Orono Raceway -']Entries ORONO, RACE WAY JUNE 6, 1969 lst Race - Quinella Riarriman's Ace, L. Brawn; He's A Honèey Pick, N. Osborne; Judy An.n Grattan, P. Stewart;, Burt Bumpas,, T.B.T.; Sharr Look, F. Roughton; Doreen Mar Mie, Wm. Hannahi. 2ud Race Lyn DE Dale, K. Harnden; Wil Ler Ace, J. Wiliams; Mohdy Haw Father's Day Clits For June lSth GREETING CARDS WALLETs WATCHES GOOD SELECTION RECORDS CIGARETTES - CIGARS PIPES CHOCOLATES Mwiddletons Cla rke Public LIBRARY HOURS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 8:30 Thursday,6:30 8:30 Friday 2:30 - 5; 6:30- 8:30 Saturday 10 - 12 Callyour llcensed Plumblng & Mechanical Contractor *ho selis, instalis qpd guarantees CARMAN PLUMBING- AND HEATING Pjione 983-5207 Orono Lea, R., Brown;. Lii Buckç, G. St. John; Minor B, L. Shea; Park- 'view Ann, R. Glover; Rob Ron Chie£, 'W. Brown. 3rd Race Van's Pride C, W. Reid; C'ass Runt, I. Cochrane; Thelgiers, T. B.A.; Kawartha Butch, J. Mcm- tyre; Dictator Pick, W. Roocy. 4th Race Entertainer, J. Drew; Richy Superuior Hal, K. Rarnden; Mer. cury Way, D. Hie; Moorelands Kay, ýS. Moore; Bonnie Van, G. Robinson; Rummiing C Byrd, E. McNutt. 5th Race Barricade Rosie, E. Wilson; Lorraine l,' R. Rahum; Robbies Gai, J. Williams; Glendale Joe, P. Stewart; Dicks He.nley, L. Good- aie; Miss Buckeye Lady, L. Dixon. 6th Race Mighty Chance, R. Ricks;Gentry McKlyo, O. BurruIson; Mindy M D Hie; Donna's Pruide, O. Bre-thour; Quinte Lad, P. Stewart; Jagla, W. Noris; Danny D Dale, T.B.A. 7th Race Red iBingen Counsiller, P. John- son; Chester Rarm Ace, L. Brawn Liz Song, J. Williams; Rod Wyn Todld, G. Sheldion; Tecumseth, J. Feltis; Lightnuing Dares, 1. Coch- riane; Hi Vie, L. Goodale. 8th Race Canal View Jet, T.B.A.; Gene Town, J. Prew; 'Prince OGden, G. Shéldon;,Prinma May, 0. Burrison; Superior Mark, B. Jam~es; Jerry, Hat, G. Robinson; Victor Hi C, W. Nomrs. 9th Race Unique Richard, D. Fergerson; Lady Dean, T.B.A.; Kim Marie Hai, S. Brown; Waltzing Matilda, R. Bird; Erin Spencer, W. Nonris; Claney Herbert, G. St. John; Ka- wartha Candy, G. Sheldon. There were 665 in attendance at the races last Friciay evening with $22,740.00 being wagered. 1969 TYKE SCHEDULE Group 2 June 4 - Orono ýat Port Hope June 5- Kendal at Newcastle June 9- Newcastle at Kend.al June 9- Port Hope at Orono June 16 - Port Hope at Kendal June 19- Orono at Newcastle June 23- Orono ai Kendal June 25 Newcastle at Port Hope, June 30- Newcastle at Orono June 30- Kendai ýat Port Hope July -3 Port Hope at Newcastle July 4 - Orono at Kencial July 7- Orono at Port Hope July 10- Kendal at Newcastle July 14 - Port Hope at Ormo July 14- Newcastle et Kendal July 18- Port Hope at Kendal July 21 Neweastle at Por t Hope July 24 - Orono at Newcastle July 28 Kendal at Orono Ail gaines played et 6:30 p.m. Di DXi N XDix 7-D-I b:îrxDiX DX ix mmE jDX DX DX »X D~X DX DX DIDIDX DX qDX William C. Hall, B.- comm. Chartered Accointant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 AUl day Wednesday and Saturday Normally, you expect to pay more to get more.,1 So you'd naturally expect Canada's favourite car, Impala, to cost more than a '618 Impala with the same-equipment. We1 ... the price spiral stops right here. Like an example? Take our Impala Custom' Coupe, equipped with a 300-hp Turbo-Fire V8, power front dise brakes, Turbo Hydra-matie trans- mission, head restraints, whitewalls and wheel cov- ers. And we'11 take $120.50* off lest year's price. .Based on manufacturers suggested maximum retail prices, including federal sales and excise tax, and suggested dealer delivery and handling charges. Howcorne? Because this yeer we've cut the price on the 300-hp motor, the Turbo Hydra-metic trans- mission and the power dises, and we've made head restreints standard equipment. So you save a bundie. And -on top of ail this, Impela's a better car this yeer. By now you should be getting the mes- sage. More car, less money. And your Chevrolet deeler will be happy to prove it. PacesterValues 'tOUR LOCAL AUT'K0OZED CuuLVROLFT DEALER AlbeIrt's Toxaco- GENERAL REPAIES Ph6i»e 98Ï-5249 Orone PHONE 728-6206 - Courtice .R"OY NUOHOLSMOTORSý LIMITED BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO PHONE 623-2556 - Bowmanvill Be Wise .... ECONOMEIE! SA vE WITN DXFUEL PHONE 848-3341 Every Chevrolet hka s to m3ke ARCEL ENCE M'le ~tanla t "earl mpal -i comp rbly efe uippcd. No more car really does cost Iess. ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1969 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ÉH6NE 623-2556 - BewmM"