Municipal Taxes lncreased Littie. Taxpayers in the Township of ClJarke and the Village of Orono, ,aithough faced withi an increased educational tax as reported last week, can take somne relief in the fact that municipal ta-xes show only a .746 miii increa§e or a sum o)f $229 on an assessmient of S3,000.00. This incrc.ase covers taxation hy the Counties, the Township, the Village Trustees Of Orano and the Ganaraska miii -rate. The total rate for these riunicipal departments amâount 'ta 56.264 milis as compared ta 5M. in 1968. The total mil] rate including the educational miii rate has reached 139.094 for 1969. On an a'ssessment of $300000 the taxes wiil ho $417.28 as compared with $36834 in 1968. This does not in- ludo extra rates for water in the Police Village of Orono or Street Lighting rates for Newtonville or Kendai. In comparing the 1969 tax bill Club Eleet ffIcers The Orono Figure Skating Club held their annual meeting an Wécdnesday evtrning ai last week w-,heni a new siate ai officers was elected fo)r the ensuing year. The meetng ws bId in the Orano The list of offices and direct- ,ors are as foilows: Mr.Shirley Williams, Past President. Mrs. Audrey Bucekley, President Mrsý. Beryl Clark, lst Vice Pres. Mrs. Carol Boydl, 2nd Vice Pres. Mrs. Madelene Madil, Sec'y. Mrs. Edna Watson, Treaisure-,r. Mms Lynda MceCullough, Cara- !val Convenar. M1r,. Fran Lunn, Test Chairman MUr3. Dorpthy Tennant and Mrs. -Joce Tennanit, BainquïetChairmen Direetors elected were, Mrs. MarVrie LowryMrs. Pegg Biaschke, -Mrs. Rosem-faryv Har'twig Mrs. Doreeni Wood, Mrs. Janie QunrlMrs. Pat Hasiuk, Mrs. MVaureen -Wilkins and Mrs. Joyce Jit was decided at the meefing thatl the Club) would discontinue apri-'tingc the diner at the local fair but wouild continue to'cater for b-anqutets. It was feit that a suýLccessÎiuI yer bad been completed ast year. Round about us PARK BOARD PREPARES FOR SUMMER The Orono Park Board met on Tuesday evening when they made preparation for opening the park and for making the necessary re- pairs. The Board, received a delega- Mion from the rno, Amateur Athletic Association and after discussion it was decided ta have ,a new back-stl installed. The Park BoardM$'to purchase the equipmenit and' the Athletic is ta ânstal the hackstop. Sonie discussion èentred on benches for the bail dîamonýd but no action was taken at thiis time. SIIELTER BASIC RATE UP Tt is understood that owners and tenants in Clarke Township are to receive a better deal this' year on the Shelter reduction rate provided by the Province. This bcl h shown on the tax bUl as it was last year. In 1968 thos- in the Township eligible for the grant received a reduction of $29.00. This year the reduetion will be increased to $3900., to, that af 1968 there is noted a decrease in the County rate from 16.260 ta 15.527 milis in 1969. The Township of Clarke generai rate and road miii rate total 40.267 in 1969 as c ompared to 30.840 in 1968. The Township rate in Or- ana in 1969 increased to 20.779 milîs as c?4npared to 19.126 milîs in 1968. The Ganaraska rate in-.,, creased slightly from .400 ta .470. The Police Village rate has drap- ped slightly fromi 19.714 ta 19.400. NO CIERK AS YET The Township af Clarke bas net 'as y et appointed a Township Clork. Sove-n applications were received but none carried the qualifications, for the job. Mr. Tom Monahan,. who has- been clerk for Clarke, left last Friday for bis new position in northern Ontario. Mr. HnyDeWith bas, been again appointed acting Clerk for the, Micipahility at a special ýmeet ing hJ on 6aturday evening BEAUTIFICATION We un slerstand that consider- able impravomient is ta bie made ta the ie north of Station street and along Main Street. This work is being undertaken by the Police Trusztees in connection with tHe road program. It could easily mnean the &isappearance ai the unsighitiy chaîn iink fence a- long Main Street at the ravine site. TREE REMOVAL In the matter ai pragress, a goodly hnmber ai stateiy maples are being eut down i~n the middle af tawn lecaving some of the streets quite bare. This bas been made necessary in order ta in- staîl storm sewers, curbs and gutters. This will be especially true on Park Street where ail the trees are to go. On Centre Street only two trees wil be taken down Cburcb suffers very littie. Expect Educational Tax Relief From Province Orono W e,.ý7,I ,ie ORONO WEEKLY ilMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 24th, 1969 Kirby H & S Elect Officers The Annual meeting ai the Kirby Home and 'School Associa- tion was held on Tuesday' , April lSth in the Sehool. Auditorium. Follawing the reading ai the minutes, the treasu.rer's repart was read showing a balance ai $51.42 as of Marcb 8tb. The Principal, Mr. Ian Golder, introduced Constable John Chai- mers O.P.P., who showcd a school bus Aaiety Film, followed by a short informative talk and, ques- tion poriod. It was decided ta form a Bus Safety Patrol ta com- mence Monday, April 2lst with the ca operation ai the Provincial Police, teachers and stpdents. The Home and Scbool agreed ta provide Patrol Beits, badges and ramn coats. The nfolilowing aficers were re- turned for the new '69-'70 term: President, - Mr. R. Manina lst Vice Pres. - Mrs. C. Winter- hoit Treasurer- Mrs. A. Manina Seciretary Mrs. R. Lee Council Representative- - Mrs. J. Ard. Former Secreta-ry Pr.sented With Starburst Clock The teachers ai the Clarkeý Newc,,astle area met for their monthly meeting in Kirby Cen- tennial schoal, April 