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Orono Weekly Times, 29 May 1969, p. 1

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-~ ~ Orono '-VOLUME 33, NUM1BER 20 Weekl.y 1l' 0m e D urham Warden To Receives GoId Modal A iriesGet $6,000 Salary In Pysical And UIWNO >WJEEKL Y TIMES, ORO<N O, TlH URSDA Y, MVA Y 29th, 1969 Summer ÇSchool' Out For N-P A recommondation b as beeni made te ceunty board cf educaitioni not te hovId a summer school lui tlhe twe counties this year. D. W. Paterson, superiniteudent ,of planning teld the board at ii recent meeting thlpt considrer- âable cebts wold 'be, invoilved ,in Ille payment cf principal and staff which xotuld inet be redeemrcd-, by fees since the namber cf partiel- -pain stdetswas snaiall. 1 Transportatlion would aise be a ffacrter tei be considered, ho sai, if buses were te be cp*erated xith -sucb e small nam,,-ber cf students. Mn. Paittersen seihearm- istratien liedgvnseo crs- atiugo a sumershool. A priimiarysurvey take ia a ,meug thec secondary sehools cf thle tWe counIties uin April ti yer o, ed that%the otl um ber Of ail seeondary vstuideu"ts whVio might bce enrollesïinlusummer seheol was indlicates i) te-be qite large, 1,024. Educational ate educed xbis f rom tbe Township of Ciik are due to be mailed. Tieeis some rel ief in the edu- c-etion Ftax tbireugh further assist- anre anno.ncd rocentiy by the> Province. This fïurtber assistance hbas, reducel tbe proviens freport- cd of 15.5 mdlis for bath public and high school te an iii- mneroial iincrease has been reduc- orcse of 8.27 mills on reside ut- lai and farm 'property. TFhe comn- cd froim the prevlous report of 11,91 mîlis, to 3.87 miils. On a $3 00 atsment tbe inc-ease will nov be in tbe neigbourhood cf $2510 for educatUon'ail purPoses on residential and f arm asess- irint and $1100 on a $3,000 comn- w s esessment. "hoe Besic Shelter rebate is ln- cr-aased ,-, yar over thet of, lest yoar. Tberebate this year is $3692 for residential and $37.06 for f ans. First Payment Released The Oreno Police Trstes wter lu 1968 and aise, fourni sat- held their mouthly metn uisatry 1Vondiay evening when they ps- Vr Wooclyardý reported that sýed acceunts in the amoiiunt cýf Dagni.aor Construction ýwas sub- $112115. mtneapri'e for a atchbain A letter from ,Ttten, Smt 'pae at the ws end'cf ilubicki and Asseiates reom- Patoir ,eet.lie aise said that mdeia porespaymnent te0 ln enconerv wr submittng !wgMar Constrcton 0lu ara- fu-thr pans foroher sitreets in rnount cf $35203110. A furiber the seutb f Orno ýcttei tom the e-gtnersais pointed eut hatcomltirdt tcesrite u dat dirt fer- the rdwork should be 1Sth aud culverts removed by the con- July 1969. traýcr from t1heO rono streets A lette.r was rýeceiv-.,d from he dlurng the excavation became the ýOrono Chamibr ComecOfepsycf'thecontracter. askine he Omro Polie MTruss te accep as their penry flew- er boxeýs which werCe to be'<--' on sidewalk lubuines;sosction se tbat these items ceuldbev- ered in the Mncia1iab""iity in-n inue theimeves because cf them. Thle Trusees bave rees cîdeiaresIn the Nir- the atter te their soiotr adM uxeradDra Sehool ar- te the Township. ' -'iare now-te be operated on a A1 survcy of the Orano Watr i fda bls Ths cto ws rystvm o"atnwS re- xed Tnet hu sda amctiongmcf by t1e ntaie ater ïResorces -the Board cf du ctin ndofe and CWud..n0ifactory. Seventy C EctA M ah adre Z ', 1) ,a-,1erioogical- xamina va: ses, a-oj j ý;formner pokicy cf holsi- clo1s 'ver'e maiecf theCoruoir n o rai ares kindergertenson Friday evening, May -23rd a pot lueck sUPPer was enjoyed iby St. s8aviour's con gregation and also by friends. The supper was hemd in the Parish -Laul. After ail had enjoyed the boun- iful meal -Mr. Hayne called the gathering ýteo rdeir. Irene Murray pinned a Corsage of pink carna- tionls on Mrs. Mary Morris and 1-w - to ber surprise was told she xras the guest of honour. 