Standards of white mums wîth mauve -commercial 'muins formed an attractive setting for the mar- iiage in Orono UaitedChurch on Saturday afternooa, April 12, 1969 et 3:30 'cloek of'Miss Faye An- drea Nicholson,: daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Floyd A. Nicholson Of O0rono, and Mr. Gordon' Harold Burnham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hlarold Burnham, Oshawa. The officiatiag clergyman was Rev. Basil- Long, and Mr. James Wilson played the wedding music. Given in marriage by hier fath- ýer, the bride wore a 1formal length gown of white souffle la prnaces style with long hIly-pointed sleev, es. A matching train, caught by a bow highuighted the gowni,-back. lier four-lie r tulle veil with scal- oped edge andi sprinkled with seed pearls was galhered to a crown of pearis and crystels. She ýcariied a bridai bouquet of redi roses with white carnations and white, hyaciaths in a long: cascade Miss Dianne' Nicholson, sister 0f the bride, was maid of honor and Mrs. Gary MacDougal was bridesmaid. They were attired inl formai length, empire Waisted, princess style gowns of mauve peau de soie accenled by a wood- grain pattera. They w6re tiara licadidresses wilh two-tier match- îing -tulle veiliag, aad carried noeegays of> pale yliw 'mumns with white carnations. Mr. Rona14 MacLean was best man andi the usher was Mr. Gary MacDougal. The reception 'was helti aI the New Dutch Oven Restaurant. For the occasion the bride's mother wore a street-lengtli, mint. green dress, matehing hat and shoes, andi corsage of deep pink carna- tions. She was assisted ia receiv- i ng by the groom's moftler who chose a streetlenglh salmon ýpink dress, navy accessoies andi cor- sage of white carnations and deep Pink sweetheart roses. The couple hoaeymooned aI Myrtie Beach la South Caroline, U.S.A., andi for travelling the bride wore a grey wool-flannel dress and coat, white bal andi black accessories. A corsage of red sweetheairt roses compRbment- et ensemble. Utr. andi Mrs. Burn- liani are residing at 66 King St. West, Bowmnanville. A legal stenographer with W. Kay Lyccît, Orono, the bride aI- tended Orono Public Sehool, Clarke High Sehiool and Port Hope Iligh Sehool. The groom .is a Plant Service Chemist with C.I.L., T'or- ento, and altended iVaple -Grove ~Publie Sehool, Bowmanville Hligh School andi Queea's Un'iversity. Prior la the weddiag the bride m'as honored wilh several show- "r. Hostesses were Mrs. Wm. Stapleton, Mrs. Gordion Simpson, Mrs*. Clarence Brooks, Mrs. Jim Bruton, Mrs. John Forrester, Mrs, Maurice Anaaert, Mrs. Raipli Willis, Mrs, Gary MacDougal, Mrs. Morlev Becksted anti Mes. George Fisher..1 Orono Sports The, Kendal Bantamis continue la show their sup eniority in the' basebal worlti and in the past two games have taken viclories over the Orono Banteins. Recently la -Kendal the Ken- alal boys defeated Orono by a score of 12 - 4. On Tuesday niglit in tle Orono Park the Kendal erew again defeateti Orono 10-6. The winning pitchers for Kendal were N. Breanan and B. Norton. R. Nixon and K. Powell pitcheti for Orono. Orono is Ihis year playing la Buraam -Nicholson Wodding Terry Thompson tance for KeadÈa Ilrough to an easy being la trouble. went the dis- andi breezeti victory, neyer Ntike White started for- the Newcastle team buýt was hit to al corners of the playing fieldi.lHe gave way to Brian Lewis who was affordeti the same treatment iwith the resuit *hat White lied toè be brought back to the hli b finish up. *oug P., I r .,for Sale, Depeudiable, Year-«Rouuid Da"iving.. 1968 BUICK WILDCAT CUSTOM 1965 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4 DR. SEDAN 112-DOOR IIARDTOP 6 cylinder, automatie, power steering and brakes, new V 8, loaded with options, balance of factory warranty white wall tires, 'This car was sold new by us. Prevîous ON WNRCAR $3295 owner's, name onrequest. Lic. No.L245----$1 2 1967 PARISIENNE 4-DOOR HARDTOP 1965 CIIEV. BEL AIR SEDAN V 8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, etc. V 8, automatie, radio, etc. Local one-owner car37 Balance of factory warranty. Previ 1ous owncrs $-23-6l Licence 'Number L32485 ------------ --- -- $137 name on request. Lic, No.95 1967 CIJEV. BEL-AIR STATION WAGON 16 AIN EA V-8, Automatie, radio, power steering, balance 165 y LIatomatED.TcAr a rndnwmtr of factory warranty. This wagon is inlflaculat $2387Work oder fuo tti wrkadi.Tis aber-------- $1269 mtor den - - - - - - --inspection. Lic. No. 6858V ------------------- $ 1 6 1966 PONTIAC GRAND PARISIENNE 2 door hard top. V 8, automatic, power steering, power 1964 BUICK COMPACT SPECIAL SEDAN brakes, radio, white wall tires. This car was sold new by ns. 6 êylinder, standard transmission, radio. A real economy Previous owner's name on request. 0 9 8oe-we a.Li.N.1598-a --- -------- Licence Number L10959 -------Oneow-r cr.-ic.No.1-5-8----- $878 1966 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2 DOOR * IARDTOP 1-964 PONTIAC' LAURENTIAN SEDAN V 8, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, 6 cylinder, automatie, radio, five new whitewaIl tires. New white wall tires, vinyl top Local one-owner car Licence Num ber L12987 -- --- -- ---$ 1 9 Licence Number L35199 - --- --- 1 4 RAY LATHANGUE 166 KING ST. E. TOM COWAN, Pres. STU PRESTON PHONE 623-3396' ROGER SWAN BOWMANVILLE aleague with Xendal, Carnel- and Franlcford: fOrono p1aYs three rounds of home and homie games withi Kendal while Playing One round of home and home ganes with both Carmel and Frankford. The following is the sehedule foc Bantam play la the local lea- gue for both Kencial and Orono. 1969 BANTAM SCIIEDULE May 21, 6:30,- Orono at Kendcal May 27, 6:30- Kendial at Orono May 31, 2:00 - Orono et Kendal June 1, 2:00-- Kendial et Orono' June 11, 6:30 - Orono at Kendal June 17, 6:30- Kendal iat Orono June 21, 1:00, Keadal at Frank'd June 21, 2:00, - Carmel at Orono June 28, 2:00 Fran.kïfard at Kendal June 28, 2:00 - Orono at Carmel July 5, 1:00, Oromo et Frankford July 5, 2:00- Kendal at Carmnel July 12, 2:00 Carmel et Kendal July 12, 2:00- Frank'd at Grono ORONO JUNIORS The 'Orono Juniors opened their sehedule of play last Sun- the gajme 6-5. dlay in Belleville. Belleville took KENDAL POSTS WIN Ia the opening gaine of the'E. O.B.A. Midget "B" League played at Newcastleon the holiday week- end, the visitors from , Kendal showed no mercy as they lam- basted the home side to the tune of a 17-0 score playedi before a smati crowvd in threatening weath- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Burnham Orono United Sunday Church School S'unday, June I rwo SERVICES- 10:00 a.m., - MRS. ANGUS LOUCKS To tell the story to the children 11:1 5a.m. - DR. ROBERT RUMBALL Guest Speaker. Corne out andi support Your Sunday Church School fil I ORGNO WEEKLY TIMES, ORONO, TIRUBSDAY, MAY M,29th69