't r ~-r~r ~. r~ «w- <t. ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 24th, 1969 Taken from a sermýon preached by Rev. B. E. Long. Following the crucifixion of Jesus, orders were given to seal the tomb se that bis body could not be removed and then the dlaim made that he had risen The tomb was sealed and a guard set to insure that no sucli dlaim could be made. Those who had brought about the death of 'Jesus could relax in the knr>wledge that he could threaten them no more. It was not long however, until the cry went'out, "He is risen," In- stead of hearing no more of Jes- us, his opposition was confronted by an ever increasing number of believers wbo were even ready to face death for their belief. They had done their worst and stîli, there wsGod. The Russian radio commented, "Every scientif ic achievement deals a crusbing blow to the idea of the existence of God. The bigh- er the altitude reached by the Soviet intellect, the less room there is for religion, in the con- siousness of the people. The date April l2th, 1961 and the name of the cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, have been inscribed in history. Religion was deait a mortal blow by the human intellect and by the builders of Communism." Kruschev took a similar line by commenting ironîcally that Titov had seen no signs of God, during bis flight in space. But God was not dead for the American space men who ircled the moon and at the same time reminded the world that God was The Home 0f Sports ENJO Y THE GAMIE 0F BILLIARDS AT MATT'S, Where ail the sportsmeet Also available: Cigarettes Tobaccos, Cigars, Pipes, etc Lighters and Watches Soft Dri nks - Candies MRATI'S BILLIARDS and Brbershop Clarke Public LIBR AR y HOURS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 8:30 Thirsday 6:30- 8:30 Friday 2:30o - 5; 6:30 - 8:30 Saturday 10- 12 C al jour I iconsed Pubn ~ Mechanical Contractor qnd guexrantees PLUMINGAND HEATING phone 983-5207 Orco in the beginning of creation, that H1e still has a hand in affairs of man. Recenitly, the members of the Pueblo cnew were released and alowed te tell the stoQry of their captivity in North Korea. They were told by their captors, "Thef Russians shot ýGod down witb a, rocket." One of the men releasedt offered this summary of the re-i ligious experiences of the crew during its captivitY: "Perhaps the rcigious experience of the Pueb-N Io crew during the long il montbs of their captivity can be summed Up by saying that every effort to take away their f aith in God only caused them to move in the direction of C.od. Every effort te subvert their faith only caused thcm te reaffirm it." The Russ ians may have thought 'they had shot God down with a rocket, but He 'was not dead to those men of the Pueblo crew. Many centuries ago, the Psalm- ist 'said, "When 1 consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers,' the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained. What is man, that thou airt mindful of bim? and the son of màn, thiat thou visitest hlm?" "O0 Lord our Lord, how excellent is tby name in al the earth." The contcmporary hymn writ- er echos the same thougbt: O Lord, my God, Wben 1 in awesome wonder Çons ider ail the world's hand Yhave made, I see the stars, Thy- power througbout the un- 1 hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the uni- verse displayed., Then sings rny soul, my Saviour GÔd to thee, How great thou art, how great thou art. One mani behoids the majesty of the ho avens and féecîs drawn to God. He breaks forth into bis exp ression of praise and adora- tion. Another is confronted by the limitless expanse of space studded with- planets set like jewels in a crown. He knows cv- en better the ryhm of the uni- verse, yet ho states, ".I see no signs of God." That which causes one to be lost in wonder, love and praise causes another to question, "How can God bo personal when the, multitude of heavenly bodies and the endless expanse of space is taken into consideration." While it is a long step f orward la faith to be, able to believe in God as the Creator of the world, ghis ajone, would not be enough to sustain a vital religion. One might be filled with awe and reverence before the infinite power of the Creator, and stili feel that he must be se great and se, far off that ho cari bave no conccrn for the life of man. So the faiith of the Bible goês on to affirm that Ged is a living God, arrd more ban that, H1e is a per- sonal God. If we held the view of the athei,% that! there is no God, i4e mnust also answer the' question, "w,.hat is the mheaninýg of life? Is thiere no purpose in creation at ahl? Did it corne from nýowhere? Is is going nowhere? Harry