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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jun 1969, p. 1

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Weeldy Times Orono NUMBER 23, VOLUME 33 Orono Accident Places Adjusting Orono Two In Hospital Hydro Rotes Festival Stage' Go@oS-,Up Erection of a 24 foot exeso t the stage. in Newcastle Hall was begun last weekend fo r the '69 season of the Pie Ridge Festival. .hast year's extension of 10 it. was reýassesnbled and made ready foc an extra 14 ft. te be added this year. When cempleted the ad- dition 'wiIl allow better staging and lighting effects and will offer a vsually exciing experience for the Festival audiences. A siximan crew under the sup- .-r ison of Wfayne Fenske, Teh- nical Director, wielded hammers and saws for two days te complete the ficst extýension. With lelp frorn Mike Holmes, Dave Pnddick, Grant Williams, Andrew Steel and Alex Sellers and the assist- ance of Leslie Mikios, Joe Bezul- iak, Annie Eilbeck and Andea Eweýrt iîiei jlI was finished on O.p, - ng night is July 31 and' sibsciption sales for the thre plaves are incc(eeasing daily. hast year's sucessý- is about te be ce- peated in th c secýond seiason of île. Pjine Ridge Festival of the Arts. hast Sunday afternoon an acci- dent on MVil Street, Orono be- tween a motorcycle and a bicycle serlously injured two who are nJoW patien ts in Oshawa General Hos- pital. Richard Robinson, 7-erold son of M. and Mes. Geiald Rob- inson of Orono is in intensive care having received two breken legs, heac i njuries and internai injuies necessitâting the remov- ai of the spleen. Terry McGill, 22, of Newcastle is also a patient i n General Hospital, Oshawa, suffer- ing a compound fracture of a leg. Richard Robinson is reported to be irnproving gradually but will be a patienlt in hospital for, quite so>m'e time. The accident necurred juist north of Milîson Hil Drive on Mill Street around five o'clock Sunday afternoon. At the time of the accident Richard was plaving with his bicycle when a collision between the mnotorbike and him- self took place. Donald McDonaid 22, who is a teacher at the Ken- dal Public School was the driver of the motorbike and 'ferry Mc Gi, a passenger. Damage-to the motorbike was estiniated at $40000). H Ienry DeWith New Township Clerk ~At the June meeting of the Township of Clarke the counili passed a by41aw la which they ap-, pointed Mr. Henry DeWitl, clerk of the Munlipality. In a further by-law Mrs. Dorothy E. Stark was appointed assistant clerk.' A petition of 101 names lias been received by Couneil from residents of BroWnsviille on No. 2 Highway asking that the speed 'Ànit on this road be set at 35 Miles per hour. The Building Inspector la lis report to &unil noted that per- mits had not been obtaiined for building additions at the Orono Fair grounds and at îhe Orono Park. The company of Larsen and Grills were successful la their bld for the Graham bridge la an amount of $34»25.00. .The tax due date was extended iby resolutiodn from June 2nd te June 1lth. Larsen and Grills ýwere, also successful bidder for multiplate culverts in an amount of $7597. Agreement lias been acived at with the Township dump opera- toc with the dump now being op- en Mondays, Tuesdays and Satur- dmys from 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,, Council accepted the Planning Board budget in the amount of $3,800.00. Members are now to be paxd a fee of $1000 per meeting. The Township budget was lac- cepted through a by-law in which the total expenditure was set at 9-566,615.M O f this amnount the road department and debpntures for road work will take $427,840. Welfare was set at $18,500.00. -- Total taxes to be collected by the Township tax bill amounts to $686,630.60. 0f this amount var- tous sums are due the Board c, Education, the Counties, the Fed- eration of Agriculture, the Police Village of Orono and others. The Orono Hydro Conmission met on Monday evening with rep- resentatives of Ontarào Hydro When a review of the Orono Hy- dro Syst'em was studied and a proposai presented. Changes to the pres-ent rate are repote as slighit. Residential rates are adjusted at the second rate which is to increiase from 1.6 to 2. Nio other changes werc rec- ommended to residential rates nor do hot water or heating rites change. Their is an adjustmenît between commercial and imall cmmerci*ua and a slight reduct.ion to the in- dustrial rate, It was polntejd oui thit there is an effort being mae te bring ail categories un ra gen--rial rate. It is ani pý,t d thatt i wili corne abiout iin Orono with the next change in ri s 'M irlGuidesLrn Central ,Airea receîved their Gold Co-d Cerif~ctesat the'Ar'wal tation Ceremony, helýd this yeiar in Lindsay, on Sunclay, Jone 8th, Amnong t'he group wure 6 Guides frim Durham Divi-',on-: Carol Anin Caldwell Glend-ý Tý -nant, Orono; Chery l Fu'ton,Vih Reynolds, BowariJ3~;KatI-en Lovekin