. ~ ~ .... . .... ......... ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, APRIL Z4h,_1969 OR <0WEE'KLY TIMES Second Class Mail Registration Number 0368 .Published every Thursday at the office of publication Main Street, Orono, Ontario. Phone 983-5301 Establishcd in 1938 by R. A. Forrester' Roy C. Foirrester - Editor and Publisher More Conlsideration At the present time work is underway to instail a stormn sewer system on the Main Street of Orono within the business section. The work is bein*g done in connection with the overafli Orono road progntam but is being financed by the County. The work, of course, has been sanctioned by the Counties with Dagmar Construction doing the work. ,In reviewing the contract it is evident that the work to be carried out by the Counties in this section of the Vil-, lage is only for storm sewers. There is nothing in the con- tract for pavig or for eurbing. No improvements other than the installation of storm sewers are included in the contract. Upon some investigation it appears that no def- mnite plan is laid down for paving other than it is to be done sometime. This, we believe, is not good enough. The Main Street of Orono will surely beeome a battie tomn noman's land. In the first instance the Street was tomn up for water, then came gas, and now storm sewers with a main ine on the west side and cross-overs at certain intervals. The coming patch work with that which we ai- ready have should end in a work of abstract art. To think that the County Road Commission can see no farther ahead than a day to day program is deplorable. If they want storma sewers on the Main Street why not do a ýcomplete job rather than leaviug a mess in the business section. The County Road Commission has, over the past few years, made a mockery out of the road ruuning through Orono. At onc time they were prepared, so they sâid, to make needed correction at the Main and Mill. Street inter- section. But as water was to bc installed and a well -was located on a piece of property they needed it was to be left until the Village water works was complted but to be done' as soon as the system, was installed. "Did you see anything happen?" About the time the water system was eompleted the ýCounties were going .to straighten out the Iviii hili at the south of Orono. This was in the agenda of work. In fact they eut out some of the trees and left un- sightly stumps sitting up in the air. "Have~ you seen thtem complete this project?" Now we add to the list that of paving and a haîf decenit job on the main street. Ironically enbugh storm sew- ers, on the Main street within the business section were needed to a much lesser degree than most things they could have idone to improve this section of road under their jurisdiction. .We point out at this time that Orono and Clarke Township are part of the County and pay taxes toward their rond projects. During the period of, the proposed works, Clarke has had a representation at the County even to the point of providing the Warden and Chairman of the Road Commission. At the present time, agan, the Warden comes from Clarke as also does the chairman of the County Road Commission. Sure'ly some consideration can be given by these representatives. We do not ask for favouratism but we do expect a decent job to be done. The Police Village on its part of the program is doing the complete job. Let the County do likewise and also pick up those ènds which thcy weme to have done years ago. Report From Queen's Park Alex Carruthers, MPP Durham INSURANCE ACT THE MEDICAL SERVICES An increase in doctors' fees which went mbt effect on April lat, Was the cause of au angry exehange in the Ontario Legis- latume on Thursday of last wcek. As a result of the furor, Prime Minister Robarts took the unus- ual action of withdrawîng a Bill, which a fcw minutes before hnd been introduced by the Minister of Health the Honourable Mat- thew B. Dymond, MD. It has been the custom of hate years, athough it is not included in the flouse ules, bo explain biefly the purpose of legishation on first reading. The Bill introduced by Dr. Dy- mond, was an amenilment 10 the Medical Services Insurance Act PAST GRANDS CLUB '62 On« Tuesday evcning the Past Grands met at the home of Sister Major wth 8 members present. Sister Gamsqby openied the meet- ing with a Prayer and Thought: 'How Fortunate we are.' The minutes of the ast meet- ing were raad and the fin- ancial report given. The Frýiendship Club of Ganar- aka Rebekah Lodge, Port Hope invited thle Past Grands 10 a sup- per and a social evening on 29th of May. AIl Past Girands will be contacted lbefore thc reply. After a sociah ie n icturcs of our Centenniiai Party were and provided -for the benefits un- der a standard OMSIP contract,' 10 be based on 90 pèeent of the evised Ontario Medicai Associ- ation's schedule of fees. Approval of the legislation would signify acceptance of the Ontario Medical As.