Em- merson Fosdick states that if sucb is the case then "thc world is like a busy, seamstress sewing with a. mùachine with no thread in it. The centuries move like cloths. beneath the biting needle, but no thread binds them. Noth- ing is donc. The years will pass; the machine will wear out; the scrap-beap wil daim it, but there wilhe notbing to show for aIl its toil. That is the world without divine purpose; and be- cause suceh an outlook on, life 1makes lýt utterly vain and futile, most mon do bdieve in "one far- off divine event, toward which the wbole creation movos." They helieve týhat thýere is a thiread of divine pu'rpose in his machine of the univorse and that it binds the separate cenfturioes together." We might w.ell ask, "Is not be- lïhivig in a divine purpose a far oitfrem beinig able to bohieve in a personal God? God is se far remqovcd. 11e could net possibly be concerned with mny namne and my problems. We mnust further ask, "Can God have purpose for the whole and flot for the parts? Oh, we miglit ask a further question. Can an architect thoroughly plan a bouse without planning detýails? Shallhe stand upon the site and say in a vague and sweeping way, "Let there be a house?" But if you ask hinm about the window frames and the lighting, shail bie answer "there is no plan for them." Plannîng a house eonsists in arr-ancirig the parts. Wheri we turn fromn dealing with things to deal with persons, one s0 individual, how much more clear the truth iýs. No fath- I JAN OUDSROORN Bus. 623-3950 Box 234, Bowmanville Res. 623-2984 Given an inch of a gtowing cigar- ette or burning matchstick dropped caretessty, fire witt take a square mite (and more) of forest. Given a few cubic inches of otd oit and rags in a corner, fire witt take a whote acre of factory. Given an inch or so... of frayed extension cord, or cturtains too close t ai stove, or a f ireptace screen too narrow .' . . fire witt take your home and the ives which are in it. Year after year, firetakesan average of 600 ives in Canada. Five times as many Canadians are dîsfigured or injured, and property worth more than $ 1 50 million is destroyed by fire. By any of these criteria, the cost of fire-causing caret essness is great. But the most terrible toit is in young ives. A third of those who die by fire are children. Some of these chitdren die because they are teft atone, some die be- cause th ey play with matches. There are other reasons too-but virtuatty att the deaths are preventabte. Chitdren die in f ires through the ignorance. or the caretessness of their parents or other adutts. Don't give fire an inch - you've got for too mu-ch to, [ose! er can love his famnily in general, \wliout l oing the several mcm- bers of it in particular. So God caýnnite care nor plan for his worlId as a whole, without caring aid planningfor each of the in- dividuals. Jesî»s said "Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And not one of them shail fali to the ground without your Fath- er's will. But even the hairs of your head are ail numbered. Foar not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows" We trc to express the greatness and the dpth of God's concern and we find that ahl the best narnes we use for God are like small measures of water dipped from the sea. Again Fosdick illa- strates so ably, "Let even one tea- cupof water bc taken to a labor- atory and it will tell truth about the sea; that one tea-cup will re- veal the quality of the whole o- cean. Vet ît will not reveal the truth about the ocean. When one considers the reacli of the sea, over the rim of the world; thinks of the depths that no eye ean pierce, the distances that no minci can ir.agine; remembers the cur- rents that sweep throv.gh the sea, ,the tides that, rise there, and the storms that beat it to its lower regions, he dare not try to put these in a tea-cup. So God sweeps; (Continued -on page 5) YOU CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO Are you financially able to stand -a, pai crop Ioss this year? If flot, you need crop insurance. To get tow-cost co- irehensive coverage on your crops, you must apply for insurance by the deaa une dates isted below, or 10 days after seeding - whiche ver cornes tirst. Cati your local Crop Insurance agent today. Forage Cro ps:- Apply by May 1lst. Sprlng Grain: Apply by May i th. Soybeans: Apply by June 2th. White Beans . Apply hy June 25th. Grain Corn: Application deadline dates run from May 21st te June Ist - depending on area. Check with your Agent for the deadline date in your district. ""And Sftili There Is God" THE CROP INSURANCE COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO ~- Partiament Buildings, Toronto 5,, Ont.