ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, Tfl BSDAY, JUNýE 5th~, 1969 OR NO Wu..EEKLY TIMES,,, Second Class, Mail Registration Number 0368 Pubiisled every Thursday at the office of publication Main Street, Orono, Ontario. Phone 983-5301 Established ia 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Publisher As tlie Orano Road project neiars completion there dors appear ione féiature of the plan that is a rmal disapponit- ment. Tis became cuident with the placing of curbs and the realization that the new streets were flt going ta, ac- connnadate parking even ta the degree thatexisted priar ta the work. Ini general the streets are too narrow and are de'- signed an a residentiail basis even tlioug~h many do border a cmmnercilaL area. The widt.h 0f tlie streets' measure frum 28 feet ta 30 feet and on speiakiîng wfth a member 0f the Engineering fu-m, we learned that a 30 foot width was standard for residential areas. It allawed Vw-way traffic and parking on ONE side. One needed only trayel "xsn Park Street on Fniday evening or Sunday morning, rwhen car were parked on both, sides of the road leaving room for one lane of tîrafficý It was quite apparent that the wddth of the road was not adequate fer parking on both sides as well as two-way traf-4 fic. It's impossible. The condition is warse now than bef>ore when cars could park up to the sidewalk. When one considers Park Streen, 1à is as muéli a commercial area as residential. Fronting or abutting tihe street are the Tlownshîp offices, Hydra offices, Bank, Orono United Churcli, Fair ground, Orono Arena and Barlow's Funmeral Hode. Ail these enterprices do attract higli density ¶raffc ith a need 0f parking at certain turnes. The 30 footM width of Park fStreet is toWaly inadequate and only in keeping with liome and buggy deys. <hurch Street f rSm Park ta, Centre aiea, abu«is the commercial area and here again tlie Village, is building a ineagre 3 0 foot road. On both these streets there is a Uar sized boulevard wbâeh, we beiieve could have been utiilized ta gain needed area ta produce a suitable thorouiglfare for tis seetar 0f the Village. At the present time it will go te wuste while traffic will coninue ta endëavour ta battle tlie narrow streets in Orono. - ie are not knocking the roas project, because in itheory la is good but a hall job la certainlIy not good enough4 lt is quite apparent that fuil consideration or understand- ing 0f the- probdem was not known or taken into considéra- tion. Unfortunately sosue $130,000 wilU be spent on a per- manient jobi wlich is not sus'table ta cope withiail the prob- lepns. nfle narrowness of thle Orona streeits puts a furtiher noose around the neek of Ihe Orono business section and it, was not netessary. Ït has been drawn ta aur attention by aý qual£ifid Persoan that in many such sectors rol curis are used wfth the boulemard bein.g paved. Tis allows a car ta drive on- ta the boulevard wlien parking and it was feit that in the Orono case, and especially in the commercial ame, hs would have been a logical answer. Whatever the answer mnay be, there la one f act that idefinite and that la Orono la losing either parking area or travel area on «the new streets and after spending $130,000 we live in an Ivory Tower with doors toeo snali ta enter. TKownshlp of Cak To Property Ownoers to DEST R0YROTWJE DS Notice is hereby given to ail persons in possession of land, in accordance with the Weed Control Act,' R.S.O. 196, Chapter 427, Sections 3, 13 and 19, that unles noxtous weeds growing on their lands wîthln the Mun- iclpality of Clarke are destroyed by date of JUNE 30, 1969, and throughout the season the 'municipality mnay enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land in taxes, as set out in the Act. The co-operation of ail citizens is earnestly solieited. The Council of the Township of Clarke. KeillNews The Kendal