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Orono Weekly Times, 15 May 1969, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY lSth, 1969 Taken from a sermon preach- ed by 1ev. B. t. Long. In many ways we are a gener- -ation of people who have a mixed up sense pf values. We eall ugli- ness, 'beatity end evil, good. We caîl the cheap, ricli - confuse quantity with quality and prom- iscuity with love. We cail self- iehness being clever and the shunning of responsibility, wis- dom. Serious ninded people, would like to make a worthw*hile con- tnibution to life anid to brother- hood, and we choose various wavs by whicli to express ourselves. If we are to make a worthwhile contibution to change, we have tliree important things to con- eider. A group of young boys,, ages 9 to 10 were piaying basebali in a vacant lot. A man liad been waIlng at that place and Stop- ped to watch the boys at pilay. After a- considerable tijue the teams ch'anged sides and a> boy came trotting in £rom the out- field. As he passed the man the onlooker asked, "How is the game going?" "We're losing," was the reply. "What's the score?" "ý34-,"> replied the boy. "You're inût do- îng very well are you," comment- ed the man. "Oh well, we liaven't been up to bat yet," answered the boy. It would seem that so many play the outfield as far as real contribution to life is concerned. Perbaps we eould go a step fur- ther and say tha)t all they seem te catch is a few flies, but it is when they get up to bat thak they begin te, tally a scort, Sometimes we have to struggle pretty liard to reach our turn at thec bat because of our feelings of iniadequacy, oui desire to choose the easy way, our frustra- tions about otherýs. and mii-or iii- bell.For many reasons we choose the outf ield and in the choosing neyer do get to the Alberti, TexaIco GENERAL REPAIRS Phone' 9835249 Orono VEGETABLE and FLOWER box, .Pla nts NOW AVAILABLE We take orders for Floral Arrnagemennts point of making a real contribu- tion. Seo ofen we lamnent about the conditions and attitudes and prob- lems which confront us. We wish "ltie-y" would do something a- bout tliem. But no0 real change wll take place until parents and citizens in general are re-ady te struggle for -a place at bat. One question te be answered by each of us it, "are we playing the out- field or are we moving in to bat?" The secretary of a lar'ge cîty churcli "s spending lier sum- mer vacation at the beach. She was sunning lierseif on t-le sand one day wlien a littie boy also in swimming suit, came up to lier and askýed: "Say Miss, do you be- lieve in God?" 'II certainlv 'do": she answered, '"I believe iii (-nd wth ail my heart." "Well, do you go to church every Sundav"' lie asked. "I certainly do. 1,-J church éývery day most of the time," replied the lady. "Do You read your Bible every day," lie probed. III do, son, I read my Bible 'every day." "'Good," said the lad, "IWiil you hold my quart- er? 1I' m going to itake a swim." The assumption in that bov's mind is somnething we Ail want te believe and want to sec demen- strated. A person's religion ouglit to make a certain quality show up in his , living. A churcli is judged by the lives of its repre- sentatives, and we have littie in- fluence on society aroundus un- less, our comrfÉtiment is for real. 'Plie second question is, "docas our commitment to Christ inake a difference?" The third consideration <~in termis of -the uestion, "liow qr will you go?" The Old Testament tells the 'storY of the life of Ab- rahamn and of an experience in whkih lie feit that if lie ansil,-- -- the promptlings of God lie must offer bis beloved son Isaac - human sacrifice. The storv 4 1q how lie made everything rep' the journey to the place ' the sacrifice would take nv~ and how he was prepared to cqoi- plete the act by taking the life of bis son upon the altar. But 'God did nt require àito' and a substtute offerine 7w --- vided in Taac's pla 1ce. The central point in the story is to be found ini the fact that Abraham was prepared .toego al the way in lis obedience te God. The propliet Isalah ttlls of the idolator who wanted to make himself a 'God. He goes intO the Woods te select a tree-and liaving made lis seleotion proiuptly starts to use the tree for other purposes. 