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Orono Weekly Times, 15 May 1969, p. 1

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Orono VOLUME 33, NUMBER 18; Wveekly 'T'imes ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY l5th, 1969 De1egatlion Seeks To Kleep Kindergarten A delegalion of parents from the Township of Hamilton and -who .live just outside the out-' ýskirts of Cobourg held ýan audi- ence with the Board of educa- tioin on Thursday evening when they sought to stop any move of transportin.g Kindergârten chiid- renl from the Merwin Greer School to Kindergartens in Co, bourg. Presently the Kindergarten is held in, the General Purpose room of the sehool and thre use of the Ioom for kindergarten does not allow its use as a gym. The delegation stated they feit strongly of transporting these young students into Cobourg sehools and feit that the kinder- gartén should ho continued i the Merwin Greer school although they -knew that it did elininate the use of the gym hy the older students. *It was pointed out ttat these f orty kindergarten chiidren could ýeasilý be aecommodated in the two kindergartens in Cobourg -which were operating beiow cap- a_ýcity with one bâe able to ah- sorb 36 'and the other 26. It was furtheX stated ithat with the sub- -idy for transportaioin th eaczf would be very littie to the o d "A report to -the Board~-, staff recommended hoýf'wl lu ,standpoint cf e toheb.trans- fer should be un . it was pointed -but that the school was presently operatling bjelcw a good standard due to thre f act that certain failities were net avalable through the use of thre gym and aIso due to the fact that the sehool did not have a resource library. It appeared that there are otir- er areas discontented with thre arrangement for Kindergartens- and one memnber Air. W. C. Down stated he was tired of being push- cr around iii the noew poiicv be- îng Set. No decision was arrived at bv thie Board and a special, meeting MISS SHEILA SAE Miss, Sheila Slator-, daugirter of Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Site, r ofRR 1, Orono, is a 1969 gradluate of tire Animal Healtir Teclinicians Course at Ridgetown C(ollcçp of Agricultural Tochnolcgy, Ridge- town, Ontario. She wil noceive her iploai at tire Gr-aduation Exorcises ýon May 14, iren the saker wili ho Heon. Wm. A. Stewaht, Ontario Minister. of Ag- riculture and Food and Mr. Ev- erett Biggs, Deputy Minister, will present tire diplomias. is being held to further discuss the issue. A meeting relating to Kinder- garten was recently helci in the from Newcastle,' Clarke and Or-' ono. This meeting after consider- Kirby sehoolI of intertsited Parents able discussion approved the pro- posed arrangement for kînder- garten in this area where most students wili attend for a jul day and then have oed&v st while another group attend. This Policy of a full day was devised to cut down on the eost of bus- ing in the rural areas. In some areas in the east whero they were tmnjoying a hall day kindergarten every day. they full day every other day and thîs are now faced with having the point is making' for some conten- tion. Glass Firm Receives Loan For New Plant. ýtustem, Glass Ltd., an Alberta- 6àised firin, will build a plant in Newcastle sirtly for tire manu- facture' ofsoaled glass units. Trade and. Developinent Min- isten Stanley J. Randail said the company will employ 25 wonk- ors initiaily and add 'a furtirer 45 jobs withmn five ycars. An interest free fongiveable boan of $122,946 frein the Ontario Unveoopient Corporation , was granted last Tirursday and a rep- roseabative of tire corporation said construction will beçvin as soon as tire architects plans are, ready. Ho said this couid ire witir- in tlire next couple of montirs. Tire plant will ho 35,400 sq. foot and irouse n10W equiimrnt costing more than $615,000. Be-, sidos manufacturing sealed glass units, tire company will make a new type of metal coatod glass, tatreduces solar heat absorp- tion and ilscellaneous aluiinnum and irousoirold produets. Tire interost free loan, granted undon tire poic' o~i~ of Industriai Opportunity Pro- gramn, will net have to ire repaid if, tre, firm lives up te specified goveramrent conditions ov'er six yean -period. - Colets257Unt A total cf 274 poisons attended tire volunteer Blood Donon cllinie ireld by thre District Rcd Cros Brancr last week at tire Lions Contre Bowmanviulne.' 