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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Apr 1969, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 1Oth, 1969 The Easter Message At The ,Oromo United Church EASTER MESSAGE, ORONO UNITED CHURCH Everytbing was over now. lb was extremely liard and bit- ter 10 admit to oneseif, but the cold bard facîs did not ailow anv other explanation. The deep feit hope, the giorious expectations wbich had been raised in their hearts these three years were seattered now lîke a grain field alter a severe haîlstorrn. There was now only one thing left: the beautiful remembrance - the gratitude for that which they once enjoyed. But for the present there was no hope, noli-, ing aI ail. And how glorious il had been! 1Pirst tliere came the unbending man of, God, John the Baptist, the Priest son who had renounced priesthood for a severe life in the desert. Like thunder bis mighty voice liad called the people t0 repentance. "Repent for the king- dom of heaven is aI hand."1 Many had confessed tlieir sn, eneour- aged by John's words that lie himself " was not the one they had been waiting for, but that lie for whom tliey waited would reveal himself soon. And then 11e bad corne frorn an obscure town in the north of the country: Jesus the prophet from Nazarethi. The people did not know wliat happened 10 thcm when lhey were li stening b bhis voice. Dur- ing Iliose brief hours tliey f elt as if they were in the presence of God Hirnself. His tender hands touched the eyes of the blind and they could see again. Lame and palalyzed people were. brougit tb Him and went away jumping witli joy, tears streaming from their eyes. Neyer before had they experienc- ed any thing like that. Il seemed as if finally the acceptable year of the Lord had corne. Il was only a few days ago that their expect- ations had reached their highiest peak; Jesus had raised bis friend Lazarus frorn the dead., After- wards Jesus had gone 10 Jerus- alem 10 celebrate the great feast of the Jews - their joy knew no limits. They had cut "off the branches of the trees 10 bonour Him; they ýhad put 'off their gar- ments upon the road, as if H1e were 'a King and they His loyal subjeets who wanted to show hox« much they loved Him, - how mucli they wanted to make il clear to Hlm that they expected everything from Hlm and from Hum alone. But now in a few days only, tbey had falien from the peak of their higliest hopes into the àbyss of hopelessness; they awoke frorn a beautiful dreamn and the eold reality was more frightening than, ever. Tliey had seen from the be- ginning how the hatred against. Him increased, liow the leaders of their people had tried every way 10 kili Him, but they had trusted that H1e was powerfui en- ougli b defeat them ail. Finally, Ris enemies had suc- ceeded in capturing Hirn; they Wedding Stationery When, planning your wedding be sure to view the beautiful and complete line of Wedding Station- ery handled at the Orono Weekly Times. -A complete line of Invitations, Announcements, Thank-you cards Serviettes, Matches, Place Card, Reception Cards. Orono WV'eekly Times Phone 983,530Y1 Orono, Ont. had forced the Roman Governor to do their wili and Jesus had been crucified; murdered on the terrible cross. On the evening of that day a courageous man had obtained permission to bury His body in a new cave - to put to rest the body of thèir beioved Lord and Master. Several women had carefully prepared His body for burial as a last token of grat- itude. What they had been able to dIo, they liad done, but then, how little it was these moving deeds of gratitude and love while in their own hearts everything was cmpty and dark. lis friends were sulent and dis- couraged with ail their hopes scattered, but bis enemies were filied with unholy glee; the vic- tory was theirs. For Pilate the condemnation of Jesus had only been a brief interruption of the more important business of, state 10 which lie must attend, but for the priests and the Pharisees it was different; 'the death of Jesus had been for them a vietory, and this year, the first lime in a long period, they couid celebraie the_ passover. relaxed and without fear, for their great enemy had been put out of the way; He wouid trouble thern no more. The reins of authorily were firrn in their hands again. No one would lry to defy their