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Orono Weekly Times, 8 May 1969, p. 1

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Orono Weekly Times- VOLUME 32, NUMBER 18 ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 8th, 19,69 Oi1 Painting Presented To Warden Warden and Mrs. Roy A. Foster are shown above witb the cil paintig prescnited to the- Warden on Friday evening of last week. Hockey Draw Hionored At Banquet Nt 57O The Warden of the United Couinties, Roy A. Foster, was hon- oured last Friday evening at a banquet held in the Oddfellow'q Hall, Oreno. The banquet was at- tended by some twc hundred friends and fellow-members cf district, area Governmients. The evening was a Pound 'cf toasts, musical numbers and a presentation bcth te. the Warden and te bis wife. A roaqt beef banquet was sebved by the Ghuck- wagon restaurant, Mir. H. E. Walkey, deputy- reeve of Clarke Township acted as chairman for the evening and expressed welcome te aiýl those in attendance. Grace was said by 11ev. B. Long. A lively.sing-seng waz cendueÏt- -cd by Mr. -Carlos Tamblyn with MNrs.,G. Brown at the piano. The Country Four quartette aise ad- ded greatly with their musical numbeýs. Head table ghests were introdd by Mr. Robert Chater. The toast te, the Dominion was presenited by Mr. RucSsell Os- borne, witlh Russell Hcney M.P. resppnding. Mr. E. R. Woodyard presented a toast te the Province whichl was ruespendiced te by Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. The toast te the Unjitcd Counties was made by Ree!v-' W. 1. Thomas c f Cobourg. The respond to this toagt was made by the W\arden and Reeve of Ciarkc Towvnshipý, Roy A. Fost- er, A pre,-sentatien was made te, the Wre on behaîf cf 1those 1rs ,by Clarke ý,Towshipý OeuniilmemeL4~TJ W. Stonie and F. Gray. The gift te, the Warden was a painting cf a fal Scene in the Township cf CIlarke by Mr. A. A. Drumjnond cf Or- ono. Mrs. H., E. Walkey present- 'l.1 Mrs. Fester with a bouquet cf roses. Mr. John Pierre Geîyee, Pari- iamentary Secretary te Mitchell Sharp was present at the meet- iig, as a guest and in attendance with Mr. Honey.. Mr.' Gejye spokè of the needof 'understand-: ing between the two founding raceq and that this could b:)e ach- ieved by.getting te kn.ow one an- ci ber better. fle supported feder- ,aIism and feIt that Canada would succeed an-d thiat it eould show the way f the rest cf the world. BasebilcNteàs Local basehbail has got under way in the park for this year. Practise has begun for the Ban- tams und&r Mr. Ken Nixon on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Tykes are to report te the Park, on Menday night. As of this date there are ne coaches' for these boys, se ict's have- somebodyý coeeout. There are about 25 boys registe2red so there must be_ someene ini their familles wbo ceuld haniidie, this job. The Tykes are ina league wijth Newcastle. Kendal' and -Port Hope and iast year were the Iague ciamýpions. Don't forget Morday nigh,.t! Orono Amnateur Atbletic .Assic. Montreai, wininers of this vears SaeyCu1p, scored the winning goal at 30 in Suniday afternoýOn1's' game.- A ftLer epns had been dedueted the winner, received $577. The Orono Hockey Mctihers' ex- ecutive, wish te thank ail who participated in the selling cf the tickets and te ail those who help- ,d make this projeet such a suc- cess hy purchasing tickets. (}ronc Hockey Mothers' lRx. WINS $100.0 Mr. G. R. Watt cf Whitby won $100-00 in- a fifty-fifty draw held by the, Saraeen's Car Club cf Or- one. The dray was made last, Wednesday. The following is t he resuit cf the 1969 Heart Fund Canvass, Township of Clarke, rural arca: Antioch --------------- $ 52.50 Browns ----------------- 27,00 Cowanville ------------- 25.75 Crooked Creek ---------- 18.91 Clarke .Uniion ----------- 48.50 Enterprise ----------------c-Ir, e Kendal ------------- ------- 66.50 Kirby ------------29.00 Lake Shore ------------ 16.50 Leskard . ------------- 9.00 Lockharts --------------- 95.35 Newcastle (West) ------ 18.50 Newtonville - -'46.10 Oak ---------- -------- -- 27.00 Port Granby ----------- 52.50 Starkville -------------- 12.50 $559.1 I would like te express my ap- -veeiation te the canvassers for th.eir splendid effort in this worthy cause. Catherine ýW. Stewart, Captain. 