257 units of life-giving blood wvere collect-, ed for thre area dopot. 54 110w donors joined tire regulars and tire wonderful1 respoase of stud- ents, froin Cl-anke and Bowman- ville HIigir scirools heiped make tins aý succe2ssfui clinlo. It is grat- ifying \lu Mr, Hary Davol, Branchi Bluood Donor Cirairman andtire Brancfir Exeýcutive to sec more volunter fn Orono and tire, rural ne at eneir elinic. Tire lielp) of evoryone isneoded if tirese elinies are going te con- tinue to meet tire growing need for blood. Tire next elinie will ho ireld Wodnesdav Aug. tir. Please mark 14 on yeur caleadar. Port Hope police Fred Hoskin, 27, a Wesleyviile Ont., farmer, was charged last Thursday ýwith non-capital mur- der in tire death of his 22-vear- old wifo GCarol. Polico said Mrs. Hoskia was found in the bed- room cf thre couple's farm house with a gunsirot wound in the head. Hosirin appeared in court la Cobourg on Tirursday and was remaai-ded to next Thursday. Radio O'roeno cAl er As a public service Radie one0 Alert Team wiil operate thre Highway Patrols on the Mav Hol- iday weekend. Stantiag at 6 p.m. on Friday l6th R.D.A.T. will pa- trol the 115/35 iigirway am lonçy as traffic conditions wari-t±A- gain on Sunday, May 18Vh Pt 4 p.m. we will patrol the same. area during the turnout of thre Mos- Port spectators. Monday, May 19 is tire day of tire traffie and R. O.A.T. wil ho on patrol ;--- p.m. until traffic eases. Durin2g the above menitioned heurs -, 1 fie reports for tirose wiro have to travel wlbe availabie et 983-5253. As the above are the times of peak traffie conditions it tis adx&seiablc 40to, t to avoid them where possible hy travel- ling eariier or later. R.O.A.T. will operate overy weekend until thre October 13th holiday weekeadi. From ni1 of us at R.O.A.T. wè wisir you al a very good holiday weeker..'1. The ýNo-rthiumerland and Dur- hram Boýard of Ed ucation iras giv- on app)roval to nestore an -t r- lor finish Éo the Orono G-e 'ral Purpose room wiic was fir-f in- tended but dropped ýby tire form- er Township Board to cut costs of thre addition.'Tire cost of tire change order is estinrated at $511.50. A proposai made b-' architect to, place a har"',' "'1 floor in tire rocin was not sun- ported by tire Board. 14 is Under- From Prof essionals TireCiramber of Commerce on Monday evening at tiroir meeting held at Sam's Restaurant, gave support to a motion tirat a price ho obtained from one of tire lead- ing Sigas Companies for tire ren-' ovation of tire Orono siga soutir of Oronio. Prices for three sinaîl- or sigas are also to ho obtained from tire Departm ent cf Lands and Forests. A price of 5,000 was also sub- miitted to tire. Ciamber as an a- mount for tire installation for tire ligirting for tire hall dianiond la tire Orono Park. After consider- able discussion it was decided to sirelve tire idea. 14 was pointel eut that tire amount of bail play- ed ia Orono. at tis tino did net warrant sucir an exponditure. Ai- so tire was some douit as to tire feasihility of nigirt hall latire park -due te dampness la tire ev- ening. Mr. S. Mather reponted briefiy on the Beef Bar B-Q and stated tiretire ihoped te have tire outing organized witin tire noxt few weeks. It was reponted tirat tire Cham- ber would again ho holding tire Fireworks display, on Mayî 2lst and te tins end volunteers were re(quested te help with the man- ning of tire gates. (Continuod page 5) NewTechnology Causing Pollution Prof essor Webber of the Uni- versitY of Guelph- spoko to tire mnIOtiiy meeting of Clarke,,Tàwn- sirip Ratepayers on Tuesday ev- ening on tire matter of Pollution. Hoe stated tirat pollution was a 'nstory hrought about bv na- tural develcpments in our society Pollution develops witi thre increase i population, new nonr- cuiftural technology, use of - cides and now produets. Profes- sor We' e cited tire case of a pack of c-irewng gum wirhere cacir ]Individual setickof! gum en"~I-;s two wr-apiiers, thoin ail packed in a fuirtlirer wrappor along with a continer of a number of packs and finally tire 'siipping carton This and even the gum itseif,. af- tcr beiag chewed, is wvaste. Tire, only item taken frem tire whole package is flavour. 