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Orono Weekly Times, 29 May 1969, p. 7

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r-~- ~---- J ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, ORONO, THURSDAY, MIAY 29th, 1969 See Mils.Insurance Agency fer Ail classe of personal and Commercial Coverages Office: Main St., Orono Res. 983-5754 IGord Simps.n Fb... Orene 983.5803 * FAININU CA"IENIRT REMODELLINI GENERAL REPAIRS interier BEtons, PC=OZ>C=O c:o= O= 3 CHAÀRLES REID Oron.'s Licensed Âuetbaeer and Valuatox Speclalize in Farm and D'rnlkre Sales (3.nsut me fer temns and dates ý PRONE OBONO 983-»014 Monuments and Family Merials, eut quallty aMd s- ervic uae a.lmg te b.deura t" epeSeu Who b"ugwtfrem 1% »gàufriem «trelatve *ýe RUTPER GRANITE COMPANY lit Onta riet PORT Rops Luet siay la 8..h.t WATSN'SMmarine 1 and Cycle 983-5843 MeCULLOCE DOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAITS §epafrn t. anl mske of La£m Ulwers snd snd 4 cycle OTACO PLOW POINT A» MACHINEET PLUMEIWGmmA TINS 2-A FINANCIMO 9,ew iteimM4Rte Tyrm 84Us-80 Eaaaptenm 8-338 OrvilleChatterton Electrical Contracting Electric Heating and Service P190NE 983-5546 9r 83-5940 Orono, Ontario OR ONO ELECTRIC 'l erb »di Gerry Duval "83-51«8 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC IIEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V.- COLOUR T.V. 1RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTIOHOME lINGLIS - THOR - GUARANTEED SERVICE - Hamiltons Insurance Service Amie., Pe fpeu",e Sadie Hamiltoni 1BOX 133 Phone 6-35 Stafford Brothers L~imme Mianufacturers of fCemetery Memolriafr 318'Dundas Street Fast wHITBT, oNTAmJ Bulding a lieuse? FIoyd Nicholson, . ommm080 The Senior (Y ,zpn3 wiil meet in the Oddfellow's Hall on Thurs- day, June 5th at 8:00 p.m. This wiliI be our laast meeting until Fnl. The Girl Guides will serve lunch. Everyone welcomne. FOR SALE Pressure Purnp and Tank, Phone 983-5951, alfter six. a-p FOR SALE One 1966 Tiumph Motor Bike, TR6, 650 C.C., excellent condition. Phone 983-5222, Orono. a-c FOR SALE Spring box plants, flowering Geraniums and perennial plants. Also a box trailer. De mooy's Greenhouses. No-th St., Newcastle. Phone 987-4916. PmO ALE Dried sheMed QCar ýorsale. ,or pick »w e 4dlveau i Bo~b Cariithems RR 1. Bowroma- fflIe. Phone 6=3-48W. t-f ORONO TRAILER Sales and Rentai Onec hard-top Tenit Trailer, a demonstrator. Phione 983-5974, Orono, Ont. a-c Nursery Stock Evergireen, Flowering Shrubs Box Plants Landscaping and Sodding RICHARDSON'S NURSERY Pontypool, Ontario Phone 983-5180, Orono HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Housekeepew requiired ùnrnedi- ately for home in Orono, 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. à day s1 a wee'k. Ire out. Meals and genenal cleaning. Excellent remuneraition. Apýply Box 300, Orono Tirues. BOARD ANDI R0031 Board and room for young main in Orono. Separate rooins, good meals and accommodation. Apply Box 300, Orfoo'imes immedlately. a-c WANTED Bank accountant requires a tiwobedroom apartment or house in Orono or immediate district, preferably with refrigerator and stove. Phone 983M534 or 723-4228 b-c D). ROGERSON OBONO, ONTfAIO ANTIQUES Wi BUT AND Suu 014 Glanu, China, Plue Articles Te »ad Odt#u IF IM'SOL» . CALLUS WB PAT CASE'! Phone 623-5342 after 6 pan JACK RICAIRD REALIOR » King st., E. BOWMANVILLE WhM am flyIg eM &Mng ea WVILF HAWKE REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 823-3393 Térent. 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4548 For prompt, courteous, effici- eMt s-eie when, buylng or seflung and for the largeat sel- eMMctio iproporties lu' the ares CetciOres.Ame Rensmatile ROY Foufer 983-5801 Andy Sutch Roy Strong 983-9119 52r r11 kO'ý NG EVENT S1JCW. wifl hald a day, June 4th, 2:00 o'cloeck. a-c CO'-VNCG VENT The Annual Meeting of the Or- ono Water Safety Swiimming Club will, be hel-d Monday, June 2. 199in the Orono Municipil Building at 8:00 p.m. We welcome aIl interested persons. 