ORONO -WEEKLY TIMlES, TIUESDAY, JUNE àth, 1969 re, Trinity United Church, on ,Miay 27th. Speaking on the rciationship of PINE RIDGE Landscaping und Garden. Service (FREE ESTIMATES> Home Maintenance, Nuruery Stock, etc. Phone 623-7633 Box 235 Bowmanville Kdliogg's flakes ~37C BEST BUY! Del Monte Spring Scasoned Green of Waxý - Fancy Peas-Beans 14 oz. 4 for 89c FEATURE! Fortune Fancy Cailfornia Fruit Cocktail 28' oz. fin 49ct BEST BUY! Save 8c.- Lancia -'i lb Cela macaroni or Spaghetti 39c SUNKIST Reg. 49C. m ORANGESCHELSEA DO)Z. $1 0CUL4 LOCAL HlOT flOUSEI Toinatees Bursting with flavour- Lge and Med. s ize 1 ATTRACTIVELy PRICED Controiled Atmosphere for Apples Fancy MACS and SPY 6quart basket "e tobacco smnoking to disease, Dr. Toogood tiold the 130 guests pres- cnt, that while the precise man- ner in which smoking is related, is flot clearly undcrstood by any- body, yeot death and illnciss do un- doubtedly appear less frcquemtly in individuals Who do not smoke. llowevcr it us not known if smok- ing causes discaises directly; whethcr it aggravates some prev- ious cxisting disease; or whether it doca some damage which allows a secondary factor to start dis- case lcading to death. The Lung canceri rate increas- es with the number of cigarettes çýmoked per day and the death rate in Canada is steadily inereas- inz in both men and women, this ibeinz now one of tho leiading M 0lsr f death I +ii qj rnrntrv. It was howevcr interesting to Special Value! JLm Assorted PowdIers 3 oz. Pkgs. Reg. $1.99! - 25e off' pack King Size Reg. $1.09 Value - 10ec OFF PACK 3 lb. Econ Pack Blue Bnnet Mrgarie89 SAVE Ilc - Suinspun Cana dian Chese Suices 8oz 3 for$ BESTUBUV! Save 10c. - Red and White Instant Coffee 5 oz. jar 69c VESTON 8 to pkg.- Pre-priced 69c. Club flouse Stuffed Man. 1BunS 45C Olives 12 oz.ý jar- 59C CREAM STYLE ounce tins SAVE 8c. - SAICO MANDARIN Oranges lOoz. 2for 49c Top Choice Dog Food! 89c SAVE 9c. - Cap'n Crunch, il oz. Hunny Munchi CEREALS QUAKER 2 pkgs 89c Feature! Free Cosmetic Bag with 24 oz. Dove Liquid save ]Oc 79c FBOZEN FOOD FEATURES- Birds Eye 6 ounce tins SAVE le. Prepared 16 oz. jar w- - aw W 8%3 r frfc' Msod2St Suprenie Fancy 2 pound bag Frenh's ustad Mied Végetables 49c hear that whule females do flot get lung cancer as often as men, the distance us d"~nishing, due 'probably to the fact that since 1920 wmcn have taken up cigar- ette smoking, and this can be lookcd on at one of the more un- desirable effects of the equallza- tion of the sexes. Prevention, rather than treat- ment, is the kcy to succcss with Iung cancer re emphasized, he- cause no niatter what you do for patients with lung cancer 45 per cent are going to die of that dis- ease'. Pipe siokers and cigar, amok- ers do not run the risk tai<ýen bv cigarette smoke-rs. hie added. and for those who think -that a filter tip will dîmin.isýh tar intak-. Th-v are deludîne thcmiselves, for such statements have no value. Answering a question as to the u Pre-priced 9U. SQUIRREL Pemut Butter 2 lb. 'Jar 79c RED and WHITE ORANGE PEKOE Ton Bags5lave. 6c 60 to pkg 59c REGULAR $1.29 Listerine Antiseptic 14 oz. 99c FEATUREI -- ISLAND QUEEN Tuna Fish solid white albacore 3 9c Orono Building Contractor Brick - Blok - Concrets Stone. Work Carputry - Cabinet Work Floor, 1Tue N35441 QONO effeot smoking ham on k*fnts-jia. the wo«ab, Dr. Toogood saidooe 'known f actor is that smoking mothers give birth to underwcdght infants conmpared with' nonismok ing mothers. If you live in 'Toronto (whioh elarlier 4n the, evening had beeu referred to by Dr. Godfrey Gale, one of the hcad table guests, as a "big dirty eld city wiith a lot of tuberculosis") where ithere id heavy air pý)1lution, and you ismoke a lot of cigarettes you rua a much greater risk than if you live in northern British Columhbia and isioke a lot of cigarettes. At -the be-ginning of is address Dr. Tooxgood had said he wax looking on the effects; of cigarettp, ,smoking as beiing ALL BAD, ex- cept possibly to those holding to. 'hacco stocks; or tobacco farmeirs. However, it was to Ibe noted that this is one of the most efficient bodies fin forecasiting the nced for that product :at the end of a grow- ing ycar. One thing is certain', hýe said, smoking wiII never be stamped out altogether. It is reasonable, however for Canadianis to de- mand somhe sign of resp onsibilfty on Ithe part of the tobacco. indust- rin the samne manner as it had *done of the phýarmnaceutical indus try, There is no reiason why the toîbacco industry should be privil- eg-'d whýen tobaccýo has done more hýarm ,. to Canadians t:han the pharmaceutical induistry has dionoe with. its occasional driamatie trag- edjes iLe. thalidomide. Action should therefore be demanded from the Food and Drug Board f9r legisiation making ît, mandat- okiy for the tobacco indýustry to corne up with a saf e prodiiet.. The tobacco industries spenci huge sums of monýey to persuade. people to smoke. Dr. Toogood gave as an example Great Brîtain, whore 5,000 pounds sterling had býeen spent over 5 years on anti- smoking caipaigns as opposed to> 38 million pounds sterling on per- suading people to isnmke through :advcrtîsemnent. This ratio could also be applýicd to countries using fthe dollar currency such as Can- ada and the States, Hie coniinued by isaying that iSMokers et all age levels should býe kept iniformed on' thée bazards of smoking pairticularly school aga groups. Ho comimendcd the, local association on its reccnitly com- Ploted anti-smoking campaiga> OPERATION DON'T STAJiT, dir- etod to Pradeis 4, 5 and 6 in al the schools in the two Counties, as the age grouip of childiren smoking is dropping lower and, lower. In elosing Dr. Toogood rcmind- ed that the life, you save may ho Youx own, or that of dour next of kin. Custom. Gardoning ServICOS Ploughing - Diaking - Cultivet. Ing - Lýevlig - Earthmovlng Custom Landacaping -, Wed and Grans Mowlng - Poet Hfile Boreing '- Snow Removal nE2 ewmanvile Tel. 725-4 SIMPSON 'S ..Do afer ay-Yu CT MRE FOR Y Rm Ol EY = vtA 'I FRESH PICNICS STYLE SHOULDER (5 - 6 lb average) Pork Roasts lb. 49c, Buft Pork Chops Lean Meaty lb. 69c MILD SEASONED PORK and BEEF SAUSAGE lb. 59c Bologna Sliced 16 oz., pkg. -lb.o9 I CORNISH'S RED & WHITE We reserve the right te Ilmit quantities Phone 983-5201, Orono ww, SAVE 10c. 36 oz. pkgs. 7 oz. tin