11r. HMn, on behalf of al preent, exPrcssed words of ap- pSainand thanks- to -mrs,. M. vEo~isforher ycars of faithful s6rwUa orgaist. She ýwas pre- scntedý with a Prayer Book and a ilimna1. MIS. Prust rea-d 41 ac- companying card whdch was pasl- ser around for ail te sIgn. t;boughtfulneis. Mrs. Morris vol-y oapably expres- sed ber thanks to ail fur their Although, taken by surprise The remnainder of the evening was spent in iaIing cards and a social chat. Closing Park A1dcosioinils bren macle y the O o;. e Paik eardtoelose the OC'oue Park Amte the eveuing activties n nef epen same unitil tW12fi Ma to Ficpark during the Twe ronpests itha chain and SAck wIlbe isalled as son as possWie teuinitiate thLs move. Heahh Educcition The Warden of Durham and Northumberland County is te re- coive a salary of $6.000 per year, it was decided at, the United County council meetin'g last Wed- nesdiay. A recommendation to that effect was proposed by a special advisory and co-orCinýat- ing committee and ado-pted by counecil. Durin.g the current session the speciial eommittee also recom- mended that committee members salaries be increased to $20 per -day and the session pay be ln- creased to $25 ýper diay.Mieg schedule will remain at 10 cents per mile. The neýw salary sehedule, is ef- fective May 1 of this year. The ýsalary scbedule for the United Colinty eouncil members is noýw the saine as Victoria eo'ýty councillors, v7ho also re- eive the same mileage rp.tio. Petrb'-eghOou.nty counilior-s bigebeen.- receiving $15 for cern- nite Ittines and a sessional fe '-b $8.Anincrease to $18 and, $;20 resýpectively has been recom- mended. NDP W.meu, Meet The May meeting of the Dur- hemn N.D.P. Women's Organiza- tiený was held at the home of Mvrs. Williiam Stacey, -Bowman- ville, on Thesday evening, the 2»t. A sohedule cd events, was dnaîfted for 19-70 includiiÀng danc- eS, card parties, skating party, ruimmrage sale, guest speakers at mneetings etc. Mr. H. Veonhof was e1eqted to, ,ý0rve on the picule cammittee for the Rýegion(al picnic to be held. ie D4rham Riding lu August. <\s.D. Moffatt waJs elected te sirve on the Regienal Council Whidh covers Ontario, Ontario South, Oohawa and Durham Rid- ings. The clothing and articles left frnm the Mairch Rummage Sale iin Milljbrook xiiibe serted andf given to vres organiza- tin.The men's clothing wv'ill be ora n'ternete days. The administrative saf re- eman'anmdad the ne and it now hodds that kindergarten will be held for half day clases with fuail returru transportation for al ~t rai pupils, lit is estirnated that the changae Work~. Iir 4av eTo n Mot îrd by' e trnpto Kg Wton b ïfe- the ednd f the s-huol terni puip s cf grades, six ands s- v~n t t~ OonoPublic Sehool 'bnae ben planning- events te raise money. The trip fer the tweO grades is costing in the nleigh- ibuboif $tlO.00. The tnýp is te be mnace by train. Lest Saturday at Barraball's Garage the two classes heid a c.uwn andi were busy fer a oerod eýf four heurs. They real- ized a sum of $68.00 through the venture. Crao eghtat the sehlocil are teking a trip this year te Ottawa