tri)P 0of Scouts, Qýubs and Browniris made a fine showing as they marched fram Kendal Sehool to. the United Churc lUi st Sunday afternoon with banners waving and led, by a Kilty band. The band cionsisted o f Mr. Derek Severn, drummer, Mr. Glen Therteil and Mr. Roy Tlie*el Playing the bag pipes. The Therteil pipers were f orm- er Kendal boys, The leaders wish ta thank the band. ehe churchi was filled with boys and girls and theïr parents. Miss Peggy Foster sang a solo, 'Jesus lias promised my shepherd ta be' accampanjed by hier aunt Mlrs. A. Foster. Rev. T, Snelgroive rCad the scriptuwe, beginning 'Wisdm iS the Princàple thing ,IherBfO-re get wisdom' and con- Cluded ýWith the words' of St. Paul, 'The Path of the jusit is like a shining ligbt that shineth -more and more onto the perfect. day. In his sermaon lie toid theni of a grect mailn whiose motta, had 'been 'Work liard, think biig and have a dreamn." if we have faith in God, we can make our'dreamns cornme true. 1Ie told the girls of the work of Jane Adamis in Hiart I{ouse in the slums of Chicago. Next Sunday afternoon- at 2:00 pan. Nwe welconie the ladies of the Bowmanville Chapiter of the Eastern Star ta aur service. Mrs. Mary Luxon was adlntted ta Bowmanville Hospital on Mon- daY. We are giad ta heuar she is niuch impraved. A number of Kendal ladies at- *tended the Sliloh bazaar an June fourth. Orono Juniors Win On Saturday evening, May 31sit the Oon~o Junior.s defeated Na- panee ta tihe tutne of 12-3. Paul Jones posted the min with some fine pitching, Jones gave ap one run in tlie second, and for six innings scatered four hits, gave up two walks and ffanned 8. Èob Foster' releived Jonies in the eseventl, giving up two runs on four bits 'and on,- free base and fanned three 0fthe visîtar.s. Larry MleNeil went the distance for Napanee, giving up twelve runs on nine baseraps and four wmalks while fanning eight. Your Centre For4. I,"ported >Cigars Pipe Tobacco JUST ARRIVED A RealTregit for Dad MATIS BILLIARDS and Burbersh.p Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASON S We aisedo CRb»". 'BurleY, Duvail and Stark' led the lonCals with twa bits apiec, ance DfitarIs eing 'a salid t'hree baýgger.Bra Foster 'and Michael CamnPok-ed, singles while lien- derson clubbed a triple. Stinsoni was the power for Na- PDnee with four for five, Garri- son1, Demington and Kinnear with singles and MeNeil with a triple. The Juniors posted another win on Sunday before, a good crowd at the Orono Park. The lasers were Port Hope by a score 7-2. Mike Carman went the distance for the lois givng up two runs A etlfetC Ej,-o on eight hits, and twaý walks 'wMhile fanning six. After a slaky start Carinan se- led down and shut out the visit- ors after the first inning. Bii Foster and Van Dam rapped twes singles, Jons singled once and- Mather smaslied a triple. Watson and HuiIs pîtched fo-r the lasers, giving up seven run ' on six hits, four walks whiýle far- nîng nne. Bob Burlcey played outstandIng defensive bail in the outfield for Orona. Belleville at Orono next Satur- day, June 7tli. FRIDAY. JUNE 27 and SATURDAY MATINEE 'SmahingTime' Lynn Redgrave, Rita Tushingham MONDAY, lUNE 30 - MID-NITE SHOW 'DR ACULA lIAS ,RISEN FROM THE GRAVE' and tChubasco' Richard Egan, Susan Strasberg COMING JULY 3 to 9 - ONE WEEK DullItt Steve McQueen as <'BULLITT"' ROYALBOWMANVILLE R O Y A L 13ONIC623-5581) THURSD)AY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAy JUNE S- 6 -7 -8 MATINEE SATURDAV AT 2:00 P.M. Jand lemr are no f mtrn oreoLgtfo TIIURSDA I AASATRDAY AND SNA JU E 32 3N141 TRahel, Raincelo TURSDAY RDSATURD'AY and SUNDAY JUNE 19 - 21 - 22 'Rosemary s Baby' Am Starriing MIA FARROW FRIDAY, JUNE 20 and SATURDAY MATINEE Genti, Glatnt Dennis Weaver, Vera Miles THUESDAY, SATUPDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAV, JUNE 26. 28 - 29 - 30 and JULY 1 -2 Candyr starring Ewa Aulin