authorily and power now that even Pilate had yielded bo their demands. But the torluring question for those who had loved Jesus, who had expected everylhing from Him was Ibis - why did God"al- low evil to have the upperband in this world? Why bad he allow- ed lis courageous and failliful messenger, John the Baptist to be murdered by the adulterous llerod? If God was on the side of John the Baptist and Jesus, as they firmly believed, why bad 11e fot defended them, against the vic- ious Priests and Pharisees, and the pagan governor? Was the sup- remne power perbaps in the hands' of the evil one, instead of in the hands of God Abnighty? Was iA perbaps this way that the beautiful and tender tbings of lfie are 10 lbe found wilh the religilous people, but power with the workeri- of evii? Jesus too had power 10 conquer illness, cv- il spirits and even dealli,'as Laz- arus and others had experienced but finally the cross made an end: to Ris Holy iife. Some of the friends who bad remained tli the nd bad heard His last words: "Pallier int Thy hands I eom- mend my spirit." Yes, 11e was with the Father now, but lhey were still in Ibis frightening world where evil Powers ruled and where Jesus no longer was present to guide thern and bo pro- teet them against Satan and his servants. (To be continued next week) Foster Care The Boy Who Picked Pis Own Mother Biliy was a 10 year oid boy wlio was vcry unbappy in bis borne. Deserted by his mother sorne years before, lie fel unwanted by bis father and tlie woman his ,faîher lived with. He was fre- quently punished for trifling mat- ters and was iefl alone for ' on end while the couple stayed in a nearby pub, only coming when il closed. After one partie- ulariy violent 'quarrei aI home, 1. rai away. Billy remernbered a foster mother who had once been a neighbour and had often befriend- ed and corforted hlm. She had moved 10 another neigliborhood, ment with them. In Ontario, about 10,000 foster homes are in use. About 6,000 families apply every year 10 lake foster cbildren. At the same lime, there are aiways about 18,000 chldren needing care. In our own area, tlie Children's Aid Society bas 72 foster homes in use and received 45 applica- lions iast year. The .A.S. took 85 chidren inb care and sent 38 back bo their' homes, and an- other 94 were placed on adoption. The C.A.S. ended the year witli 155 children in care. "It can neyer be a question of dividing the number of cbhildren by the number of homes and Ihenshulting up the shop," said a Chid Gare Worker of thie C.A. S. "Different children have dif- ferent needs and some foster par- ents are belter witli one kind of chuld than wilh another. The more foster families we have bo draw from, the more ,able we are to meet a particular child's needs." Today, in Ontario, many Poster Parent's Associations are being formed with the help of their C.A.S., to enhance tlie important job they are doing, bo adcl prest- ige 10 fostering, tb recruit new foster parents and to encourage community understanding of- the chuld who bas lost bis own farni1y- Albertis Texaco GENERAL REPAIES Phone 9&3-5249 Orme, Check These Early April Seloctions And Corne See Us Ami SmiI. White Rain Hair Spray, tin oniy *.. .. 99e Higli quality Nylons, 2 pr. plus a spare for 66e A good assortment of ladies cotton blouses, ail sizes, colours . ........ $1.19- $1.98 Ladies new Spring Shift Dresses, al Colours Priced at ........ $1.98 and $3.99 Children's Jacket and Spring Windhreakers Priced at........... each $2.63 and $2.98 Grirls' pantie and haîf slip sets various size $1.0 Foricy Amber ýCandy Dishes, each only .. $2.00 Deluxe kneellng pad 19"x13" various colour 63eý Non-glare glass,picture frames 2 sizes 5 ims by 7 ins. and 8 by 10 îns. for .... $1.13 Decorator Cushions in ýass't. colors each $1.77. Men's 'Dan River' Sport Shirts with button- down'coilars in plaids and stripes ... $3.99, Log Cabin boxed Chocolates, 1-lb. box .. $1.25 Hybrid Gladiolus in 5 different colors 5 for 57c Also sec our Steele-Briggs Flower and Veg- etable Pack. Orono 5c to $1,00 Store Ph-une 983-5401 Wh.n y.ou have a chuldo:r rach 21 a imove teoa new addre,. mr wheu Voun are newiy nmaxd... Te k» uODMP parotection aMdte H.aulth Imaurace Registati.u foad, 2195 Yeuse Street, TuOnte m7.090Mml Il we are to help we need to know. r

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