21. Instîtute business inciuded invitations ta members ta attend their respect- ive federation meetings; the mcni's- being-April 23, he women's May 27. Prior ta adjourning ta their groups, Mr. Moiiatt on behali ai the teachers, presented Mr. and Mrs, Horace Best witb a Star- buirst' dock, as a token of the es- teem and appreciation tbe teach- ors beld for this deceated team. Mr. Be-st, the former sccretary ai tho('½koT.S.S. Board, and lis wii, evoeda great deal ai theitIimiý.e in iurthering educa- io ihistownship. Thogropsthen assembled in The prýimary division, present- T&o Fete, Leslie Frost A Fashion Show and 1Tea at the iKirby Centennial Sohool wa most ;pleasing land dehlightiul ev- ent for the imany prnsand fi>irinds ai studenitswhn were;, attendlance. Thi, Genecral Purpose r "om ai the school was tranisfovm. ed inta a showroom of fasionl having an apprapriate atmlos- phere, plenty ai clour and en-, thusiastie modeis. The room was cheerfuily and z- 1y decorated for the occasion. Tv~1iidualtables we,-re sot for th~in attendiince and it was hr 1t-ta- and cookies were served by the grade seven girls. ,Aiter everyono was seated and rv b. t erade eight girls con- ducted their fashian show cam plete fîth soit music, commeetat- or, and a ramp which took the modr)els into the mîdst ai their auidience. Wearîng apparel was pro-ývjded by Armstrong's Store, Orono, Tcms and Sons and Paul- Shop, NcwcasÈlic, Muldcr:'s and Breslin's, Bowmanvilie, T'1, 'ppu"',a most pleasing one was well received and sup- p> ) d'( by the parents ai the cildren ai the sebool. It was aiso ai credit ta the studeets anA their The madel1s are shawn at the conclusion ai the show at which time Mrs. Mariane Tampkins, su.p- ervisinig tencher w as presented wýith a git of Blue Mouitaiii -Pacttery. Pesdensof the wido area 1), fldbyth seven counties of C ~t aiEasernOntario are ad- vis d yMr. Roy Foster, WardenY a'teUniitedl Counties of North1- umberland and Durham ta get p - iiation ai thieir public service, e ï vet bth rgnnslong" histor. is a carefulypane0ntrrs laun:iched to fve o 2Mr. and Hrs.Lesie ros th ara'sap- p 'miýCin(a their public service and id ve many yoars, par7tie- u1ryin the region's pragress." Il is wýeli knawn that Mr. Frost, v ho was a member ai the On- tario eiitr for Victoria County for 2r, consecutive years and Premier iromn 1949 ta 1961, has many lasting friendghiips thraughout the Province but none. stronger than the bonds ho has witb many of the 320,000 resi- dents oi the seven counties con- cerned in these "'appreciation plans." Mr. Foster said that the Oount- les participating are Hialiburton, Victoria, Peterborough, North- umberland and Durhamn, Hastings and Prince Edward. The big social event wîll tako the form of a gala Gardon Par-, an Saturday aitern oon, Jure14 aitth Nassau Campus af iTrent Univo2rsity on the shores afi th Otonabee River. The Wardens ai ail seven Cou.- ties, the Mayors ai every City and Town therein, with membeerý aof the (-icr i the wbole ar- oa, met recentfly at Trent Vrn. versity and decided gladiy àand unanimouely that this arn ai appreciation for Mr. and M;-, Frast ho proceeded withimmd ately. A Steering Commnittee a Mr.,T. H. B. Symons, President aiý Trent University, Mayor J. Csýusn- rik ai Peterborough, Mayor John P. Aitkens ai 'Lindsay, Judge JT C. Anderson ai Belleville, and E A. Outram,, City Clerk, Peter- barough, was named ta prepare the details. A majo~r problem aif the e«ap- preciatian"' planning is the appor- tioning ai invitations on a fair basis among the hast oi friends af Mr. anid Mrs. Frost in the mi- icipalities ai the area. Details ý3L these arrangements will hbac nouniced'later. FasionSho,,w and Tea lesnEet Four municipalities in the east- ern section of Northumberland County revalted somewhat iast Thursday when they groupe d to- gether ta pass a resolution ta the effeet that they would nat issue' tax bis with such increases. The municipalities were Brighton Vilý- lage, Brighton Township, Murray Torwnship and Crahme Township. As a resuit of this meeting they. called a further meeting for Monday night in Cobourg at which local MPPs, Reeves and members ai the County Board ai Education were invited. The education levy was again discussed but no action was taken as a resuit of the meet- ing. Mr. R. Rowe, M.L.A. for NoVth - umborland County, spoke at' the meeting and said that an an nauncement was ta he made at Qýueen's Park withîn the nextfw days ajmd although he eould not reveal its content heb feit that those present would be in favour ai the. announcement. The Seareh Is On The search is on! TËho Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts is op- ening up a THINK TANK as a new facet. of its second summer season. A search has'begun for stud- ents with niew and exciting ideas ta face the challenge ai promcet-ý in," and ipublicizing vetheatre. The Festival needs young per- sans who are artists and writers, but mo:st of al. students with ideas and opinions upon which to build a complex and far-reach- ing publicity campaign. If you can meet the challeng..e write the Pine Ridge Festiv,,t, Box 136, Newcastle or phone, 987-4235. cd a display of readers and seat- work books for their members. Mrs. Tompkins pre'snted herý group, with a list of donors ne reference materiais, some frýe, some for a slight charge, which would prove valuable as teaching aids. The intermodiate membersr- cd a display of readors andtet ferent types of puppets for uýse plays or teaching. 1