and they like six and seven have been raising fands for the year- ly event. Unfiortunately a sum of $8500 was stelen from this fttnd with oniy a part cf it being re- turned te date. The money was stolen at the school. xiii esit an additifnal $17,000. from Septemiber teoDecember lu The Orono and Kirby kinder- g-artens iii now opurate on a 4half day basis every ýday. busaMay 22nd the Junior Ca'denrs held their annual SpigShow. An added attraction is year was a bake sale and ûtber small items, over, $10.00 wxas added te ±lyir treasury. Mrs. Cari Billiugs' and Mrs. Ev- ci-ett Couvier were the capable uresfor the show with almest 50 entries. W inners lu show, as follows: Jr. Ciesis- Miniatures: Karen At- kuis, Katby lyccett, Nancy TIre- gunna. Jr.s - Arrangement lu Bottie- Cathy Milisen, Ja net Shemk er, Nancy Tregunna. -sý Cap andi Saucer Arrange- r.îent- Kareni Atkins, Deuise Chai- Ire Cal' yMilisen. Seior Classes: TVIiatres - Laurie Sehmid, JryeWerry4 Elaine Vagg. Arraýngement in, Bottie - Elaine agJoyce Werry, Yvonne Soho- Cup and Sagcer - Joyce Werry, Lain-ie Schmid, Elaine Vagg. Bird House (beys enl3) - Kelth Guy, Stephen Clarke. We would like te' thank Mrs. Clarke, Mus. Calla'nan and 'Mus. Barlow fer helping us in the bake sale. On Saturdjay morning, May 2î, aibout 15 Juniors wenit on'a spring hike. Prizes were given out for nature hunts. DYurham Opposes ,TheNotmerndadD- hem Counitie.sCounil as gn on record to ithe effect ta boundaries of the lcal munàiipa-- ifiles sbould remain as nov, con- stitutod without change The rccommendatiou deait wii' a suggestion from tbe miniter municipal aff airs who prev«ýiusiy statcd thet emalgainetict-of mei ler municipalities should te place. The diea was to croe un iý- its of WC itblà ile size for the pur poses of administ!ration. Two repreýsentives ý'ýfrom the department met a special p~~m mittere. fIt was expl-,ained the ok- .iective of the suggestion is taD ferm units of, 18,000 to 25,000 pcople such :as eue municipalityi ccmprising the areas of Darling- ton. Tow,-n ef Bow;ýmanville, C.arke To'wnship and Village ofced castie. The seilcountycomte suggested Itlat nothiug be ou until.the adjoininjg mnc~te (have an oppertunity to look a'- the situation and study theai An examinatien of the resuIts of the Oshawa planning awea andI development intensive study should also be madle. It was recommended tha t the Minister of Municipal Affairs be- contacted by letter te holid un further action at the present timé' Dr. D. deF. Macintosh, -Direct- Or cf the Schoel Of Phyýsien- ard HilhEd-ication ai Queen'5 n rence E. Graham cOf Orono, Ontar- iO wiil be ewarded the Gold Med- ai in, Physicel and Healtb. Educa- tien. The Present3tion will, be made at the spring Convocation for physilcal, and health educetionýý students con, May 3th. Air. CGlm- * hem has been awarded a Medical. Researeh Council Studentship valj ued at $3,600 to Pirsue greaduaite, wvork in physioiogy at Queea's University next yea.r andi wiil worký under the direction cf Dr': G. M. Audrew jodit apýPointmentîýt ath DeperTtment cf Phyelology and the Seheol of Physical and Ieait Education. .Miss Marj crie A. Swvan of West- meunt, Quebec andi Mr. Graham xiii botb graduae "wîth cistinc- tieon" in physical a'nd bealdi cdu- Cafion at the sPring convocation. lVJiss 'Swan bas accepted a posi- tion te, work at the Y.M.C.A. in idmonton. civn te a ,-olunteeni raiito in WhitbY for the Ontario les-, pital.

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