----------_______ ORONO WEEKLY TUIlES, THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1969 See MilisonhInsurance Agency fer- Ai!. classes of personal Sand, Commercial Coverages OMeie: Main St, Orea R9. 83-5754 Gord Simpssn Ph.. Ine'93-a OCAEP ENTRY j REMODELLINO GENERAL REPAIES CHARLES R:iD Or.m.s Lieened A c«fr and% Valuatoi Specialize In Farm and Turniture Sales <3.nsult me fer ternis and dates PUONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments und Family Momorials Our quality and service baves noing te be deuired1 1 A« the pers«n whe bought fret. 1 a alelgbour, friend or relative The RIJTIER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Otari. steet PORT Born L Mgm dlplay lu South.rs 0.tarie' aWATeSONS Marine and Cycle ECLLCHBOATS & MOTO»I CRAIN SAWs lapait.te &Uamake of 'Law* M.owers a" àSsd 4 cycle OTACO PLOW POINT A»N- MACHINERT LYCETT FIunbîiïg a Hesting PtilIMSRING and REATIN luinMd Smevi MOU ItIEBURNER SE1YCE Eampoe 23-M8 263-IM Orville Chatterton Electrical Coiitracting Electric Reating ;and Service PERONE 9M-546 or 98-5940 Orono, Ontari, ORONO ELECTRIC' Berb a"S GeMryDuvl ELBCTIRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTIIC HBATING EKLECTRICAL APPLiIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-Fi FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- Hamiltons Insurance 1 servicej Auft Sadie Hamiltoni i i Pb*"sse 8-5115 Bo« 133 Phone <684552 Stafford Brothers -lis e"ery em dBu WHID, 0""]»I Buiding a flouse? Floyd Nicholson, OONO F'0P, lENT Ted t al 3 leeps six. Avail- able for rent dtving u n Juiy. EquJlpped with f-,immr-a i- tresses, buflt in cheý-'-fleld and table. Ample storage space. Rente:l- $35.00 weekiy. Phone 983-5658.ap FOR SALE Tractor, a DavIs Brown 950, with loader and scrapern. Like nerw. Cail after 6 p.m. 983-5777. a-c FOR SALE One large size Crib, whiute,. $20. Phone 983-5927. aýp FOR SALE Gurniey Tappan Automatic ii9hwaher, Revzersa-jet, co.pper tone neyer used. Phone 983-5541 ater 6 p.m. a-p ORONO TRAILER Sales anda Renta Phone 983-5947 Orono, Ont. FOR SALE Spring box plants, flowering Geraniums and perenniai riants. Aiso a box traijier. De rnooy's Greenhoufss North St, Newcastle. Phone 987-4916. g-25-c FOR SALE DrIed shelled Coni der mae. "Or jZtck ~op S4lvery eall Bob Carnikheem RR1, BowaMg- vflie. Phone 63545t-f Nursery Stock Evergreen, Flowering Shrubs Box Plants Landscaping and Sodding RICHARDSON'S NURSERY Pontypool, Ontario Phone 983-5180, Orono WANTED Bank accounitant requires a .two-hedroomn apartm'ent or house in Orono or inumediate district, preferably with refrgerato4r and stove,. Phone 983-5304 or 723-4228 D. ROGIERDSON RONO, ONTAIJIO ANTIQUES Wl EBUT A»D ML 0ou Wsu hima, Pbae Ara"cl Te" aMd Odidue v rrso. O.. WU PAT CASE! Phone 623-e5342 after 6: p. JACK' REALTOR » KMOW t, iE. »WUANVUJ4g Wh.m qing or &ue« OMsd WINLF HAWKE Toux «0" AIEA REEiEAWrbteImd NOTICE Anl onc wishing to bake Braonze, B-onze Par or Award lof Merit (') ),1O0onoSwvýmna 1gc1a-3s p' '--se con" .'ot Mrs. Rush iGracly by phon),e as soon as possible. Phonc 983-514), Oronýjo. a-c HELP WANT] R quire aisist-hntsf SwirnmiwnrProgram, must at ieast have Brc fications. , Apply in writing to M' Williams, Orono. WORK WANTI Lady would like to cieaýninig. Phone 983-5921. WANTED Maie Press Openators Thirty years of age and Appiy in ýperson.: Cur Produets, South Planat, NOTICE Orono Landseaping Garden Servie Phone 983-559E ED for Orolo Appiýicants IN THE ESTATE 0F PAUL, U.rs. Shirley GETLIK, Deceýased a-c ALI Persons haviag elaàms, aganst