2-C Remember the Orono United Sunday Chuirchi Sohocl Annivers- ary this Suridiy, Jane lst, wh-n 4.1yEs. Angus Loucks will be the speaker at the 10:00 am. service and Dr. Po. Rmal will be the speaker at the 11:15 service. HOlISE WANTED TO RENT Four or moire rooms, rural Or- ono or Bowmanville areia; 3 ad-, ults. 1a-p Phone,,9à3-5022, Orono. HELP WANTED Reliable truck driver for steady emPloyment. Good benefits and working conditions. Apply in person at Curvply WoodProduets, South Plant, Or- onoOntario, a SPARE TIME INCOME Refiýlliig and eolleoting money from NEW- TYPE ighi-quality coin-operated diispensers in your area. No selling. To qualify you must have car, refetrences, $600 to $2,900 cash. Seven to twelve hours weeddy can, net excellent rnonthly income. More full Urne. For personial interview write CANAPENN DISTRIBUTING LIMITED, 302 QUELLETT~E AV- E-NUE, WINDSOR, ONTARJO.' Inelude phone number. a-p VISIT FRED'S FRUIT MARKET Geraniums and box Plants for sale. Also MacIntosh, Red Delie- ieus anid Spy apples. Fresh apple eider, ice creain. 79c hall gallon. BIRTH BAILEY-Wayne and ýCarol are Nappy to announce the birth of their son, Shiawn William, 7 lb. 414 oz., on Monday, May 26, 1969 at Bowmanville Memorial Hos- piaL. a-p BIRTIZ BARRABALI,-2Wjlls and Maril- yn are happy ýto announce- the birth ci a daughter, Lesley Anne, 6 lbe. 8 oz., on Friday, May 23, 1969. A baby sister for Greg. Speclial thanks to Dr. MoKenzie and staff of Maternity Floor. IN MEMORIAM OOWLING-In memory of a dear husband and'father, who passed away on May 31, 1967: Just a thought of sweet remem- ,briance, Just a memory sad and true, Just la love and sweet devotion 0Of ones who thin k of you. ~Sadly missed and ever remeni- beired by wife, Nina and fanily. PUMPING OUT SEPIC TANK@ D.rt Tuiapklaa 788-OMêIU LYCETT YCEý& «àthlg Plumbing Heiting PBONB ores% êatmu NOTICM3 TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F PAUL G-ETLIK, Deceased, ALL Persons having dlaims againsj the'Estate of Paul GetllIk, late of the Towînship of Clarke, in the Coainty of Durham, Retired- Wirernqker, ivho dicd on or about the lst day of February, 1969. are h--bv no-tified to, send Dar- ticulars of samne to the under- signird on or b.2fore the 18tih day of June, 1969, after which. date the Estate will bc distributed w-ith regard only to the ckaims of which the undersign-ed shall thpn have, notice. and the under,:i-.d will niot be liable to any Derson of whose dlaim she shaîl not then have notic1. DATED at Toronto this l2th day of May, 1969. MARY BIS, Administratix, by lher solicitors, BEATON, LEAKE and FELLOWS, 372 Ray Street, Toronto 1. On- tario.,c2- JIORTICULTURALN0 ' Mr. Deuinis Içirg.of Aja - show slides of I"Wîld Life in Af- rica" at ihe Horticultural Spring Show on Thursday, Mov- 8 P.m. iii the Main Hall of, the Church. Membe-rs bring - yoUr entries for tJhe- show from the following, list as shown la your 1969 Year Book. Class 1. 3 red tulips Class 2. 3 yellow tulips Class 3. 3 pink tulips Class 4. 3 any other colour (I var- iety.) Class 5. 3. lily flowering tulhps Class 6. 3 parrot tulips Css 7. 3 double tulips Class 8. Ani African violet, -any colour Class, 9. A collection or house pliants, 3 to 6 varieties ,Class 10. "Spring Trio". An ar- rangem ent using 3 spring flowers of one variety. Other niaterials allowed. Front view, Class 11. "Springtime in 'the Rockies". A composition~ using natural' materials, stone to be a part of the design, If1t-'rs optional. Cliass 12. "Little Beauty". >A Spring arrangement nflot M ceed 8"l in height. Front view only. Entries, will be recelved,,from 4-5 p m ad- rom 7-7:45 p.m., Everyône weleome to conrw -qnd enjoy an interesting eveni'- b-90-Cý CARD 0F THANKS The lamily of the late Ernest Adanison wish to express their appreciafion and thanvs to friends ýand neighbours of Orono and Hiampton for the floral tributes, donations to the Ontario l{eart Foundation, cards and many acts of kindness. Speciaýl thanks to the Rev. B. Long, Dr. McKenzie, M'rs. E. G-raham and Orono U.C. W. . a-p Sadie Adamison and family.

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