ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, ORONO, THURSDAY, MAY 29th, 1969 OR I1ý^O WEEKLY TUMES Second Class Mail Registration Number 0368 Published every Thursday at the office of publication Main Street, Orono, Ontaio. Phone 983-5301 Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Publisher Parking Dilemma Parking is as rnuch a necessity ais is luilt shelves as fan es any type of retail business is concerned. Take'a- waiy parking and 'business caa only drop. The Orono busin- ess section hais always had a problem ia Vins matter' whidh bas 'been further aggravated ding the past few weeks. Some businessmen have noted a drop la out-of-town Vade' and it is all due Vo the nnavailability of convenient parking. Contrction wonk in Orono la only a, temporary item soon o be cleared up but there docs exist other probJ Reis wiVh are on a reeurring basis. One of these is the Fnridaiy niglit race sicet et Vhe Orono Fair Grouads. Patrons of the meet, have la the past, and'no doubt wil continue Vo do so, used valuaible parking space on Vhe main street during peak peni o f business. This only discourag.s shoppers who, for a few minutes more can be in Bownian- ville or Oshawai, where ample and convenleat parking is aivailaible. Why waste Urne looking for a parking- space and thea havng o carry items one or Vwo blocks. It istm htago adloki ae tteOo Parking situation because iV is now threatening the Orono business section whodh could expaind to a greater degree if conveneat parking was avuilable. The enforcement of the present parking bylaiw, 2 hour limit, conld be of assistance but 'there appears littie iinterest in tins by VIe governing body. * Soenething miusýt be donc for it cannot continue ais it does without being detrimeatail Vo the *very, heart of the Village. APPOLLO ACHIEVEMENTS WIN PRAISE, BAISE DOUBT The science of space travel hai advanced spectaicu- laily since those perplexing pioaeering daiys of the first Soviet Sputnik, the early fliglits of Russiain Yuri Gaigarin end Ameri'i John Glenn. The aiwesone adventures of the gallant crew of Apollo 10 aad the- llterally unbellevable achievements'of the astronjaits on tiheir mission to the rnoon give exciting prooM today. Much remains iucoaprehensib le to the layman. The faet that die Apollo trio travelled in earth orbit and mous' orbit for a week and thon sped back Vo make a pinpoint landing on target near hereeovery ship will be impressive enough for most of us. Yet the understainding of the tech- nology involved reniains practically as remote as it was in- the early Glenn and Gaigarïn era. Flot the US. desired to reacd the moon before the ~Russians' did is understandaible. Tihis gave eredence Vo the oainpaign of the late John Kennedy to match and then sur- paiss the Soviet spaice prograin. That the Aiericans have becs ighly suecessful in VIls endeavour is now amply ev- ident. The layman cas -also graisp the fact that it las cost more han $20 billion to acquire tis capacity to send a man to the moon and bing him back. But when a moon landing is achievcd as presumnably it, will in the next Apollo flight scheduled for July, what then? There are a multitude of new "Worlds" for the space scientists Vo conquer but what priorities. will these further nùssions commnaad? The simple reply thait astronauts wish to travel to other planets "because they are there" canne)t forever suffice. The merit of such future flights is already being que§ti.ned. Senator Edward Kennedy hais suggested that after the early lunar landiag the space prograin should, he out drasticaliy. The colossal sums being spent on space slould be funnelled to snch citical earthly problcms as hunger and social unrest is the contention. Some apprehension is also being expressed in the U.S. that whle the technical excellence to reach the moon hais béen developed, the ability o cope with what is found there xnay laig. TheWashington