ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. THUI1$DAY, MAY Sth, 16 'ARSÎ )rged lock- 249 WîISS HEDGE SHEARS Pefuybalanced with suýpe ut- ü power, Sharp blaes ef finest J7 steeîl h---erdeed and 777 tep dVaIlue $M 0 G.S.W. STEP-ON CAN Wa,'ilnut and chrome recep--t S (pair>)c~ features plastcie r!,ý y S wc- - m onainer wïth handie for eaycieaning anid dos 8 TP flipIS uIp ai îcuc cf te alue $9.50 It SA-TISFACTION GUARA NTEE'D OR MONEY REFUNDED Report, From Queen's Park Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham The Ce' of Frac Speech Ilansard, the officiai record of the, dehates in the Ontario Legis- ,turce, costs approximately $20.00 per page to edit: Up to and ina ciuding Apili 22 of this year 3,452 pages of Hansard have been prin-ted at a cost of some $79,000. to the taxpayers of the province. Approximately $800. of this a- mount was in payment for ap- proximateiy a five houe sDeech which required some forty-two pages of Hangard to record. The speech,' given by Mes. Margaret Rerrwick, N.D.P., critic during consideration of the. estimates of the De.pt. of Social and Fami- iiy Services, receed Little or no coverage in the daily press, and during the greater part of the speech the members -absanted theniselves to their offices to catch up on correspondence and business related to their ridings. A simîlar ýdisplay . of what I consider to ha parliiamentary a- buse occurrad lasit week when lion Knight, Liberal. member for the ijakehead, filibusitered against the Lakehead Bill which estab- iishes a regional goverrnaent in that area of the province. Again týe press coverage was minimal, and the speech added nothinca to the 'prestige of thea member of the Legiislature. Aecording ito the records the first session of the 28th Leeis- latura sat for 102 days which was the iongest peniod the Legisia- ture lias sat in the hi'story of On- tari é pariaiaents. If 'the present attitude of the- N.D.P. cont-',ps the aboya record will be toppled, and the House will ble Sitting weii intô the month of Juiy. The' estimates of ninetecn of twenty two governiment depart- ments have SURtilo be debated, and there is a Large amount ofi legisiation stili on the order pap- er. I'f the opposition f ollows a sim- ilar poliey, and particularly the N.D.P., with respect to the re-, maining estiinates as iA las with Mr. Yareniko's Social and Family Services, the debate could go on forever. The estimates of Me. Yaremko's departinen t have been debated now for over two weeks with only two votes of the esti- mates having been approved. Une Night the House sat until 2.35 a.n. the nexit morning 'when the Liberals and the N.D.P. 'tried to censure Mr. ý?areinko by re- ducing hits estimnates by ,the a- mounit of his salary. This type of petty action hias no, value,ý and only tends to disgust 'older mem- bers, who mnust hae called out of thed.r beds at' 2:00 o'clock in the morning to vote down a ridicu- 1ous and. unjustified -action of the opposition. The unrwarranted extension of the session, and the abuse et speaking privileges are having anl advense affect, on the moral obf memibers from al ides cf the House. Manibers alxious to aa a contribution Vo Government, and to serve the hast interesits of their ridings become disillusioncd and critical of tihe demoeratic pro- cess. A three Party, comnittee is be- ing'set up Vo studX the house rules in an effort to resolve the --ob- lemn, but the right Vo spaak lsaa cherished privilege of our dem- ocratic Society, and any atteinpt Kendal News Mr. and Mes, Thos. St!wens spent Monday at their farm home *.hen had dinner with Mr. -d < Airs. J. T. Coo)k of Orono.Mes. Stevensets to have the casts reemoved from hler feût soon, Kendal W-1. held their Penny Sale on Saturdiay eveninc, The "Colonial Lady" týuilt was1 wonj hy Mrs. H. Coatham, Ororo 9h~ W. Jackson won one wooi blank- et whiile Mes. Joe Feldema held the iucky ticket on the second wool blanket, Miss Clara Selles anda - Bert Richardson of Peterborough visited with their sister and brother Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Ellioft on Saturday. The, Warden's Banquet was held in the Odcl Feliow's Hall Or- ono on Friday evening. Our War- ren is Me. Roy Foster so ail the Foster familles attended.. Mr. Russel llHoney M.P. with ap-4her gentleman froni the dePartment at Ottawa attended. Mr. Alex Car- ruthers M.P.P,, was there. Thec were more than two hundred in attendance. This delicious banquet was cat- ered to iby the "'Chuck wagon"> Restaurant. The regular. Sunday morning' worship service was held at 11:15 a.m. Mrs. Jack Fonk sang as a solo, "What have you done for Jesus?" She was accompanied by Miss Ann Poster at the organ, Rev. T. Snelgrove preiaehed a fine sermnon on "The downward and outwar reach of our God."1 Remember next Sunday is Mother's Day,. 1Honor har byý at- itending churcli. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral 11ev. B. E. Long SUNDAY. MAY llth, 1969 Or»Oo United Church Sunday School at 10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kfry- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday School at 11:00 DUR19AM GRAIN CORN CLUB Farmers gr-owing grain corn in D urham County are again învited tLo join tihe Grain Corn Club. In 1968 the club was ehangedi--t ail prizes were drooncd i11ie a-tuai club went into det-! nn production practices. T- Wright, the Sodus and Crops Sn-,c' iaiist from Lindsay nmade Deriodl- visits to the varlous fields 41,i farms. In addition: each was asked to keep detaild ords on cultural practice- n-1 sepeifie eos..In ce" very worthwhile meeting was held to discuss the various wiv;th an opportunity for epnb o-- on weed confrol, fertili;zatiý-- ieties, and other reiated t- Any farmers who are interest- ed in this proectths yeýe- ~ niav not be on the countv"- and Crop Improvement Associa- tion list. shouId contact the Ontar- io Department of Agriculture and' Food in Bowmanvilie for app)lica-- tions. The deadline for entrv this vear wiil aeain be June lst. FLOWERS,,,,, Funeral Arrangements Wedding Arrangements Hlospital Arrangements FREE DELIVERY!' Drop in and browse around our Large Greenhouse Showroom for tropical plants, seeds, pottlng soils, pots, rooting hormones etc. CALL COLLECT D)AY or NIGHT' 623-me5757 VANt BELLE GARDEI4S LTDO PIower Shop Between Bowmanviîle and Oshawa on Highway No. 2 NOW AT VOUR DX Service station Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring .. .. rPremium Quality Produets -AT THE, MosT REASONABLE PUICES - Stove où May be pieked up in- any quantity 19.9e. per gallon 1 ATTENTION FARMERS and TRUCKERS - Spedlal discount on gasoline and diesel fuel. PHONE 987-4215 Ladies" Dresses More Summer dresses arriving this week! More styles for» those who wear h.alf-sizes! Lots, of attractive styles in easy-care fabrics! Beautiful Suinmer shades! Priced from $8.95 to $29.9%5 Hand bags Sec our new stock of Spring and Summer handbags. Dressy and casual styles lu beige., tan, yeilow, bone and wjhite. Priced from $p5.50 to $10.95 Ladies' Shorts Jamaica Shorts in stretch nylon, c'jWpolene, sailcloth. A good assortment of colours. Sizes 8 to 20. whipcord and Priced from, $3095 to $'6.50 ARMSTR',GS PHONE COLLECT 623-3365 16'2 King St. E BOWMANVILLE For Alil Your Flower Needs .1~ 1969