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Orono Weekly Times, 1 May 1969, p. 1

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,Orono Weekly Times VOLUM E ý2, NUMBER 1-4 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY ist, 1969 Clebrate Fiftiethl Anniversiry Junior Band Plays At Orono Police Hont icultural Mý,eeting Trustee Meeting Memabers of flic HorticultVral Society -wcrc pleasanfly entertain- ed Thursday, April 24tli bv flic Orono Junior Band. About -I of the group 'werc present al-"' wifh Mr. A. Darch and MVr. Roy IForrester and Mr. Carman Co'rn- ish, who was unable f0 attend. who -have been instrumental in training these young peuple and are to be congratulated 'for their efforts. A word of encouragement 15 duceflic boys and girls foo, for their willingncss f0 co-operate and to practice. Mr. Challice cxtend- ed flic tlanks of flic Society. The 1969 year books were on Land. In flic capable liands of MIrs. E. Schmnid, fhey are imp)rov- ing eachi year. There are illustra- tions, this year, f0 ýassist you with yourv flowcr arranging. So wifli these and the pointers given by iMrs. Challice, Show Chairman, we will hope to sec some new exliib- itors in these classes. Volunteeýrs to assist in' carinig f or flic flower bcd would bic ap- preciafed or if you have any ideas for improvement. ile-qse pass fhcm aIongý. Donna Cliallic's wc.ll donc Dos- ter providcd flic backg,,roui 9 ý-r flic Green Elepliant table whidh was filled wit h ail kindls of things for ftle garden. Tiere was P'1'no a well filllcd bake table. A ,gcnerously supplied litera- turc table set up by Mr. and Mrs. Challice provided mucli informat- ive imat erial. No one scemed to bc occupying thlck-y chair witli green rwwer on- it so MUrs. Zegers and Mrs. J. Sf apleton receivcd prizes for a, birthday and liaving some garden "Focus On Finishes" A veUr y successful Summary Day was hlcd, recently at flic Or- ono Unitecd Churcli Hall for flic sc\ving projecf, "Focus on Fin- ishes." Approximatcly 100 Durhiam County womcn attcndcd, The course liad been sponsored by flic Home Economnics Brandli of flic Ontario Drparfment o f Agricul- turc and Food under flic super- vision of County Home Economisf, Dorcen Hamill. Mrs. I\lurray Malcolm,, leader .of tlie Yclverfon group, was chair- man for flic Summary Day pro- gram. She intro luced Miss Fran- ces Lampman of Toronto, Super- visor of Clofhing for flic Home Economies Brandli. Miss Lamp- man, wlio lad conducfed flic two day training school for flic local leaders in February, prescnted badges to flic leaders. Lafer, Miss Lampman exprcssed lier pleasure witli flicwork wlie i lad been donc, and also ansvewced questions about sewing. The cightIfgroups present wPe Womcn's Insfittcs from Btlany,' Bowmanville, Elizalivý,ilie, Ham-, (coninfued on page 5) plantcd. The lunch- commitfcc li,'d a busy cvening as tfic srcrvd flic band members refreshments cari- icr, flien p.ovided tf a and assorf- cd brrads for thl i Socictv mcm- bers. 12-Year-OId Oronto oy Shoat In Serjous Condition Twclelve-year-(old William Willi- anison of flic O'Clionski sub-divi- sion, wcst of Orono was shot in tlic lead on Tuesday cvenin« 2nd is in serlous condition lanliosDitil in T(;ronto. The- accident occurred ~615 p.m. while Williamson and a clium werc walking flirougli fli Pictured abovc arc Mr. an,' Plaiond Tho~mas Wilson wioseý marriage took place in Oronno i ifed Churdli of April 4th, I~l The bride is flic former (, -,n- arc.a of flic old Orono dumo) iust west of Orono. The Provincial Police state that af flic fime of flic accident Mr. John Parkinson, 20, of Orono, was target pracfisîng in flic area. Mr. Parkinson was lying on flic ground sliooting af the target and did rnot notice flic two bový ~ ing on flic .,.r