ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY Rthi, 19týý7 See Agency for Ail classes of personal and CoMmmercial Coveragels Office: Main st., Orono 983-5032 les. 983-5754 1Gord SimpsonI phece Orono 983-59s8 Orn., Ontarle PAINTINS ICARPENTRY RIOELN GEtere, Exterle GEnERA r EPAeiR CHARLES R rID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatuî Speeialize in Farni and I'urnfrure Sales Consult me -fer ternis and, q4tes PRONE, ORONO 983-5914 Monuments and Family Memorialis car quality aid service leaves nothlng te ho deslred A& 8. perso« who b.ught fr.m ltamighbour, friouit or relative lhe RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 78 OntarI. Street PORT H4WE "LAra.. diaplay h Sethor. TIATON'S Marine and Cycle ncULLOCE NoATS & DMOTORS CHAIN SAWS 3""ai te l ak"eofcf la Mmwo »d amd mi4 oye OTAO ILOW POINT AND MACHJNEEY LYCETT Plumbing &H.ating PU"Ont"835 Orville Chatterton Electrical ,Contracting Electric Heating and Service SPHONE 983-5546 'or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario ORONO: ELECTRIC llerb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 *ELBCTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. 1RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS .- THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE'- Hamiltons Insurancei [ ServiceI 'la. Sadie HamiIýon B«x 133 Phone 668-3552 ,Stafford, Brothers Manacturera ef Cemetery Memorlals 318 Duadas StreM Bat WRITY, ONTARIO Bilding a flouse? er rsmsieIiu, Yeur preama Floyd 'icholson 1 FOR SALE Sprig box plants, flowering Geraniums and perennial Diants. Aiso la box trailer. De mooy's Greenhouses. Nr>-th St., Newcastle. Phone 987-4916. g-25-c PLUMBING m»i HEATING Saltu aand Servke, -A NOUR BURNER SEl VICb B-A FINANCIN6 Low Iereat Rates Phonos: TyransMe2260 Elampton 23-2288, D. ROGERSON E«ONO, ONT"wI ANIQUES WE BUT Aà» Sm£L ou4 rles, ChiNa, Fue Arteke IITSM OLD ... CALLUS WB PAv CA8E! Phone 623-5342 after 6 p.m. JACK ]RICARD REALTOR » rang st,, B. BOWMANVILLE When Buyiag or Sm« ungci WILF HAWKE .Ut R OO AA REPRFS4ENTATIVE 983-5874 Aters of18Wsami »dl tri-et Réal UT*ate Bomd LOST A female Beagle. bin(.k vith ulhite chest and wite tin, on tail in the Ganaraska area of Clarke Township. A family pet. a-p Phone 983-5394. "SPRINGTIME BOUQUET"- Clarke High invites you W thei- Fashion Show '69, at 7:30 Wed- nesday, May 21§t, heid 1 +"- Clarke ILS. Gyrnnatorium. HELP WANTED Chain saw man for Hofert Tree Farms. 6 lb. MeCullough saw used See GeorIge Pownall., c/o , liana Motel, R.R. 1, Orono, 983-5229. b-19-p, FOR SALE Dried shieled Cou fer saie. ,or ptck UVo« debver~y eaU Bob Carruther, RR 1. Bowmai. ville. Phone 623-5485. - FOR SALE 3 h.p. Viking Outbo.ard. 950.00. Alf Pigott, Orono, after 6' p.m. a-n FOR SALE 1962 Super 88 Olds, P/b. P/s, radio, good mechanieal condition. $400.00 or best offer. - FOR SALE A 1963 -Vikine. 40 h.p., electi-ic start outboard motor.' Cali after 5 pan. 983-5038. anD HIIP WANTED) Man wanted to help on f arm. Live eut. A»ly DURHAM FARMS. th Line, Clarke. 983-5191 vna. b-1 Q-c WA,%NTED Bricklayer helper wanted. épill WilY Sehmall, 983-5606. Andy Sutch Roy Strong 983-91191j 52 r- il Bethany) BErnes HTORTICULTURAL NOTT("' Mr. Decnnis Kirig of Ajialý - show sifides of "Wild Life in Af- rica" at the H-orticultural Springý Show on Thursday, Mav -ý 8 p.m. i the Main Hall of the Church.' Members bring your entries for the show from the followýing li»t as shown in your 1969 Year Book. Glass 1. 