ORONOWEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAYm MAY làth, 1969 HARNESS RACING EVERY FRIDAY PINE RIDGE Landscaping und Garden Service (FREE ESTIMATES) Home Maintenance, Nursery Stock, etc. Phione 623-7633 Box 235 Bowmanvilie READING CLUB Mrs. Olive Millson's slection for the May meeting was "The Gabriel Rounds" by Mary Ste- wart whose novels are popular as light, recreational reading. Her stories seldom stray fa from a set formula in which an afftractive youlng bei-ine stum-' bics perchance into amysterious Kftuation xwhile traveUmg ing aa foreign country, A handsomc hero appears to extricate lier from danger, and, of course, romance follows. This may sound ti-te, but there ia a magieal dramatie quauity in Mary Stewart's writing that sets lier stories a eut above the stan- dard, whodrtmits. In "The Gabriel Rounds", thle seting of the strange castie in the Neiar East, is appropriately eerie. Thec character of thec old recluse, Aunt Elarriet is based on the true, story of Lady HRester Stanihope. Mary Stewart grew up in County Durham, England and be- came a lecturer in English Liter- ature. Her marriage to a geolo- ,àWt brouglit many trips abroad whileh provided fier with back- ground material for the, exotic setings of ber mysteries. WORKSHOP On Monday, May lZth, Mrs. 01- ga Beauchamp and Mrs. Dorothy Robinsion of the larke Publie Li- brary attendedi a WorkshoP for librarians at McLaughlin Public Library Oshawa. The main theme of the Workshop was the use 0 Up Aid'Dowoe thé Book Stacks I~h: Fi I li 49e Value FREE RdM White SIRTHDAY CAKE With Orders of $15.00 or Over REST BUY! -'Save lOc! Hostess, Chips il-oz. bag 590, ADlen's Fruit Drinks assorted 3 for $1 BEST BUY! - Save 15c! 12 oz. 'Jars Bick's- Assorted, Relishes 2 for 59c FEATURE! - Evaporated Carnation Milk tail ftin lic or 6 for, $1 SAVE 30c! - Haple Leaf 1%lb. Tin Canned Hams midget $1.59 MATURE! - Genuine H-ardwood Chorol 5-bubg 49 Reg. 49c!- Red and White Apple Pies 24-oz. 39C SAVE 14c! - Puritan - Great Outdoor Contest 24 oz. Tins Betef or Irish Stews 49c FEATURE! - Save 10e!- DeLuxe Layer Style Dunan ine Caes ixes 39C MEATURE! - 014 Colonly Sboft Drinks lo-oz. 12 for .89c SAVE 19c! 12-oz. Pkg. KeO gg09 'S corn flakes,3 for 89c BEST BUY! - Save 26c! Delsey. Tissue 6 for 79c BEST BUY! - Reg. $1.79! - 35c off Pack Instant %Coff e e nMther Parker's l 0Ooz. $1.29 Save Se!- usod- White Swan Towls wEIn pack '49C Save 6e!-1" wide 25-ft. roil Save 6c!- Save Ail 100-ft. roll ad PAÎPER 33c? Save Ge! -Culvelihouse Small Whole 19-oz. 'Tins iligli Liner Tasty FILLETS 0F COD------------ Hi1gh Liner - 'Heat and Ser ve' HIADDOCK IN BATTER------ 1-lb. Pkgs. 2 for 89e 14-oz. pkg. ------- 59C SP?,ECIALLY SLCE RED or BLUE BRtAND - TENDER - JUI CY FilCuat Round STv frender - Thick Cpt ' RIB STEAKS' L.99C Freshl Minced Ground Chuck ,lb. 69c c Maple Leaf - Smoked - Cryovac %/si Coîttage Rolis IL 79r We reserve the right to limit qüantities Phone 983-5201, Orono films in the library program. GOING TO THE DOGS We supply many new tities la. the constant deinand. Now itO the field of horse stories to meet the' turn of the dog loyers with this interesting seleption. SKIP-Moving dilexnma of a girl who discovers her dog is biind. WH ITE RUFF-Beiautiful collite stars in a moving tale.' OLD WHIRLWIN)-Young Davy Crockett takes much abuse from,ý Ms mean boss until he dLiscovere that hits dog, 'Old Dhirlwind', Li to be shoit. CATCHER- Wagles, leads the dog catcher 'a merry chuae that WAGGLES AND THE DOG endis bappily for everyone - ex- cept the dog catcher. Clifford becomes a wage earner, 0Orono Building Contractor Brick- Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry Cabinet Work Floors lMel 983-441 ORONO Delicîous Fresh PI1NEA PP L ES3FO R8 -c Just arrived for titis Sale from the Sunny Soth lumbo Fancy Quality BAN NAS i 16398s VA L UE GIANT 12 GALLON SIZE with MTLLOGKING HANDLES i rrffff TED CO RNISH'S RED& WHITE mmm"oii W-,P* CLIFFORD GETS A JOB -' with ddstastrous and hîlarious re- SURS. CLIFFORD TAKES A TRIP- When the family goes on. vaca- tion, Clifford gets sQ lonely lie ,sets out to find them wîth Up. roarious ronsequences. CLIFFORD THE BIG hED DOG a réally BIG dog l'or a pet. Capti- Dilemmas and delights of liaving vating humor in drawings, text. ICIIFORD'S HALLOWFEEN - A giant ghost (Clifford in cos- turne) joins in the fun and games at a Hallofveen party. REMARXABLE RAMSEY, THE TALKING DOG - LIÀht-heudd fantasy about a brash talking dog who liel;ps a lonely boy overcome hia shyness. THE DOG IN MY LIFE - low Cary railses lier .unlikelyiliooking Labrador Retriever puppy to be a champion show dog. DOUBLE OR NOTHING - Ter- year old Ellen a-nd her brother woods an d choose themn - instead find twin orphan puppies in the a, pedigreed. boxer,- for pets. HTOW TO CARE FOR YOUR DOG First - ay-, at home, ;feeding, housebreaking, grooming, train- ing and much more. Aimusing il-. lurstrationfs. SHAMROOX QUEEN - ively story of au Irish setter and hec pup. Illustrated. M NOODLE - A littie dachshuad finds a wishbone and is visited by a fairy dog. WHAT WHISKERS DID - Pie- turc book, wîthout text, tells the story of lively runaway dog's ad- ventures - and dliildren supply the words. EDDIE THE DOG IOLDER-One of the humorous Eddie seqies by Carolyn llaywood., THE PERSONALITY DOG -An anthology of sitories from. dog lit- erature. Custom Gadening Service S Ploughing - Disking - Cultivat- ing - Levelling - Earthmoving Custom Landscaping - Weed and Grass Mowing - Post Hole Boreing - Snow Removal SID MeAFE RR 2, Bowmanville Tel. 725-6024 Pailnlgg and Decorating INTEKIR- EXTERIOR REMODELLING "For a deen dependable J.b" Cali Douglas and Gary SimpsoU 983-51" w£_m 10