ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 8th, 1969 See Milison Insurance Agency, for Ail classes of personal and Commerci.al Coverages Office: Main St., Orono 983-50,32 les. 983-5754 F Gord Simps.n Ph&no Oreno 983-5348 PL-UMBING sud NEATINO 2Sakzanmd Nervi£@ 44 MOUR BURNER SERVICE R-BA PINANCING Levvluterest Rates Pho.ea Tyrome 283-255 Hapo s2j q-fiuu,%Yumlw . 1and Serie PAINTINOê CA PNTR PHONE 983-5546 l«, 983-5»40 REMODELLINQ Orono, Ontario GENERAL LEPAIRS Literie, Exterier '>~e~oo~o 2ocrfONO ELECTRIC CHARLES RiL-D Orouo's Liceensed Auctioaeer and Valuatoi Speciafize in Farm and Furnitiire Sales Coeisult me for termsà and dates PRONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments and Family Memorials Our qualfty and service leavei nothing to b. desIred *h. RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY Tt Otari. Street PORT BOP*E "Laa-g.g iImpIay la Seutbms iYET IIorb amd Grry Duvali 983-5108 ELUCTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTIRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - -THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- Insurance. Service Pm*age Poilon Saford roe rs& Fieru Mmg oao Saidie aHmon Manfatue HaodNthoson FOR SALE1 Spring box, plants,, flowering Geraniumsand, perennial p)lants. Also a box trailer. De mooy's Greenhouses. North St., Newcastle. Phone 987-4916. g-25-c FOR SALE Walnut buffet. 7" mirror across back; 2 middle doors, 3 drawers. Reasonable. Phone 983-5021. a-p HELP WANTED Chain saw man for fliofert Tree Farins. 6 lb. MeCullough saw used Seýe George Pownall, c/o Diana Motel, R.R. 1, Oronio; 983-5229, b-19.p HELP WANTED A bright high school. student. 16 vears or over for mnothers he-1p at cottage on Lake Simcoe.* Able to start imniediatelv on weekends and work throuoh July and August. Phone BowmanvIlle 623-2473. .HELP WANTED Female Clerk required ful time for'local office. Grade 12 ed- ucatiôon or better. Telephcne 983-5304, a-c FOR SALE Dried shelIed 0Cm for aie. ,or pick up or doei1very eau Bob Carruthers, RR 1, BowmM~- v1ie. Phone 623-5485 . t-f VISIT FRED'S FRUIT MARK"T We specialize in quality apples, Red Lelicous, spys, Russots and many other varieties, at 'utole- sale prices. Fresh Apple Cider, Ice Cream. .79e haIt gallon, t-f D. ROGERSON R0NO, ONTARIS ANTIQUES WB BUT ÂN» SEL Ou Gimm, Chia, Piusaoticl Te"s maiOdditios IF rS OLU . CALLUS WE PAT CASH! Phone 623-5342 after 6 p.m. JACK RICAR REALTOR 99 King st., E. When Buyiag or Seing cal) WILF HAWKE YOUR eOn"AIDA REPTRSENTATIVE tiombers of O)awa end is- tylt bl ltite BInd 1WANTED Large Trunk in good condition. Phone 983-5703. HELP WANTED Marn wanted to help) on ýarm. IÀve out. Ar»ly DURHAM FARiVS, 8th bine. Clarke. 983-5191 even-cs. b-10-c FREE On ýMother's Day. May 1ith, a draw, will ýbe made for a five Pou'nd box of home-made ~'" Ail mothers having dinner at the, Acres Restaurant, Tauniton Road, will bce elgible. Dinner being ser-ved froin 12:00 to 8:00 p.m. a-p NOTICE The Clarke Citizens Commiittee and Rateçayers' Incorporated Meeting Tuesday, May 13th at 8 p.m., Orono Town Hall. Subject Soul andà Water Pollu- tion. Speaker -Puofessor L R. Web- ber, Soul Science Department. Uin- iversity of Guelpah. b-18,c SPRING IIIKE Orono Junior Gardeners will have a hike Saturday, May lth. startingý at 10 o'clock a.m. Boys and girls are to gather at Bar- raball's garage. Please bring aý lunch. (Weather Permitting). a-c NOTICE TO TENNIS PLAYERS An organization meeting of the Orono Tennis Club will be held Sunday, May llth ýat 2 p.m. in the Orono Park. Interested rersons please attend. a-c THTANK YOU Unit 4, United Church Women, wish to thank the business men and women for~ their generous donations té dhe Penny Sale. W.FRANK, SREAL ESTAIt! LIMITED 21 I(frg St. W. Bowmanville 623-3393 Terouto 9%3.9174 PortHope Offic 885-4548 For prompt, courteous, effici- ent, service when buying or selilug ani for the largest sel- ection of properties iu the aren Contact Or,oeArea Etepreaeuatives Roy Foster Rom Gilhart Andy Sutch ROY Strong 983-5801 983-5533 983-9119 52 r il Bethany TENDER Northumberland and Durhamn County Board of Education 335A King St. East (Box 470) Cobourg, Ontario Tenders .arh invited for the Gren- ýeral Classreom Supplies. Tender lists and conditions are available at the Board office ait the above address. Tenders close at 12:00 n'oon, May 26, 1969. a-c CARD 0F'TIIANKS 1 would like, to thiank my friends, neiglibours and relatives for the cards, candy and flowers I received whiie I was in, Bew- manville Hlospital an4 since coni- ing, home. Thunks to Dr. MeKen- aie aiso, al.p Sandra Morrow. Orille Chatterton Electrical Çontracting Electric llpating CARD 0F THANKS I wish, to extend my' sincere thanks to ail my friendsi neigzh- bours and ,relatives for the lovely gifts, cards and visits duiring my stay in Oshawa and'Bowrnanviilie Hospitals; also thanks to ail the Doctors, Nu.-ses and Staff of both jiospitals. a-c Mrs. Annie ilollingsworth. CARD 0FTHANKS We wish to thank our friends for-their card-s of good wish-es on our Fiftieth Wedding Annivers- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson. IN MEMORIAM tREID-I-n lovîng menaory of a dear husband and f ather, John Albert Reid" who passed aïway Sunday, MVay, Sth, 1968.- But when we saw you sleeping We watched you fade away. Our hearts were- almost- broken, SYou fû6ught se hard te -stay. But when we.say you sleeping Se peaceefully free frein pain; We lould.,net wish you back To suffer that again. Sadly misse anid ever rernen- bered. flean, Patsy aind Charles. IN MEMORIAM VAN SEGGELEN - In loving mernory of our daughter Caroline Van Seggelen, who passed away Ma t,1963. Just a spray of beautiful memor- Tied with al Our love, Menioriés to eherish f»reev,- 0f one we so dearly loved Lo"v'ngiy reunembered by Mom- >my, Dâddy "and brother, grand- parents, uncle and aunt. Orono Trauiler SALES and RENTAL Phon 983-5974 ýCHfARLES STAPLETON R.R. 2, Orono 1/2-Ton Truck Camper I Prieed: $1195-00 Oxfordi BRICKLAYERS .STONEMASON S W. Scbmahl 983-5g6 SpecializMin al hinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We aiso do Chlmuey Repaira LYLE WEST ELECTRIC Orono: 983-5962 Quallty Electrial Ileatng aud Llghtlmg lastaliatlons and RepafIr hy CertMfici ledcelans and Cycle XeULLOCIX NOATS & MOTONS CHAIN SAWS Re.alwu t.e &U makn et Lm Eower Mdmi2 ud 4 cye OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACRINE1ZY -~ PUMPINO OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Toanpkins