56 From Clarke H. S. lIn ' iles o ilos Regsstrati)ns from Saturday's "Mviles For Millions" maraithonR walk are stili pouring in te be eounted and latest returns indi- cate more than 4,000 personis set cut on the 30-mhile trek. However, 1ev. Paul Wodcroit chairman cf the walk committee, Pi~. ~e number who actually toek part is probably double the number who regïster,-d. Clarke Involved Clarke Hligh ýSchool was invol- ved in the 'Mies Focr Millions' with '54 students and twe teaeh- ers being sponsered. This group travelled a total cf 1,346 miles and ýhave earned in the nei clh- bourbniod of $1,176e00 for' the fund. The oldest person te comoilete the walk was 71-vear-old Jack Wiggans, 569 Grierson St. sh- awa wbe walked thp~ entire 30 miles. Mr.' Woodcroft expects i wil be a month bq<tore ail the ipeney is tct alled and a figure fer, the maratron iwalk is tabulated. but ho estimates the final total will easily go more'ý than $60,000. 0f tthe 2,473 walkers who ihad re- ported Màudiay, $54,085.41 had been colleted. U .C.W. Spring Fair Hýuge Success A large crowd thoroughly en- joyed the first "Spring Fair", sponisored by the Oreno United Ghurch Womeni. The beautifully decorated tea room was in charge of Unit One. Mrs. Mary Miler eonve'ned the lunch, Yellow fors-,ýtbla, Iilacs, tu- ,lips and yellow, gree'n and mauve streamers attracted much atten- tion. Thebak,« sale was one cf the Most popular, booths at the fair and sold out very early. Mrs, Rainey, Mrs. Mercer and Mrs. Billingis in charge, Units 2, 5 and 7. The white elephant sale cer- tainly brought many bargains and was capably ,lo okcd after by Unit Six, Leskard ladies, with Mrs. Newell and Mrs. Locks in charge The clotbing sale brought many bargains for the many patrons and was 'looked ýafter by Unit 3, Mrs. Long, Mrs. McLaren and Mrs. Reid in charge. One of thle exciting corners for the small fry was the f ish pond with Mrs, J. T. Cook in charge and also an excellent array cf jefwellery with' Mrs. 'Madeline Woodley in charge. Mrs. Woodley is a friend of Mrs. Cook, and we appreciate hecr assistance. The ladies of Unit 4,. with Mr$. Alma Mitchell la erarge sponsor- ed a marvellous, Penny Sale1booth. 1A special thanks te al mferoh- ants who contributed te this en- deavour. Over five hundred dollars in receipts and many compliment- ary remarks certainly proelaimed a successful event. Thanks to aJI wbo helped. Jaînes. Clarke, Cobourg law'ver, has been re-elected nresident of the Northumberland- Durham Li'beral Association. The election, cf officers m beld Saturday at the essoeiafinns annual meeting at Cobouirg Dist- rict Collegiate Instituite East, Mr. iClarke has been in France,ý since last Septemnber workinç! with retarded pe9ple undcer Dr'. Jean Vanier. at Trsvrui just, oulside paris. lHe, hi- and tbr"-ee chldycien houe ±ctr ru tura toCbur in Julv. Rjger irparikPort fHope, was letdfrtviepeiet Wiliam J. Bragg, Darlini4ý1on, second,, vice-president; Mrs. Neil Malcolm, third vice-president and Mrs. Douglas Johnston, Grafton, fourth vice-president. J. S. Hinman, Cobourg, was ci- edted secretary-treasurer; John Funneli, Cobourg, finance; E. 1(continued, page 7) Marchand