1New lagricultural tecirnologies, are alse, 'ie scaid, eausing prob- lerns sueh as tire Naste fromn higir density. poultry or hag est- ablisirments. There would he ne pdoblems, lhe said, if tis waste ,eoid ho spread around but. tis is a, probleni 'where .-waste is hiand(ledý on a liquidi basis.. Too - niueh fertilizer on .tiro-land caus- os -a buld-up of nitr-ateandtis. bccoines a great coneera when it laie witirtire ground water. Tire speaker' said it couid take conturies to get ridof tis prob- lem. t could cause tire develcp- ment of blue babies and poison- ing of cattie and etirer livestock. Hoe foit tisi prohlem weuid get stood tirat tire comont floor iii1 ho quito satisfactory for tire pur- pose of tire room. Tire Board l Iso made applica- tion to irie Deýpartment of Mýu"nî- cipal Affins thriiough tire Ontario Eduica-tioni Capiýtal Aid Programi to soul dehontur-es in tire amouint of $80,CO0 for tire purpose of constnucting tire General'Purpose room at Onono. Tis action was taken by tire Board as tire Townshrip of Clarke had not made application for the debenture. CIlarke Athietes, Win' Ïri-SchoolFi*eld Meet Charge Husbond Want Estimate Harnss Rcing, Orono, Frida yMaylt - Post, lime 7.30 Thre Clarke High School ath-k lotes b~ave proven their prowness ia the field of sport when last Wednesday they won the Tri-' schoci meot for the third consec- Utivo year. The meet was heid at thre Clarke Sehool with compet- ing students from Henry Streeit (Whitby), Bowmanville' Higir School and Countice Hligir Scirool, Ait the end of thre meet Clarke had iamassed a total of 302 points with Hoenry Streoet being the con- tender with 276 Points. Bowman.- ville earned 242 pints Wbile Courtiee rocoived 97 points.' During thre course of the meet twonty-one 110w records were set in the forty-four events. Condi- tions for tire meet were most fav. ourable. Thre Clarke athietes again hon- ourod themselves on Tuesday of tis week when they placed sec- odin th LOSSA track and .field me. Competition was, beïtween someten different scirools. In'athe individual events the Clarke girls made a dlean sw eep of ail the relaysý in both tire Mid- ge, Junior and Senior divisions.. ýndividuaI wianers w ere as follows: Girls, Midget Division, B. Goeach 3rd, Ilurdies; V. Partridge 4th;, 60 yds,; S. Simpson 4th. 100 yds.; S. Simpson 3rd, J. Gray 4Vir in the 220 yds.; S. Lacombe Ist, B. deJonge 2nd, 440 yrs.; V.- Partridge, 2nd, S. Lacombe 3rd. long junrp; R. Johnison 4tir, high jump; D. Hazeiden 2nd, P. Mur- iphy 4th, Javeii; G. Adair lst. D. Uazelden 2nd, sirot putt; >D. Haz- olden 2nd, M. Adams 3rd, discus. Iantire Junior Girls Division: S. Buntiag 2nd, C. Johinson 3rd, irurdies; S. Poritsmiirthst, B. Lee 2nd, .60 yds.; L. "Jihnston 3rd, 100 yds.; B. Lee 3rd, 220 yds., A. Chard, lst, L. Johnston 3rd, 440 yds.; B. Lee 2nd, A. Chard 3rd. long juinp; J. Beattie 2nd, M. Wileock 4tir, high' jump; C. John- son, 1ist, L. Johaston 2nd, Javelia; A. Chard let, C. Johnson 3rd, shot putt; L. Downes lst, discus. Girls Senior Division: J. Kim- bal! Ist, hurdies;. R., Scott 4th and- 2iid' in the 60 and 100 yds,; L. boa' st, M. Vogel 3,rd, 220 -yds.; L. A. Hbarlst, J. RübinsýOn 2.nd, 44j_ý yds., L. bIar and R. Seott Igt and 2-nd, lngjumnp; B. Tonnant 3rd, E. Sehid bflth; 'irigir. junp;. ,J.. Robinson' 2àid, 1M Mur- phy 3rd, sirot ut J. - Ncai -st, M. Murphy 2iicËt discus. La the Midget BPoys Division: R. Rypstra placed 4th ini the long lump; N. Brennjan 2nd, triole jump ,and 3rd in the higli lump; D. Dubeau 1-st, javelin;7M. Tilisen Igt, shot putt, w. Wofo 3rd. dis- eus; D. Dubeau lst, lirurdies, 4tir in 100 yds.; B. Mofüfat 4th, 220i yds., R. Rypstra lst, B. Tennant 2nd, 440 yds.; -B. Tennant 4th, 8?0- yds.; B. McDonald 3rd, RL. Low.ry 4th, 1 mile. in the boys Junior Division: J. Bezubiak 3rd, H. deJonge, 4th, lojump;) B. Alldread 2nd. S. Wet3rd, tripIle jump; F. Ciqiel,- ýski, higir jump; D. Norton let, G. Gibson, 4th, javelin;_ D. NOrton, 4,1h, sýhot putt; B. Foster 4th- dis- eus; B. Alldred lst, D. Nichoils 3rd, hurdies; B. Alidread lst, 100 yds; J. Crowtirers 4tir, 880 ydis. In the boys Senior Division: S. Brown 3rd la 2 mile; B. Ma<'Don- ald 4th, long ýjump; L. Joirnson Tht, F. Bunting 3rd,_ triple iump; C. Johason lst, L. Johnston 3rd, javelan; J. Milne 4thï shrot putt, P. Headerson 3rd, discus; F. Bun- tin 2n,9 udis;B V coa To lucide, Finish To Exterior 0f Orono Sehool Addstion'

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