the Estate of Paul Getlik, late of the Towrnship of Clarke, lu% 'ED ýthe County of Durham, RetireiU do house- Wireni4er, who died on or about, the lst day cof February, 1969, are hVtby notified to sencl Par-- a-p) ticulars of sae to the under- signed on or before the làth day- of June, 1909, after which date- ,s requireil. the Estate will be distibuLem d over. with regard oniy to the dlaims of-, rvpîy Wood whieh the ýundersigned shail thýin Opon-o. have noie, and the und.ersm--'"d- a-c wüll ai be Uable to any personc of: whose claimi she shall nût thene have notic1s. DATED at Toronto this 12th day- of May, 1969, g and MARY BIS, Adninistratrix, ýe by lier solicitors, BEATOC>N )8. LEAKE and FELLOWS- d-25-p 372 Bay Street, Toronto 1. On- tarie. -22-c. CARD ,OF THANKS My sincere thanks to frie.ndS. and relalives for ther, visits, carJs and, fiowers. Aiso to Rev., p-iithanks to nurses, and staff on Medical Floor, Dr. McKenzie ýand Dr. Grant, during rny stay in Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Edith Burges& a-pi NOTICE TO CREDITORS NIGHlTLY TENNIS SCHEDULE Monday- Public Sehool Tuesday -Ladies Wedneaday - Men Thursday - Mixed Registration no)w open. For in- formation ealu Paul MeMackin or Carl Kimmett. a-c VISIT FRED'S FRUIT MARKET Geraniums and box~ plants for sale. Also Malntogh, Red Délie- jeus ani Spy apples. Fresh apple cider, ice crearn. ,79e. hall gallon. t-f W.FRANK REAL ESTAtir LIMITED 21 Kîna St. W. Bowmanville Port Ho6pe Office 885-4548 Fer prompt, oeouteeua, emeii- eu9 service whu buylug or seiIng ea" for lhe larguEesI e e et...1preperteslualthe Couité nm ruuAna ROY F'efMer 963-5801 Dane Fouiid, Andy Sutch Roy Strong 623-3965 983-91191 52 r i Bethany j REPORT FROM OTTAWA. Russell C. Honey, ýQ.C., M.P., Northumberlaud - 'Durham Puihuicity out of Ottawa con- centrates on the More draimatie. indmprant legisiation sueh Éah The Officiai Languages Artan thes Criniinal Code Amienidments. Lespbicized legislation is be- ing processed in Parliainent fromi &aY ta day., I might briefiy review in this Report four statutes pass-- ed recently. Newv Anti-Dumnping le-gislatiojj flow provides that duty mae be charged where goods are imiport- ed into Canada at less than the, nRal value if this is causing or thi-eatening to cause mnaterial in-_ jury to an industry or prodileer- in Canada. Aniendments to the. Patent Act. the Trade Marks Act and Food and Drugs Act are Part 'of the du~vernment's Progranirme to, re- duce drug prices. This legisiation' is aimed at inereasin4g coimpeti- flan in the industry by facilitat- ing the importation of dru gi inta, Canada. The statuýte Provdes that the governuient niay makere- Ilations governIng the protection of the 'Public in relation ta drug, manufaetured outside Canada. The 'Pulblication of Statutes Act rProvides that ail Acta 0,f Parlia- - ,ment wiil býe printed in, both Er4g- - lish and French in parallel col-- ummn, dhus a'ssuring that lawyera ,and judges will have- the laws readily alvailable in both official, languages. The Navigable Waters Protec- tion Act' waa originally .passed t0o .protect Canada'a navigable wateme fronmrn4mde obstructions such, as bridges, dam, transmùssioa- lines and wharfÊs. Amendsnents h passed at the session of Parlia- ment are deigneil to' bring the - Act up todatp LYLE WEST ELECTRIC Orono: 983-5962 Quality Ebecileal Hea«ting and Llghulg Inswlat.mandal Repair 1. by 1 CertifieS EbetrIdes.t PUIMO OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bfl tT.uspkla. u'bs.. ?Sê ý enuqs Toronto, ý 923-9174