3 red tulips Glass 2. 3 yellow tulips Class 3. 3 pink tulips Glass 4. 3 any othercolour (l var- iet.Y.) Class 5. 3 lily fiowering tulips Gla7s 6. 3 parrot tulips CIass 7. 3 double tulips Glass 8. An African violet, any colour Cl:ass 9. A collection or house plants, 3 te 6 varieties Glass 10. "Spring Trio". An ar- rang-ement using 3 spring fiowens of one variety. Other niaterîaIs allowed. Front view. Glass 11. "Springtime in the Roeckies". A composition using natural materials, stoine to be a Part of the design, fr~- Dptionai. Glass 12. "Little Beauty". A Spring arrangement not Mtx ceed 8" in height, Front view only. Entries will be received from 4-5 p.m. and from 7-7:45 p.m. Evervone welcome to corne and enjoy an interesting eveni;- W.FRANK REAL E SITATE LIMAITED 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-8393 ToronS 928-174 Port Hope Offie 88&4548 Fer prompt, eourteu, effeî- ent t mee whoabuylng or zelhag and 1or the largest sek ectinonf propertesin ta h. are. Contact -Orea. Ares Roy Pounter 983-5801 Ross Gilbart 983-5533 DIED ADAMSON-Peaefully. ,a-t bis residence, Orono, on Sunday, May llth, 1969. Ernest Adamson. age 85 years, beloved husband of Sadie Toyne, dear father of James, Pickering, Dorothy, (Mrs. D. Barnett), Oroo. Service was héld in the Morris Funeral Chap> el. Bown3anville, on WedneMda at 2 o'clock. Interment Bowman- vile Cemetery. Oxford BRICK LAYERS STONEMASON S &V. Sebumblt 983-5606 Specializing in aU i dsdaor STONEWORK and FIREPLA CES We also do Chimie3 Repai LYLE WEST ELECTRIC Orwmo: 983-5962 meaut nd lgltag Imgtalatfrae tamiRpar by Certifc l 2trl.ans PUMIPINO OUT SBPTIC TANKS VISIT FRED'S FRUIT MARKEt Gerarnums and box plants for sale. Aiseo Maclntosh, Red Delie- ieus and Spy apples. Freýsh appie, eider, ice creamn. 79e hall gallon. "1THANKS"1 My sincere. thanks to the many people 1 have met and have in- vited me into theirhomes during my stay in Orono. I amn returifing to Australia via England, having e.njýoyed my holiday in Canada very *much, thanks ta the hospi- tality of the people of Orono. Elsie L. Williams. CARD 0F THANKS ,Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Norton nid family wish to express their' deep appreciation to ail thefrpI and neighbours who called at the funeral home at the time of .th1ýir bereayement. CARD 0F THANKS 1 wish to extend mv y~ , thailks to, relaýtives. friends id ne4ghbours: for visits, fiowers and cards during- my recent stay. in Bowmanville Miemorial Hospital. Special thanks io Dr.Mcp7 Dr. Grant, Nurses and Staff on Medical Fl.oor for thieir kindness and care. a-p Mrs. live Burley, CARD 0F TIIANKS WI[bIAMSN-Mr. and Mis. Dennis Williamsona and family wish to express sincere thanýks, an-d- appr'eciation to the many neighbours and friends who help-- ed or, assisted in any way. Alsoý Dr. McKe'nzie and the OPP for, the prompt assistance rendered te Billy. a-p IN 3MEMORIAMI BEST-In loving nmemory of a dear son and brother, Bob. who passed away May 16, 1965. Beutitul memories are Wonder- fui Vthings, T#ey last tii the, longest day. They neyer Wear out. they neyer get loit, And ean neyer be given av. To some ý,vou may be forgate To others a part of' the Pa9t. But to us whe loved and lost You, Your memory wii l ewffl lst. 1Lovinxly remiembered and sad- ly rnissed ;by his family. P BIRTHI LYCETT-Don and Betty are hpyto announce the bia-th of their son Ste¶,hen Donald, .7 l4s. 7 ozs. on Monday, May 5th. 1969 atMemoriel Hospital, Bownian- vinle.ac