GRQNO WEEKLY TJMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1969 Statemeot By Alex Carruthers -In an to a dinner meet- Ïng of the Bowmanville Lion's ,Club on May 26, Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham e=nphasized the -,teed for a better understaning ,2Dn the part cf the public of the ýxrle Played by the private mem- ?ber in parlianezt. Visitors to the legisiature, Mr. '!JCarruthers stited, are uften left 7withi the impremion that because the member is not in lis respec- 'tive seat, lie is neglecting the in- -terests of lhis riding. Further inquiry !would reveail, however, that the mnember in the mooity cf instances la du bis of- fice dealing with corespondence 'and telephone calls, or is [neeting -with a delegationi from bis riding, A member's day is crowded with ,duties and responsiibilities, hie Àsaid, that require hlm to attend in the ýmrnng meetings of stand- iîng coxmttees or, meetcçs of f-cau cus. With the legisiature session, be- -ginning at 2:00 p.m. jand lasting ~untiIl lOO0 p.m. on tihree days of thle week, the average imeinber, iMr. Cnîrruth'ers said, is forced to -crovid ridng responsiulities into ,an'y timle that is available, and this oftennecessitates a certain amnoult of absenteeism from the Hoeu se. A fu-lher misconception of IPaniiiament and its function, the l3urhiam member stated, was rýý 1ated ýto the processing of legisia- lion.' Théý_ mai ority of leiitole s'ioriginated at the grass ro)ots, 5and i v-ry often the res1It of ropparticipation in the demio- tratie. proess. As eganiples, he reeredt the General Farm OrgaisaionBill, the eiaio reGvisýing traiffic regulations, and 'ilhe Homes lfo the Aged and Rest Homes Act. AIl of these, Mr. "Carutersstateil, were designed oine-et needs expressed at ýthe ýgrass roots level. Referring Vo the detailed con- sideration, given to legisiation, MIr. Cnrruthers outlined the vari- ,ns 5teps in the processing of leg- ïsIation i the legislature. Dralfted by legal experts a Bll is presented by the Minster of -the Department concerned finst 1,o tie Cabinet foýrapov. Fol- lowing Cabinet approval, the leg- isiationgoe o te te goV.ernment 'auu whert fhe Private mem- bers fulfiliàng one of their most iuseful Yxoles, diseuiss and examine ~thelegi?1atioten calling for 'anenmets or sending il back ~'he private miember, Mr. Car- --uthers said, at this stage has the 'rxwoniiiityof refIectaig the views -olfbis particular ridàrx-,-rwith rpetot any pîooe of 'legislation ApprovedI by the Governnient <ýCau1cuS the .legislatien 24ter forty- à~fk eurs notice l is rfi7duced _ýn the House by the lNeister in ,uharge. Thnis introduction irvoives fireýt rireadàng of the Bill, Mr. Garruth- *1,ýrs, stated, and except for a brief explanation cd its objectives the readng of fthe legislitiüon i8 a (Dy, second. readîng, the Memb,_r ,;W.ded, the legislation isý debated ~n principle, and is, not »ubject te 4,uestonntg or clause by clause The Iegisîn-tion is generailly ý-nt zà aStanding Committee of -- ooieuseaiter second veading -sseexee various intereted groups -ai iSîtzens, whn prior to 'the hear-' in~g have Teceelved coui4es of the iogisliation. , iiae An excel- lent example -1 Ibis pareicipation, Mn.GarXterxstated. was the thinking by the views expressed by the ýcitizens present. On its return to the House, the 'LxzI;Itian is deait with by the Cornmittee of the Whole House again clause bylause, and again Mr. Carruthers reminded bis Eist- eners the legiiation may be amn- ended. At this stage, the private mem- ber once more fulfilîs a very use- fuil roie by ;expressing bis views or recordin-g his vote on belialf of his constituents. Third reading of the Bill is generally a fonniality, the Dur- 'bamn member said, and on receiv- img Royal Assent, through the of- fiee of the Lieutenant Governor, becomes law on that. date or a date specified in the Act. A very 4nteresting discussion on various issues foilowed the member's address. THE BOOKSTACK The- centre of attraction 'on the Lihnarian's desk bas been the bottle'garden from the Hortcul- tural group. If kt bas intrigued 1 IJ, why' not make onte of your own? The Library has a ibook by Anne Aslhury called "Bottle Gar- dens and Fern Cases". The book gives a variety of suggestions on containers, contents and care with many illustratins-. NEW BOOKS, Adult Tigers, Traîners and Dancing Whales - Kendal AUl the Adivantages - Toperof File on Spratling - Spratling Finger Painting in Ols - Bark- er The Shoes of the Fisherman - West Lie, Down, 1 Want to> Talk to You - McGivern Juvenile Gnassroppeirs and Crickets Make It and Ride It What Did You Dreacm Curious George Gets a Medal ,f 1 Were a Bird 1968 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR V-8, Automatie, power steening, power brakes, tires. Local Bowmanville Police Car. It has been.serviced weekly. Lic. No. L 31366 1967 PONTIAýC SEDAN 6 cylinder, Automatic, radio, white wall tires, Balance of new car warranty. Local one- owner car. Lic. No. 331698 SEDAN whlîle wal BARGAIN wheel dises. 1965 GMC 3/-TON TRUCK Fleetside long box, V-8, 3.speed transmission,j Real low mileage. Lic. No. 32343V OWAN, NE 6Z3.3 rolumn shift. $1583 1964 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN Local one-owner car, 6 cylinder, automatie, radio, brand new WIhitd wali tires etc. Lic. No. L35199 $998 1964 FORD GALAXIE XL 2Door Hardtop V-8 automatie, radio, bucket seats, consule, lire englue red. Real sharp. Lic. No. L31065 $1394 40 more Goodwill Used Cars to choose from plus 75 Branad New Cars & Trucks no reasonable offer refused Pres. ON ROGER SWAN 3396 BO WMAN VILLE General Farm Organ izatiéon CAÎIAG RALLY Wednesdlay Jume il at 8:30 p.m. ORONO TOWN HALL Speakers: JOE MURPHY K EN rI NO Alil farm people should attend to become familiar with G.F.O., Proposais 8 ounce....... $2.75 also 6 Tubes....$.19 STUTT'S PHARMACY 1966 FORD 6-Passenger STATION WAGON 6 cylinder, antomatie, radio, white wali tires, 27,000 original miles. This wagon is like brand new. Lic. No. 22911X$1 7 1966 PONTIAC GRAND PARISIENNE 2-DOOR HARDTOP, Bucket seats, power steering, poWer brakes, radio, new white wall tires. This was defiaitely sold new by us and serviced. Immaculate condition. Lic. No. L10959$1 9 1966 GMC %1/-TON TRUCK Long Fleetside Body, 36,000 original miles, original paint, Jut ik ban nw.Lic. No. 4760.5B $1594 COWAIN Pont TOM C RAY LATHANGUE STU1 166 KING ST. E.- PHON k&1