ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAV,, MAY 8th, 1969 Orono Building Contractor Brick -Block -Concrote Stone Work Carpentry, - Cabinet Work Floors .Tîle $83-5441 ORONO DISTRICT -ODDFELLOWS PARADE IN ORONO, Some fifty members of District, Oddfelow 'Lodges attended, di- vine service in Orono on Sunday with Orono being the host Lodge Brethren were 1present from not only Orono lodge but wvere frorn Bowmanvilile, Port Hope and Co- PINE RIDGÊ%E Landscaping and Garden Service- (FREE ESTIMATES) Home Maintenance, Nursery Stock, etc. Phone 623-7~633 Box 235 Bowmanville i -I Fortune Brand Faney Cocktail 28-oz. 45c St. Lawrence- Save 20c Corn O0l1zâ25-oz. tin 59<y Feature! Honey Girl. Golden Plastic Tub Creamed Honey 21b. 9c Best Buiy! Save lic - Regular Type Soft Drink Powder kool - Aid 10 for 49jc Best Buy! - Save 8e - 2 lb: Cello - Lancia macaroni or Shefti 3 Green Valley 15C 19 oz. Tins 15oz 2tins for 69c Parehment 2 for 49c 99e Value! - Bonus Pack - %/ lb. Fre Itershey's Instant Chocolate 2' IL tin 79c Save 6e! Glad sandwich Baigs 50 to' a pkg. 33c Feature! - Dtilcet Tuna Flakes Iight meat 7 oz. 2 for 49c GIad Wrop Save 6c! 1001Ft. Roll 33k Best Buy . Save 13e 4IYL3MER Tomato or Vegetable 4for 45c 10 ounce tins Cash vour 7c Conuoon Del Monte Garden Show Delinonte Fancv Crenm Corn Seasôned Green Beans *Seasoned Wax Beans 14 oz. tins e Cookedlb PorkSluleRa $1O Burais - M3ild Seasonied - Coil Polmish SAUSAGE lb. 69c We reýse-rve lte rigitt te- Ilmit quantities Phene 983-5201, Orono bourg. The parade was headed by the Canadian Leglon Pipe Band of Bowrnanville. Bey. B. Long took the service. NEWCASTLE PLASTIC PLANT TO EMPLOY 35 to 40 AT START Announcement was made of the start on construction of the plastics extrusions plant at New- castle whi&h will ernploy 35 te, 40 at the start. The buliding is being construc6- ted on a Package arrangement by Colorspan Buildings.' àl will have an area of 22,000 square f eet initiially and will be plastic filin and sheet by A.V.P. tised for the rnanaufacture of Extrusiýons Ltd. STILL NO WORD ON SCHOOL TAX REBATE The issuing cof Township tax bills la stili belipg hcld up due to ýthe f net that -the final school t: Up And Down the Book Stocks mii rate is neot known. With re- cent announcernent fromà Toron- to that there wýas to bic assistance in certain circurnstances which it is fit xii appily here'l the tax bis are being held up awaiting the change. NOTICE As the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono have receivcd rnany ýcompiaints of dogs 'run- ning at large we woulid ask the parties responsibie t sece that these dogs are ehaîned or Dro- perly houscd. if people do not corply with tbis request action wlll have ta ie, taken against the parties responsihle. Orono Police TrusteeS AI: p PEST BUY! - Neilson's %5c Size Blars Chocomlaute Brs 4for 79c Save 17c! Bright's Brand 48 oz. Tins Tomatlo Juice 2for 65C 'JSave lOciGround te your taste - Red and White Coltee i - Lb. Bag 73c Becst Buy! - Free Steree Colour Slide in - pkg. of 60 The Tea That tiares 79âc Feature! Save 13e YTork Beef or lrish Stews " Best Buy! - Re-l. 2 for 65e - âe off Pack uicy Suinkist O RANGES Swèet, Tender Large Cobs - No. 1 6 for 49c Canada Grýade 'A' Eviscerated Breller Size i,ýWeFrshFrozen Burns Sweet Pickled - Mild Curcd Cryovac Hral-ves COTTAGE ROLLS lb. 69cg Burns - M1ild Sealsonied rd ART DISPLAV 1The technique used by artWs Lucille Gillings to create her (Oibt bur.y Tales Eitchings has been the subi eot of much conjec- ture by those who' have corne to the Clarke Library ta see these Pictures. "The pnints, using aquatînt- ctching supported by other in- taglio techniques, are miade frein cut-out plates of 18-guage eni- graver's copper. Each print is ink- ed by the poupee method in the full ricli colour of the period and printed by the artist on 400 M textured etching paper." Be sure you don't miss seeing thèse pictures which will be here for two more weeks. A display of of this calibre counters the fre- quent complaint that Orono Jo a cultural desert. NEW BOOKS Aduit Understanding Media -MeLuban Captive Wild - Crisler, A Fringe of Blue - Loch A' Church Without God > - Har- rison SuperstÀtious? Here's WhY!, Juvenile, Gunnar Scores a Goal The Fantastic Cactus Hurricanes and Twisters L;et's Go to a Hospital Wonders of Snow and Ice, Junior Science Book, of Ice- bergs and Glaciers The How and Why Wonder Book of the Polar Regione HTYDRO WAUNS AGAINST. KTTE FLTYING NEAR WIRES Ontarlodo toda-.y warned parents cýandchidiIcren against fly- ingý kites ïadnd odel airplanes near power Iunies. Thb-watnnones in the wake which yong pol have been iurdwhen ites ýhave beeoine entangled in eleetrical wires. While kite flying provides end- Iýess hours of funt for the Young -and the not-so-young, sorne caution is needed. A sudden gust ofwind can car- rv a kite into a power Une, whieh carrnes many tirnes the voltage found at home. Because electirieity will take shortest route to the qro)uI!d. me-, al struts. metallic wiIre. wire le- inforced string, and even damp string will act as a coinductor. The best wav toeny kites and model airpfla11es is to fly them ini open spaces away froni power liues. CusoGadng Services Ploughing Disking - Cultivat-. ing - Levelling - Earthrnoving Customn Landscaping - Weed and Grass Mowing - Post Hle Boreing - Snow Rernoval 811) McAFEE RR 2, Bowmanvle Tel. 725-6024 ueORNIISH'S RED & WHITE