side of tlic t ý cf. dolyn Hilîs, dauglifer of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Huis and flihe- is flic son of Mr. andMr Wilson, ail of Bowmianville. The Orono Police Trustees at their regular meeting on Monday evening paid aécounts in an a- mount of $1,397.90. In the correspondenýce the Trus- i\es received a leffer from en- gineers Totten, Sims, Hubicki eLid Associates in which if w'as stated that flie Trustees would he charg- ed fifty piercent of tlie cost of changing ýany gas service con- nection which. miglit be necessary due to tlic Village Road ProýLram. The cost of changing a serviýe_ was estimated from $15.00 to $20.00. The Oronoiý Hydro Commission apprved he prchase of twýo as- bestoýs flowe,ýýr plantcrs to -be fflac- ed in. front of the Hydro office at a cost oyf $32.00 ecd. Approvalý was g iven for the Hy- dro Clerk f0 attend an Office Staff Se.,5iinar ln Smithi Falls. The manager presente'd 9 fin- ancial summary of the Orono W-- dro system which was prepared by OrXario Hydro. Further study and a further report is to be pre- scnted. It was, pointed out +ihaqt the cost of power has risen to the Orono sysf cm by 4.5 percent in, 1968 with a similar increase for 1969. ,New Officers To Be Elec(ted The Northu-mberland and Dur- JamLiberal Association will ci- panel discussions at flic annual meeting ýon Safurday, May 3 in Coboukrg.. Ministet of Regional Economic Expansion Jean Marchand, will be fthe chief speaker at._the annual meeting. Policy workshops wif h panel discussions on current f opies of interest will be feafured during the affernoon sessions. The cdu- cation panel' will, include J. M. Rolpli, chairman of the Northum- berland and Durham County Board of Education; T. Reid, M PP, Liberal Education critie in the provincial legisiature; and James Redmond and Robert Eak- in, Education Board members., ,Criminal Code amendments \vill be discusscd by Norman A. Calik, MP for Ontario; Carol Ma- hood, Cliairman of flic Ontario Liberal Association Policy Com- mittec, of Peterboroughi; and Richard Lovekin, a Newcastle lawyer and Liberal candidate in the recent provincial election. Canadian Foreign policy will be presented by Jean-Jierre Goyer, parliamentary secretary to the Secretary of State for . External Affairs. The Rcvercnýd Hugh Mc-, Kervili of flic Port Hope United Churcli; and M. A. Hargraft, also of Port Hope will also be on the panel. TerryGrk Mr. Terry Greliam, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Grahiam,- Orono, was awarded fleic AC Trophy for lis outstanding contribution to afli- letics as well as bcinýg aý fop-ratcdý infra-mural athlete. Thec-fourfh-yciar physical cdu- cation student re eived flic award af flic Queen's Universit y Infra- mural Sports Banquet held at La Salle Hofel, -Kingst on. Terry participated in 14 dif- ferent sportÊ' as a player, coach Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wats'-" A most enjoyable evening was spent on Saturday, April 26fli, 1969 wlien Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson cntcrfained around scv- enty4ive friends and relatives at a dinner party in flie Odd Fel-, low's Hall, Orono. Tlie occasion was tlic 50tl wedding annivcrsary of Mr. and Mrs. Watson. Thc hall was tastefully decoraf- cýd with Ycllow mums and flhe head, table was ccntrcd witli a flirce-tier wedding cake iced in white and gold and, flankcd on ciflier side by crystal oandfebra witli gold candles. G.old mnums and candies also dccorated flic re- maining banquet fables. As flic people gathercd, -Mrs. Everett Brown played soft Mnusic on flic piano. Mrs. Brown ýalso led in aý livcly sing song of f ii~ numýiber-s later la flic eveninc Miss Be-tty. Ann Watson, grand- daugliter of flic happy. Fcouple at- fcnded flic gucst book. Guests