Says Regional Disparity The Problem "ýTo end regional disparity in Canada wili net be un easy task; what is helpful in one province cuki be biarmful te another," the Minister cf Regional Econemie Expansion said at a banquet held 14Y the NoAhumber1and-Du!rhjam Liheral Association Saturduy night in Cobourg. Jean Marchand said regional disparity and the French-English problem had te be soived if Can- ada was te stay together as a nation. Hie nef erred te the Omnibus Bill where the govereimeat was trying te establish an instrumý,nt teo enid the vicious circie cf under- development and poverty. "What lis important is that we (the goverament)' have te move in the 'good direction, because our conscience is not satisfied if we da net move la gocd direc- tion. If' this governmnent does net succeed then I doa't know who is goingte succeed," ho said. the decisions were boîng made by, honest, men, men who were in- teliectually above average, such as Mr. Trudeau himselif. "Soen people feel Mr. Trudolau is not as- goed as thoy thought he was go- ing te be, but I think hie is bot- ter than I originally tihcught. lie is stroag morally and intellectu- ally, much differenit fromn the pub- lic imnage. Ho neot a playboy. lie has lots of courage and~ lots clf convictions. I don't think heea be cemrup!Itedi, but he is nota Mr. Trudeau could net solve ail the problems facing Canada at the saine !ime,_but the fwo prob- lems hie wa$ most anxieus to solve were regoIenal disparity and the relationshiip betWeen the French and English factions. Mr. Marchand said there wete peeple who suggostod subsidizing transportation te, relieve the sit- uation ia remote rogionst ene- courage industries te ilocate there. - But industries would net locate la a remete area just because their goods were beiag movcd froe be,,cawueanother gevernment ii'gh calethe transportation AIV Marchand listed the thiangs Quebec would 'lîke, the thîngs Onitario7 would like and the likes anid dislikes c f the other prov- iaces, but te ýappiy the sainie leg- isiation ail over 'would not work, he added. "French Canada likes lotteries, but English 'Canada de5net; abortion is acceptable te most Enguish Canadians but it is not la Quýebe-c." Relationships betweea 'Ea;iish Ccntinued page 7 Clarke Teacher ed Language roup On Wed nesdty, April 30, at the Eiast Collegiate, Cobourg, the in- itial meeting cf the aewly-form- ed 'Northumberlaad - Durham, Modemn Language Teacrers' As- sociation' was held. The meeting was called hy Mrcq. M. Coyle, French DepIt. Head at Cobourg East. Representatives were pres- ent fromn the language depart- ments cf Bowmnnville, Brighton, Clarke, Cobourg East and West. Mrs. C. Patrick from the Cobourg Separate Schools was present in an advisory eapacity. Mrs. Rita Carlson, Dept. Head at Clarke High Scheol, was sel- ecteil chairmen and Mrs. H. Ceoyle, Dept. Head, Cocour-g East, as secretary. The language teach- tnr hope that the new county board will do away with much of the enforced -isolation in wbich tbey worked because cf geegra. phie boundaries. Tbe opportun- ity te coliaborate and eon5sult, tc share probiems and pool resoure- es should resuit ie an increasing- ly effective language program for ail seohools. On Monday, May 12, a meeting of the Grade 13 teachers will be beld at Cobourg West te diseu.qs the Grade 13 program for the coming year. In the f ail, many cf the sebeels la this area will be introducing a new audio-4ing- ual method, "Le Franeais Inter- national". Tt was decided that the Sep- tember meeting would inelude a discus.mnon f the problems aris- ing from the need te implement new language teaohing methods. Wyarden Roy Fus ter

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