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Orono Weekly Times, 15 May 1969, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES, THURSDAY, MAY Sth, 1969 OR ') WEEKLY TIMES Second lass Mail Registration Numb:er 0368 Published eve-ry Tlhursday at the office of publicatio ]Main Street, Orono, Ontario. Phone 983-5301 * Establiýshed in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Publisher Corne In To But Rev. B. Long in bas sermon lest Sunday eit tihe Or- Onue United Chureli pointed out the need te lenve thle out- field and cone ie te bat before a tally eould be made. We wish to use tliis thouglit which is se true if any acceniplish- ment or undertiakiiig is te be effective. Pollution was ithe subjeet for Prolesser Wehber on Tuesday evening at the Ratepayer's Assoclatibn meeting. lus faCtual address Pointed out the impending dangers of pollution 'in this Country and the faet that wç are faced with these dangers at the present tinie. Itappears to us t1iat evn thoughi pollution isaa niew thing in our country there areniany areas where the fact of pollution is well estabuished. ln many of these cases thefre is a solution if action was taken. This appears te be «) in thie case of the use of present-day detergents. Its effeet in causing pollutfion 18 known whdle in the sanie case a reniedy la knewn. To let this continue te poElute our lakes and rivers is plaiýn fooishnerSs There is a need for semeone te beave tihe outfileld and comee in te bat. This must lie the general public. They must disciphmn thenisel- vs, as well as ask and <niand actionfromn theïr representa- tives at the varlous levels of govenment. Pollution must lie fouglit as a joit effort. It la our'opinion that the van- ious levels of governmient are -dragghng thei r he'eis in a number of areas and the use of phosphate containing de- tengonts is one sucli case in point. It may well lie that the general public are gelug te bave, to deniand action'a- gairnbt one of giant industries of ths country for the gev- ernmenits. appear hestant te act. Tle strength of the people la great when bhey are at bat and one may, cite the back-down when pè,ople rose up over the taxation of churches and the increase la 'death taxes. Pollution should conceru us more Ëhan eltiheir of the abeve mentioned contact your mps and Mpps. Pollution will always lic with us l some forni or other but it must neyer lie our master.ý on TENISCLUB, NOW fACTIVE Orono Tennis,'Club begins Uts season with a niglit for ail interested members Wednesday, May 21. Instruction iII le available for ýhew members. FEE SHEDULE: Taanblyn, Elaine Sehniid, Fred Bunitii, lYonnie McKenzie an~d B. Pelletier have left for a four- day vis;it to the U.S. while in re-, turn six students from the U.S. have arrived in this area.' Mr. and Mrs. Williainson have reported that their son, William, Who was shot ln the head recent- lY la shOwing ibaproveanent in a Toronto hospital. It is under- stood thae the bullet is stili, lodged in his forehead and may neyer be removed. Mr. and Mrs. John Shetier and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hutton are hodidayiing in British Columnbia. Yoâur Centre fr.. CANDIES - CHOCOLATE S CIGARETTES - CIGARS LIGHTERS -WATCHES SOFT DRINKS - SUNDRIES Toiletries DRY 'CLEANING AGENTS for Bowmanvile Cleaners Glen Rae MILK and MILK PRODUCTS Check with, us we more than Iikely have it MATS BILLIARDS and Burbersbop SALESand RENTAL Phon 983-5974 CHARLES STAPLETON B.R. 2, Orono h-Ton Truck Camnper Priced. $1195.00 R~OLP DonnHARDWARE Local News In lest week's issue when reý Porting the result of thie Orono Hockey Mothee's NIUL draw we ouuit4ed thie nSme of thie wuier. Thxe lucky recipimit of $57700 was 1fr. Athur McLaren, OMc>O. Mr. 0. W. Rolph returned hSme last week aftez- a dtue weelc stay, iin hespital. 14r. Wayne Miller who lias successfully eeinpleted an extra cour-se in Biolegy at Uive m-ty ùf GU 1ph lias aceepted a pesi- tiors fck the suniincrait GlenÔa Fishèiies anid Reseamcl Station neéarn cten. Wayne hopes te fur- ther his careen wth the Depart- nment of Lands and Forests. Acres 38.5 ac.: Pasture: 65 ac.: 65.64 ac.: Location The annual meeting of the Or. MOn Tennis Club was heîd on We4fne3day even&ng when Mr. C. ~Kduunt if elected precident and Mr- Paul MOMacMap, secre- tarY4treasrer. The rnu« is hopeful of a good turnot c« members thus year. I4ghtswere istalled last year and this fea- turc wQill ettend thie playing per. dod lletýr inato the evening. Furthfer details are contained i an advertisement in this issue. Mr- Ken Blewett returned re- cently from a ten day trep te Trdiad with other students of Brock University. -An exchange vislt lias been. or-, ranged between Qgalaje Higli School and an U.S. sohool. Six students from Clake, Marflyn Prie $4250 ,325. ý455. ý5OO. Fats Where Tow're At.. oret Et N.wb«,, 60,8 r. Modium.r r ýToddIers 48'. SFIusIi-aàbyes,ý Disposable Diopers by FACELLE' ANACIN - 1011's Sug miss BRECR HAM SPRAY --_69e OLD SPIC£ DEoD. 98e (reg. $1.25) BUFFERIN, 100's $1.19 GILLETT BLADES 1o's ---- - --- 89e LAVORIS 98e 1(reg. $1.49) KOTEX, 12's -----39e (reg. 53c) MANY MORE IN-STORE SAVINGS log. SAVE fit2.49 2.09 " ~zzzr~ A NP Take,,ALKA-SELTZER for-speedy relief f rom upset stomach, cdidscomfort, headache. 25"s - Sugg. fist 83e 6 3 SAVE ON SUNGLASSES- POLAROID AND CLIP-ONS SHOP AND SAVE AND HAVE AGOOD WEEK-END <TIVE'P~@ ~II' & um ~. a a - 8KUI~8%5~ 1 LAND TO RENT Now to Octoher 31,,1969 Parn Lots 9 and 10 Cou. 5 Clarke Township Part Lots 9 and 10, Con. 5 Clarke Township Part Lots 4 andI 5, Con. 8 and 9 d Clarke Township Part'lot 18, Con. 5 Clarke Township j, Becas Developments Ltd, P.O. BOX 141 TORONTO DOMINION CENTRE. TORONTO 111 WÀ eý'Àm Single, aduit - -----*-----------$10.00 Studeuts - High School $ 5.00 Public Sehool ------ $ 2.50 Fa4ily Membership----- ----- $20.00 A regular nightly sehedule Winl be announced next week, Couples ------ - --- - Fý5ll

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