from a distance wvp'O Mrs. Wafson's brother Mr. Jim Ferguson and Mrs. Ferguson, Mr. Mrs. David Ferguson of Roche st-' er;' Mr. and Mrs. Archue Watson and Lan.y, Mr. Jim Jarvis and Miss Betty Annr Watson of Wafer- down, Ont. A delicious, dinner was served by Heaflier Social Club and a toast to flic bride and groom of fifty* years was ably proposcd by Iiev. B. Long. Their son Arche rcplied, fhanking ail for cpming to flic party and also tlianking the ladies who served flic appetizing dinner. Mr;s. George Cole of Port Hope spoker a fcew words of congratu- lations, andI good wislies to flic coule ;da Drummond painting was prcsenfcd to tlim on behlaf of friends present. Mr. Watson offcred words of tlanks. Many car-ds and gifts were re- eý-iLved previous, to flic dinner paizfy. Laterlinflic evening games of cards.werc piayed and all cnjoyed renewing acquaintances witli for- mer nieiglibours and friends. Board 0 1f Education Hlolds Day Seminar The new County Board of Ed- ucation scorcd a first la ifs Liais- on Communication and Consulta- tion Seminar hcid for Education- ists in Bowmanvilc recently. This is flic firsf County Board of ~duatinsince flic inceptions of flic new County Boards of Ed- uc hont have sponsored and lield sucla conférence lanflic Easterni Ont ario Region 9. The purpose of flic seminar was to establish effective liaison and communication among flic re- lated educational authorifies fliaf provide service f0 flic County Board of Education.. The Seminar was a full-day Seminar whîch included flic fol- ]owing participating represent a- tives - McArfliur Colleg of ' Edu- cation, Queen's University, King- ston, Ontario; Peterboroughi Tea- clicr's College, Peterborougli, On- t aro; flic Dcpartment of Educa- tion Officiais, Région 9, Kingston, Ontario; flic Educationlal Admin- istrative Staff, Northiumberland and Durliamn County B-oard of Ed- ucaf ion. Thc planning, of flic program was; under tlic direction and chairmanship of Mr. D. W. Paf. f erson], Superintendenf of Plan- ning and grccfings wcrc brouglit to flic aftending participants by Mr. Jaff Rolpi, Cliairman of flic Board of Education and Mr. W. Frank Thiom, Director of the Board of Education. The enfire day consisfed of a disçussion dialogue among dcl- egates ail of whom have a part f0 pl.ay infthe establishment and initiation and implementation of sound educational practices and flic redeveiopmcnt of programs to suit flic necds of flic pupils ln Northiumberland and Durham. flic szlools wîfhin flic County of A widecoverage of topics wcre discussed. Jncluded wcre dis- cusions aimed at proposcd devel- upment of realistic educatio-nal objectives for flic Northiumber- land and Durhiam1 County Board of Education; discussion on pres- cnt pre-service education for teacliers within flic Teadlicrs' Col- loge and fthc College of Educafion and trends for flic future; flic role of flic Teacliers' Collcge, tic College of Education and flic De- partment of Educafion Programn Consultants in - ln-service educa- flon for flic tendhers, af present and lanflic future, and flic- use by flic Nortliumberland and Durham County Board of Education of flic resource and' service functions of flic personnel of Teacliers' Col- 1lege, Coliege of Educafion and Departmcnf of Educafion. The Seminar brouglif togeflier an educafional tcam wlio can make a contribution f0 fie young- sters of this community. As a resultf'of thls innovative seminar mudli food for thouglit was developed among the person- nel involvcd. Many ideas were deveioped whidli will be of ben- efit f0 flic students wifhin tic Counfy of Northiumberland and Durhiam, Definite assistance was Promiscd on a confinuing basis to the Counfy Board of Education.

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