-ociation's schedule. The minister's explantion of the. legisiation foliowing first eading, aroused the ire of both opposition parties, particuiarly the NDP, whose leader demandcd Dr. Dymond's resîgnation. Mr. MacDonald accused the minister of capitulation bo the' Ontario Medical Association, and attempt- cd b i!ntroduce a motion, suspend ing the business of the flouse on a matter of urgent public import- ance, namely the increase ia mad- !cal fees. s hown, the, girls cut the drapery material for the banquet hall and hope to have them finished soon for the coming events in the hall. Baha'i Faith Bahâ'u'llâh's vision of a united world begins with each mnan and woman. For further information contact: SUITE 202 Oshawa Shopping Centre U.C.W. Meeting The General Meeting of Orono U.C.W. was, held in the Mlain il-al of thie Orono United Chiurch on April 17, 1969, with ah units be- ing represented in the group of ladies attending. President, Mrs. 0. Challice, ex- tended words of welcome to al . The meeting opend by singing "Give Me Oil iu My Lamiip," with MVrs. Drummond àI the piano. The Lord's Prayer was repcated in unIson, followed by Hymn 416. A most inspir ing devotional was given by members of Unit 1, tlMe theme being, "The Whoie World, God's and Ours." Eacli in- dividual is different from another, colour, creed etc, But God has a plan for people, and we fail Him in the community and in the world unless we, put aside, the at- tributes of prejudice, hate, limit- ing other's freedom etc. and work together as Christiaus, for Christ. A vocal selection "Surely Good- ness and Mercy," was beautifully sung by a trio of Mrs. R. Han- cock, Mrs. G. Carson and Mrs. R. Chapman. Hymn 377 closed the devotional. The guest speaker was Mrs. John Knox of Hampton, who is the Su?,ply and Wefare' conven- or for Oshawa Presbytery. With posters and phauiphlcts to sup- plement her taik, she bought us Contracter Br1cIk - Blck - Conrete Stone w.rk Carpentry- Cablaet Work FI.rs - TR. su-mi41OKONO fii.sthaind informnation on the ndsof famnilies - both in Can- ada and overýseais.,Money is need- ed to buy necessities which can usually be purchascd aI a lowcr cost through the Supply and Wel- f are Dcp-t,-tmenit. Somietimes an aloîment of clotinig may have to last -for six months. Reque5ts are made by the World Council of Churches, and bales are sent wherc they are most needed. In 1967, 205/ tons of clothing and blankets were shipped from the Overseas Depot. Some places lu this arca needing help are Street Haven in Toronto (need- ing financial help) Scott Mission, Fred Victor Mission, Men's Hos- tel, Oshawa and Ontario Hospi- tai, Whijtby.1 Information provided by Mrs. Kniox was most beneficial- as the U.C.W. ladies wiil be packing a bale at the Orono Church on May 7th. Al dean used ciothing in good repair (except hats and'pur- ses) will bc accepted as well as clean used uylons for Korea. Mrs. C.' Grant I3rought a report from a meeting wihich sh 'e had atten.ded in Oshawa rcgarding Church union. *Business was con- ducted and announcements made. The meeting ciosed with the Mîzpah Benediction. Unit 2 serv- cd a delicious lunch. Bride-to-be Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Geddy, Toledo, Ohio announce the en- gagement of their daughter Bar- gara Elien bo Frank Sawyer, sori of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sawyer, Or- ono. Wedding to take place ini Toledo, Saturday, June , ý28th 1969. Kindergarten Regitration APRIL 25th-! Morning - Kirby Scheel Aternoon - Orono Scheel For ail children in Clarke Township who would normally attend the Kirby, Kendal or Orono unit. Please bring medical information and proof of age (if pos- T ime to give your Home a New Look DRAPERY SAMPLES by Treailoona Just arrived the latest colours and patterns \\\\V CUSTOM MADE TO FIT YOIJR WINDOWS or you buy the mateeal by the yard Fibrelas, Polyester, Terylene 100%C~to Foor Covei CARPETS BROADLOOM by Burllngton Milis INDOOR-OUTDOOR CARPET by Ozite Corp. and Celanese CEUION VINYL Côvering by Armstrong Corne in and sec our many, many samples Toms and Sons Limited Newcastle, Ontario Phone 987.4627