1He buîlds a fire to Warmn himslef, and to bake lis food. When lie gets naround te fas.hioning lis image so that lie can bow clownl to it and worship lt, ie lias only the- left overs. It is not difficult to find a similar- ity to our own modemn day re- Spense. The ideal 45 to be found in the life of Jesus who, liaving feit the call to give lis ilife, prayed, "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me, nlevewthe- less not as I will, but as thou wilt." i obedience -to thc will of God lie took the pathway to the cross. His action was the expres- sion of God's love and it ouened up new cliannels in lis resurrec- tion power. Report From' Queen's Park Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham ALGONQUIN PARK "Loi in Toronto west high towers the ýPhippsian fortress G.tting Our Values Straigbt bout 10 pereent of the labour force in the province earn their livelihood from the f orest indus- try. ýFor every four employees in the milis 'and forests anot-ler seven jobs ar-e created seme- where in the, province. Basicaily it is the evidences of Jogging such as noise of trucks, bulldozers, powersaws, as well as roads and bridges in certain ar- eas whicl have proven Vo le most offensive te the recreation- ist. Recegnizing hs fact the- Minister and lis department have aken certain steps Vo pre- serve Vo thc greatest, extent pos- sible the natural features of the park by creating certain restric- tions on Jogging operations par- ticularly during the summer sea- (Conitinued te page 7) ernment, are applicable today to the position of the IlonoUrable Rene Brunelle, Minister of Lands and Forests. Mr. Brunelle lias for the past tow nionths been beseiged by boath the conservationists and the lumber interests wi-th respect to the proper use and management of Algonquin Park. During the 1893 jsession of the Ontario Legisiature, an Act was passd establishing. Algonquin Park as "a Park and forests res- ervation, fis-h and game preserve, health resort and pleasure ground for the benefit, advantage and enjoymient of the people, of thec province." By retaining title te, thc area as crown land and by good forest management the inte nt of hs legisiation las been carried out over the ensuing years. IBeeently, howeve, naturalists and conservationists have ' been expressing fears that the timber industry was adversely affecting the primeval appearance of this vast recreation area of Ontario's northland. Algonqui'n Park is censider- ably larger than the province of Prince Edward Island, and its importance as a source of timber to the economie iffe of the sur- rounding area cannot be ignored. Approximnately 11/ percent of the Park lias been logged each year, and over the 130 years thit lumbering élas been carried eut in the area the forest lias been able te retain its capacity te re- place itself. Experience lias slown that from ten to twenty years f ollew- ing cutting, the evidence of prier cuttin-glias ail but, disappeared, and the forest continues te, serve the purpose of both the recrea- tionist and the forcst products industry.' The importance of the park te industry is illustrated by the f ol- lowing statistics: 1., For -every dollar received by oui, provincial treasury tlirough Départment of Lands and Forestsý direct charges te thc industry, an additional $4.22 accrues tei our treasury by way of direct and in- direct taxation. The Federal treasury' receives another $9.21 for that sane dollar. 2. Some 213,000 people or a- DX DX DX DM DX P> l D DX X DX DX Re WWI.e... ECNOIZE! D'X FUEL QIL DI »X DX DX DM DX FI DXDX WDX D X bIn Durham Central Agrieultural Soiety requi res Caterers for serving Light Lunches and Meals mn the Diningroom during the Fair in Orono on Fri- day and Saturday, September 5th and& th, 1969. Tenders to be sent to the Secretary, Mrs. John Rickard, Newcastle, Ontario, on or before Satur- day, May 31st, 1969. WilimC. HaillB. comm. Charterd Accountant PhSoe, Newcastle 987-4240 AiH day Wednesdayý and Saturday F.n for Everyone Orono Chainher of Commerce ~ .- FI1R EW cKS -Orono Vair Grounis Monday, rMay 19F ut dusk Silver Collection at the Gate

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