier life. Her life is completeiy empty and worthiess now. 'the future is s0 black that she does not even 'dare to think about it. She cannot accept the hard fact,' she refuses to. realize that everything is over. Perhaps the body 'uf Jesus is still there. She stoopes to look in the tomb.. Two angels are sit- ting at the place where the body "of Jesus was, but Mary is now 50o filled with hier own sorrow and despair that she cannot, even rec- ognize them with hier tearful leyes. 1 1 Then the angels address hier; "woman why are you weeping?" "Because they have taken- away my Lord arw4 I do not' know where- they have laid Him." That is the oniy thing that is in hier mind, - th;,t ik the answer she wilgive to everyone who ad- dresed her - nothing else ex- ists for her now. "They have tak- en ýaway my Lord". That is the expression of ah h ler agony and despair. She does not even wait for an answer. 0f course, no an- swer can help hier, she can oniy repeait again and again lier un- bearable sorrow: "My Lord is no longer, here, they have even stol- en His body away from me." She turns round and sees an- other man standing there. This man aiho, aslls hier the saine question: "woman why are you weeping? Whom do you seek?"I Mistaking lini for the gardener she, went to Hlm with tears in hier eyes saying, "Sir, if you have car- ried Him away, tell me where you have laid ii and' I will take His body away."1 And then the miracle happens. She hears one word, one word only hier namne: "Mary". There are many short words in every language which can convey a world of thought, feeling and love but none can compare with the pronuinciation of the naine by someone who loves us. By simpiy addressing a person by his namne, we can aimost express anything. Quick as iightening this word penet.rates into hier heart. Where did she *hear that voice before? When was it that she had he,,ard herseif address!ed with that samne voice, with that one word, Thiat was the Lord when He had* liberated her fromn the bond- her naine, Mary? age of the evil spirits and now the samQ voice again, that samne word, hier naine, Marýy! How the whole world la chang- ed] inMo nemment. COUNTY HOLSTEIN MAIÈES FINE RECORD A purbred Holstein cow in the herd of Glen Rae PFarais, Bow-- manville, Ontario has recently completed a fine record of per- old, she will be in the presence of the Lord again, for ever and ever. Igow even death 'cannot separate Hlm from hier, She wanted to throw herseif at Jesus' feet as an expression of the fact that she wants noýthing else but to be the Lord's devoted slave for ever and ever. But the Lord stops hier. He has risen from the dead, H1e lives, but no longer in the samne way aes 11e did before His death. NoQw again He belongs to the eternal word of God from which H1e came. Now the relation- ship to ail His disciples and friends is different than it was before. "Do not hoid me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father." Mary has toconvey a message, the Lord does not beiong to hier alone, but to al fis disciples. They, too, have to hear the message of joy and Mary is the chosen one to bring to theml the the giorious tidings. But go to My brethren and say to them: "I am ascending to My Father and to your Father, to My God and your God." Neyer before had Jesus used the word brethren. Thée highest expression hie had used, when to- gether with them preoeding His death, was friends, but now it is brethren. My Father and your Father, My God and your God. Is there anything that exeeeds this giory, to be called brethren of Christ, to be allowed to ad- dress God as Father? There is nothing in heaven or earth that can be compared with it: God our Father, Jesus Christ our Brother. And, so' Mary Magdalene went as the first messenger of the res- urrection to bring the tidings of unspeakabie ly Thousands and thousands since then have gone to ail the corners of the earth to let the people know that death and sin have been conquered by Jesus Christ the Lord. Death is no longer the. end of everything but for those who belong to Christ the gate of eternal life to communion with God. Christmas is -a feast that is cel- ebrated by millions, even by those who are lot Christian, but only Christians can really, cele- brate Easter, oniy Christians are filled I'th joy because Christ rose from the dead. Whien we stand at an open grave where someone dear to us is put to rest, we have only one comfort to offer, one comfort whieh is enough. Christ rose from the dead. If we cannot fin~d Consolation In that fact, there is no consolation at ail. It is either Christ's resurrec- tion or nothing, either eternal life or eternpd death. Theref ore Paul the apostie dares to say, "0 death, where is thy victory? 0. death, where is thy sting"? And this is as it must be. "Christ's death and His res- urreetion is the message of joy for ail times, and for ahl the, peoples of this world. We beiong to a Lord who lives, and we who belong to Him wiil live with Hiai forever. formance test. As a twelve-year- old in 305 days on twýice-a-.day milking, Fordholm Achilles Hope produced 20,172 lbs. mik con- taining 880 Ibs. fat, average test 4.36%- butterfat. This record has a Breed Class Average of 185% for miik and 219% for fat. For this achievement, she was award- ed a Superior Production certifi- cate by the Hoistein-Friesian As- sociation of Canada. In five lactat<v' ý on tw'ice-a- day milkcing, Hope pl-oduced 106,308 lbs. mik containing 4,616 lbs. fat, average ýtest 4.34% but- terfat. For this, she was awarded a Red, Seai production certificate by the Hoistein-Friesian Associa- tion of Canada. Hope is classified "Very Good" f or body conformation and was sired by the "Exceik(int" and Ciass, Extra, Seiiing Sovereign Achilles. Escorted Motor Coach Tours For the Summner Season With TRENTWAy TOURS CALGARY STAMPEDE, CANADIAN ROCKIES AND YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK Twenty-one days JUNE 30 to, JULY 20 CANADIAN ROCKIES AND YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK Twenty-one days JULY 13 to AUG. 2 MARITIMES and CAPE BRETON ISLAND Fifteen days JULY 19 to AUG. 2 also SEPT. 13 to SEPT. 27 ATLANTIC CITY and NEW YORK CITY Seven days JULY 21 ýo JULY 27 NEW ENGLAND and CAPE COD FOLIAGE Seven days SEPT. 28 to OCT., 4 CIVIC HOLIDAY SPECIALS MOOSONEE or QUEBEC CITY AIJG. 1 to 4 For Complete Itineries of Ail Tours Contact JURY,& LOVEL IR AVELL Bowmanville - 623-3182 19 King St. E, William c. Halil, B. Comm.le' Chartered Accountant Plone 1Newcastle 987-4240, Ail dayWednesday ,and -Saturdày > Dl DX Di D Dx w-DX DX DX X DX DX!XR BOe im .... ECONOMIZE! D)X FUEL PHONE 66gw3341 [X)X DX DX DX DX DX DXi-DX DX -»x D lee When Vou have a cliild or r.ach 21 or utove teoa new addresu or wh.n you are newly married... Te heep your OMSIP protection cad t. -on v pamem _..otify withizi 30 days: Health Insarouce Registration Board, 2195 Touge Street, Toronto 7. .ÉMM If weare to help we need to know. Albert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIRS phone 988-5248 Oromo CUT FLOWERS available every week-end Special plants by order Bowmanville Cleaners Every Tues., Thurs.,, Fni. Middiltns