ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1969 The SWimmiîig Pool, Orono, will be open on Saturday., June 7th, weather permitting TiàmetiaableFor June nly Weekdays - 4.00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. to 8:01) p.m. Saturday and Sundays - 12 noon to 8:00 p.m. Season's Tickets now available by contacting Elaine For- rester or Aima Cutteil. The prices for the Season's Tickets (excluding Sundays> are as follows: $5.00 for one child $8.00 for two chiidren $10,00 or three children or more Single Admission 50c. for the day The Corporation of the Township of Clarke By-Law No. 1613 IN THE MATTER 0F Section 30 of The Planning Act (R.S.0. 1960, c. 299), and - IN THE MATTER 0F an application by The Corporation of the Township of Clarke for approv- ai of its Restricted Area By-Law 1613 passedl the 13th day of December, 1968 Appofintmlent For Hearing. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Monday, the l6th day of June, 1969, at the hour. of' haif past ten o'clock in the forenoon, (local time) at the Council Chambers, in the Township of Clarke, (at Orono) for the hearing of al parties .interested in supporting or opposing this application. DATED at Toronto this l2th day of May, 1969. M. Fraser S E A L ACTING SECRETARY T-heCorporation of the Township of Clarke By-Law No- I592 IN THE MATTER 0F Section 30 of The Planning Act <R.S.0. 1961, c. 29Q>, -and - IN THE MATTER 0F an application by The Cor- poration of the Township of Clarke for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 1592 passed the 23rd day of M4ay, 1968 Appointment For Hearing Local News Mr. and iVit Wn W nan Mrs. James WannýLn and Mrs. 1fR i'old Good2 attend--d tho Con- voaton on Friday, May, 30h at Trent University where Ross Wannan received his Bachelor of Science Degree. CongratulW eons to Mis Do thy Dunlop, daight.-- of Mr. and Mrs. George Dunlop) and Mr. Bruce Mercer, son of Mr. and Mr s. B. Mercer, on their marrfage Saturvday afternoon. The happy couple are spending their honey- moon in Jamaica. Litle Laurie Lycett, daughter o Mr. and Mrs. Max Lycett, has returned home from Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital where she haVi been a patient. Mrs. C. A. Cumming, Toronto, is visting with Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Billings this week. The Waddell fanily here re- c eived vord of the ýpassing of their sister, Jean Waddell Aliphin wif e of Fred Allphin on Sunday, May 25th at the St. Helen's lies- pital. C'hehilif, Washiington, fol- lowing a lengthy 111ness. The students fram grades six and seven enjoyed a train trip to Kingston yesterday. A portion of the Village was without liydro Wednesday after- noon xxhile a hydro uine and tele- J-ohone lne was being moved to a new pole due to, the read pro- jeet on Ghurch Street at Park Street. Mr. and Mris. W. Hooey's home on Station Street is neaeing coro- pletion. Mr. Floyd Nicholson is building n house on Churei Street South. UNITED CHURCH Orone Pastoral Rev. B. E, Long SUNDAY, JUNE 8th, 1969 Orono United Church Sunday School at 10:00 Service at 11:15 ar. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 a.m Sund!ay Sehool at 11:00 PENNY' SALE HUGE SUCCESS The grade"five pupils of Orono Public Sehool wish to than'k al parents who supported the Penny Sale ieither by donating arti.olfs or through buyîng tickets. A sum of $3290 was realized from thiý»s and oui Comie Book sale. PInny Sale winuers wèére: ýMrs. Quinton, Bobby Myles, Marie Hiancock, Randy Nixon, Mrs. K. G-kýýr, Cathy Mdlson, Mr. Don-. aid 5f pies. Anna Ciesielski, Ca-- man Cornish, Mrs. C. V. Wilso,u-i Mi., D. Moffat, Kenny Coat hrn, Mirs. J. Middleton, Ronnie 'Tais- oea, Mrs. R. Staples, Jane Forbes, Lvnn Robertson, Mis.. Conmie Hooey. Kathy Moff at and Mrs. Mari. Lowery. Ladies of U.C.W. groups 1, 3 and 4. were pleasantlyý enter- tained on Tu2sday evenng at thteOroro Unitpid Church when they along with sorne viisitors from Leskard ýand Kendal heard Miss Vanna speeak on her na,. e ountry, Indià. She came to Canaclâ with the India pax ilion at Expo and lias re- mainded now teaehing, in New- tonville. Miss Varma intends to retuin to India this year, by PHONE COLLECT 623-3365 162 King St. E. BOWMANVILLE For AIl Your Flower Needs Funeral, Arrangements Weddling Arrangements Hospital Arrangements FREE DELIVERY!I Drop i and browse around our Large Greenhouse Showroom for tropical plants, seeds, potting souls, pots, root2ng hormones etc. CALL COLLECT DAY or NIGHT 623-5757 VAN, BELLE GARDENS LTD. Flower"Shopý Between Bowmanville and Oshawa on Highway No. 2 NOW AT VOUR DI: Service Station Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featrng .... Premniunif Quality Products -AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES - Steve Oil may be pleked Upi any quantity 19.9e. per gallon ATTENTION FARMERS and TRUCKERS- Speelal. discount ongasoline and diesel'fuel. PHONE 987-4215 S'isman Boots A new stock of "Sisman' Thorobilt Work Boots with Steel shank and Goodyear welt 'construction., Men's 6" Brown Retan Boot with full cushion linsole, cork soie and heel. Sizes 7 tol2. Priced, per pair $14.95 Men's 6"1 Sierra Tan Giove Boot wit h roll t'op, full cushion insole, white wave foam soleand spring heel. Sizes 8 t. 10. Price per pair $16.95 Mens 6"1 Softee Glove Boot with roll top, foam:sole and heel- MacKay stitched and temented. Sizes* 6 to Il. Price', Pair $12,95 Men's Suede Desert Boots with natural Plantation Crepe sole and heel. Beige and cedar. Sizes 7%/ to 12. Price per' pair $10.95' Boy's Suede Desert Boots for casual wear, foam sole, and heel. Steel shank. Cedar only. Sizes 1 to 5%/. Price per pair $6.95. u. Mý.1 ______ L