Post, for instance, suggests the Possbit thait there is "sonething ont there witlh which the Appollo program cannot cope."1 This niay be wear akin Vo the- fear that aiuch earlier explorers would drop off the edge cd the'fiat world. ýIt will nevertlhelcss be 'a consideration the assessmnenrt of future space ventures. Fllc full significaince of thc technological advaiaccs of the space progirani will not be nearly as readily grasped as the immense monetary outlay -or the suspicion of the un, known. The Appollo astronaints wüU continue o receive the laurels they dcserv but they are likely Vo have încreasingly severe budget probleins. -The Qshawa Timnes Orono Juniors Showing Lts 0fPrms The Orono Junior Boasehal club is showing lots of promise tis - year and during the past few 'Paays have not only defeated a Peterborough club but also lad a Belleville teaim .scatching to to min, Last Sunday Orono rwas defeat- ed 6-5 in Belleville when Belle- vile camne fromn behind ini the 9th inning with a home rua ýand with one on base. At the time Orono was in the Iead 54.i Paul Jones pitched çix innings for Orono giving up four kits, B. Foster gave up two hfts in two innings and Earl Foster one in the final frameý. Gary vanDaan lead the Orono hitters with 2 for 4, John Mather 2 for 5 and single kits to Earl Cobbledick and Bob Burley. On Wednesday eveniag in Or- ono the local club defeated Pe- ,1sjý*barough by a score of 7 - 3. Michael Carman pitchled the first four innings giving np five jhits. Paul Jones camie-in relief for the next four and gave up on- ly three bits. John Mather lead t*, hitting departmnent with 3 for 5, Gary VanDaM _went 1 for 2 whlle Brian Foster and 'Bob Burley bit 2 fer 4. Single bits were registered ,by Ron Srnith aind Earl Oobbledick. Peterborough went out in the lead in the first of the gaie 3-1. Orono however, recovered with three runs in the 5th and a fur- ther hree in the sixth. The Orono Club play Napanee at 5:00 -tihis Saturday afternoon at the local park. < Carne on out and ýgive thein your support. JUNIOR BALL SCHEDULE Maiy 31-Napainee at Orono - 5.00 June 5-Orono at Oshawai 6:30 -- June 7-1Belleville at Orono 2:00 June 11-0Oshawa iat Orono, 6:30 June 15-O0rono at Naipanee, 2:00 June 17-Oronc at Cobourg, 6:30 June 21-Belleville at Orno 2:00 June 28-0rono at Peterboro 2:00 Your Contre For... CANDIES -, CHOCOLATES CIGARETTES -CIGARS LIGUTERS -WATCHES S0FT DRINKS - SUNDIES Toiletries DRY CLEANING AGENTS' for Bowmanville Cleaners Glen Rae, MILK and, 1MILK PRODUCTS Check wlth us we more than likeiy have it mmaATIS BILLIAORDS and Brbrsk.p Mxord BRICKLAYERS STON EMASON S Speclallzlng ln ail kindoi 1O STONEWORK and FIREPLACBS We asdo Vimey 1«Nd HARNESS RACING Last Fntday's race results at thc Orono traick were: lst Race- Prima May, Miss Bubk Eye Lady, Haînrains Ace. 2nd Race--Cape owa Shelly, Rob Ron Chef and Molly Haiw leai 3rd Race-lfappy's Mac, Rodwyn Tbdd and Liz Song. 4th Race-Mighty Chance, Ringo Star and Kixa Marie Hl. 5th Race-Jaglai, Claincy Herbert, Certified Electriciaua aind Lyn B. Bale. Acres 38.5 ac.: Pasture- 65 ac.: 65.64 ae,: 6th Race-Docn Orey, Wlzn Matilda .and Ern Spencer. 7th Iace-Danny D. Dale. 8th Race-Vicky Adios. 9th Race-Gene Putney. LI p LYE W S ELECTRIC, lqatldg and Uglung lsinattîsa d epafrs byMd lctîîn $'325. $455.- $500. ROLPH Do minlon HARDWARE We Work Yes, we work band-4u-hand with yoUr eloctor to proteet your health anid that of Your familY. Your doctor's prescription is compoumded with care and precision from the freshest of drugs. STUBTT'S PHnAtRMaACY ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5009 lANDý TO RENT NOW to Octohecr 31, 1969 Parn Loft 9 and le, Cou. 5 Clarke Township Part Lots 9 and 10, Cou. 5 Clarke Township Part Lots 4 and 5, Con.,g and 9 Clarke Township, Part lot 18, Con.- 5 Clarke Township Becas Devolopments- Ltd.. PO0. BOX 1411 TORONTO DOMINION CENTRE, TORONTO 111 1 Location