- ----&,- ,- - OJRONO WEEKLY TMMES, THUR$DaY, MAYlIý5th, 1 969 Three Health, Units To, Unite The Northunib)ertaund-Durham Healhh Unit wiil shiortly be join- iug with the Ctrnnties of Victoria and Haliburton to forma the nue- leus of a district health unit. Dr.UhrloteM. -Horuer, medi- cal ofc of health said recently she had t,, idea how it would, ~hane oprate at the pre- sent unit bt she sai d there would bev no chage in pregrai- 'ig In fr-et the program wil pvobably be enlarged with the diisiit unit," s he said. The people of the United Couin- ties could have services which woauld compare with those pro- vided in larger cities. Dr. Hernen saîd she did not know exactly whcn the change would )take place, il was await- ing an order iu counctil o.i the provincial governmeuît. She did say that this would be the last year for the Couinty unit as it now exists. Dr. Horner hais been with the unit 23 years and she says many changes have taken place in the unit since 1945. services in the' home an~d com- munity, we can help to keep these costs to residents of the United Counties aind the province of Ontario in general. Dr. Horner said it was recog- nized that many ofthe services could flot be adequately provid- ,d if the municipality had to bear a -large proportion of the c'ost. , It was for this reason and to ensure gockd preventive services for ail armas of the province that, the district heaith units were de- signed. FIRST HOME SHOW DRAWS OVER 5000 IN'PORT HOPE .More ùhan 5000 persons from ail parts of the province turned out to see the first home show to be held in Port Hope at the Peter Campbell Arena. last Fni- day and Saturday. 1Organizer of the show, A. M. Marris termed the show a "ter- rifie succers". Comments from MP'S INTERVENTION STOPS ciosuRE cu8TOMS OFFICE ËN b04MANVILLE R. C. Honey, MP for Northum- beriaudc-zurham ri-ding told the Oshawa Times recentiy that thé U-owmanviae Customs Office wouid remain in operatio.n. Officiais frein the Customns and Excise Department caused a fur- ry of excitement ini Bownianville, town Hall last Wednesday when they uuexpectedly arrived to ceose the office. Mr. Hony said the matter was an "honest mistake." -National Revenue Minister J., Cote had told Mr. Houey that sàme 68 of the smaler Customs offices across Canada would be ciosed as an eeonomic measure. However, he had assured Mr.- Honey that he would discuss the matter before taking action in Bowman ville., Unfortuniately, 'somethiùng hap- pened' and Bowmanvi.lle was flot the persons who attended were so good that there is a possibil- ity of making it an annual event. Negqrly 35 firmsanada organiza- lio'ns' 'Zhibited- their products an~d grbods. notified of the impending closure Alr. Honey got ini touch with the minister when he was told of the eiuafion. Fer now, the officiais have returned te Toron- te, leavîng the office in operation Mn. 'Honey Ivan Hobb¶s, mayor of Bowmanville and members of the town's chamber of commerce are meeting, May 20 to, prepare a brief for presentation to the mîýni9ter. Mr. Honey plans te de- rfend the office,which he says is important to local induastries. It is ineonvenient for the peQple and industries to go into Oshawva ,t0 use its Custom office. Tf the Bewmanviile office is closed, the two officiais working ORONO ROAb WORK ON SCHEDULE Th tempo of werk on the é>- one road pro ject las beeai step- ped ne and activity is noted on varilous areas of the prejeet. The storin sewers have been complet. ed. Church streeet lias yet te be stormed. Park street is prsently being duck out and gravel is be- ing neturned to f orin the base for (the paving, and cuirbing. there will merely be employed, elseçivhere. However, Mr. Honey thýý,k's thýev'l1 be keeping their present jobs. "Ti\.-y have7 beecu interestiug and exciting YýearS, With the steady growth: of the concept 'of public health wth services ad- minidtpred by fuil-time specialy trained staff. There have also been fréquent chages in em- phasis on programns, with new re- sponsibility continually bcing ad- ded to aeaI3edy fulll prograins," she said. Tlhe last few years, especially, bas seen the accelerationi in the number and diversity of service vante-s lu raising costs of medîcal lçeepin1g pace witli the rapid ad- cane .and hospitalizaiin, and this dddeven greater respousibil- iisto those in the field of pre- vniemedicine. Weare awarýe aise that in the pre-venItion of disewaae, while stili mraking available certain haith T iusyarS cars at Iess than Iast year's Prics You alread5 you'd naturi here to cost cars in this miuch less, t 2-doo'nr mD Quaeen's Park Turbo Hydi wheel cover motor than (Continued fnom page 4) than last ye The following restrictions, arear itn being imposed for 1969: ar*atn 1. Some 730 miles of water-Ch elea ways are to be set aside as desig- other words, nated canoe r-outes. Aongf1 these of this year'ic routes there. will 'bea, 1500' res- last year's p ervatioa in wich ,,ouly marked what puttini trees will be cnt. There wiil be about. Fronr ne, eut ing withiu 100- feet of Nova, Che'v shorelines or within 2040 feet of Camaro and portages. 2. Therre will ha no utting zones along publice oas rail- ways, pak houndaries and aound deëvelopcd recreationaI areas, 3. Rload- construction will not be permitted in any of the reser- vations and ail rond loca bons are to ibe app,,,roved by the park super intenident and buiit to the sqpeci- ictoslaid down in the Prov- incý,ial plan. 4. Durng the summer period June 28 to September lst, the hauling of logs wili be pcrritted enly d*uring periods 8:0-9 arn. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. There wiil be ne hauling on week 'nds or on statutory holî- days No (ýmechanized equipment is fo hi sed at night. 5. NA two mile wide "sound bnî- fer oe has been reated foi' filepu-~ of protection of the can~s frcithe normal noises of logîngopeatins.before w MARK OF Expriecewiil determine, td ZXCELLENCE wha ex~ntthis distance is ade- quae, incethoe i nknown basis n rseu cfr th«Sý type of *Based on manufa, prices, inciuding) zone, but :,hecxperenee Caineýd suggested dealer d duPning hissummen wilI b- most useful in the de-velopmeutt of ad- equte afeuaristo e-nsure both aheth fonest, a satisfying rec- reatona envronetand an ce- r jumi frest industry i the PHONE: 728-6026 Courtice ýy know wvhere most prices are going. Up. So aàlly expect the brand-iiew '619 cars sh6wn ta lot more than last year. Fact is, many year's line-up from Chevrolet cost less, Lhan last year's models. F'or in stance, the ila, equippedI with power disc'brakes, Ira-matie transmission, whitewalls, s and head restraints, plus a bigger last year, is yours for $120.50* less ar's figure. And comparable savings Y gfor you on many Nova, ad Camaro models. In 3,you can buy many s cars at less than .. >ices. WThich is ag you first is i i the top, Chevy velle Malibu, Id Impala. -YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZEO CHiEVROLET1 DEALER CXPS-369.0 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PHONE: 623-2556 Bowmanville ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5009 SEE PHONE: 623-25ý6 BowmànvMe BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO D, T 0 R S 1 T Et D Cý