andMay atroNwate The gil vree t anied at a dinnier ,in St. Pauls Agia a~hHall, et wdiich tinie eaeh Gold Cord Guide recýeived an eng-aved silver spoon self was held in the evening at The Lindsay Acadetmy Thýeatre T4e Lindsay Little Theatire Group arrlanged a novel and bcautifull siStting for, thîts ve(ry special ~a E son. The stage was t-rangformed Into a emp scene. with live trees a tent, and, a ru-,tlc bridie. over G raduâtes W. Bryan Tamblyn son of Mr. ýand Mrs. Ivison J. Taniblyn, Orono, Ont., graduated wth honors from Ryerson Poi<ý- teichn0 ral Institute, Toronto, in stirvey teechnology ýat the Convo- raton Exercises on Wednesday, May l4th, 1969. Bryan hl'y arcept- rd a pd&týý,on wtfh the enginr-ering firm of Marshall, Mackiin Mona- ehan Ltd., Toronto. lie is at thc Gait Brancli. F-aser M. K. Wallace, son'of MVr. and Mrs. Arnol1d allarce has g-radunýted in Dental Teichnology at ST Gaorge Brown Qollege of Applied Ats and Teehnology. which tihe girls crossed, to receive their Certificates fcom Mrs. H. T. Cook, Bay Ridges, Immediate Past Central Are-a Coxamissioner. Ia the backgrouind, the sounds of lircds and a running brook lent (Continued page 2) OBONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE lUth, 1969 Arnold Wallace Arnold G. J. Wallace, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Walliace, bas receilved his B.A. friom Waterloo Luthiera-n University having ma- jored in History. PlaningPlenty 0f Activity For Orono On Weed., July,9týh A full eveniag of activity is heing planned for the evening of J 9t1 in Orono, whicl will include a Beef Bar-B-Q, tal- ent show and a dance. The plan was revealed on Monday evening at the Chamber of Commerce meeting by Mr. Stirling Mather. Activtties wiIlf start with a Beef Bar'B-Q including Bar B-Q prime beef, beans, relis, coffee, at 5:30 p.m. and ini the Oreno Park. This w1,11 be f oIowed bY a talent show,,-t3ype oaientertain- ument Whieh wfil aIso be field la the park-The eonluding feature of the evening wll be a dance to be held in the Orono Town Hall. Mr. Pemc Lunn intrOduced the new owner of Lunn Hardware, Mr. Jake Reid. Mr. Gunter, new manager ýat the Canadian Imperi- ai Bank of Commerce was ýalso in- troduced iby tle president, Mr. H. Hoensch. A cheque in the amount of $50. was received by the CharnIer of Commerce from the Heather Re- bekah Lodge te assist la the Ohamber's street beautification progCa~M. Final arrangements are ,te be made this week te have the flow- er Doxes moved ',te the main street and at, the swiue- im ,toinstall the new garbage receptacles. It is, hoped to bave the garbage recep- tacles this week. .1 The meeting of ten members was Îheld in the New Duteli Oven Restaurant. Rctured above: Mr. P. M. Lunn, !VIVs. J. Rfiid, Mr. J.,LI and Mr. George Lun Mr. JakeRid d Mr. George Reid of Wht;by have u..hs. Lunn Hardware inOon and as of June 1$t took possessioni of the local business. Mr. and Mes. Ja,-ke RSYI4and family of three sons and one daughter, have snovud te Orono te apartments ç>ver the store. Mr.. and Mrs. George Reid, the former' a son-iý-aw of Mr. and Mrs. J. Red will mvfo t p.innsa-' boetestore'in August. The new owners are employed by G .,necal Motors but will oper- ate the store -wfrýh tIr assistance 6f Mr. P. Mý. Luna foar the time be-' mg. Botli fiamilles are ýactive wth tihe ýSalvation Army and are also active bandsmen. Mr. Percy Lune reports tInt he started ia thc Hardware businý ess ii Orono in 1 '0 with Mr. A, Henry. In 1)32 Perc aid IHop pur. chased the business from the A- dop l ,Hen- '- Estate and -have op- erated thelcl hardware store up to ibis Lnec. Pere remarks that he bas seena let of changes In Oroao during this period. Mr. and Mrs. Jak e Reid will be holidaying for ,three weeks bn Newfoundlamd. Sc'hol Addition Tenders Opened Tenders were opened at a meet- Lng of the Northumberland-Dur- 4amn County Board o« Education for alterations and the addition te the East Northumberland Second- i'y School at Brighton. Trhe Iowest tender, at $1,571,- 000 from Wiren Wigers Gonstruc- tien, Trenton, will be accepted subjeet to the approval of the a.- ohitect, wliose report will be made at the next regular meeting lf the board. The contracter tol the board that the alterations and the addi- tions could be completed in -48 weeks. Tre architect pointed out that the contractor was beiçng op- timistic. He feit the job~ would probably t2ýke around 15 nionths, Construction estimates, the cost of the site work at $9,800' renovations to the present build- ing at $74.550, ce! 'ling la the gylmnasium $12,600, altera- ,ions to the existing atito shop $2,- 000, other renmoatins te the gymne.sium $8,too. Work on the electronies ZM.,b ýýryd new equ-prnent has been es- timated at $21,450. Tre h!ghc-t tender was $1,7,12,- OCO from Vanbots Construction, 'uroto: he on.d iowest vas M. Sullivan- and Sons Ltd., King- ston, ai t C~00 New Owrers Foe- Lunn I-1arrlvviree --- - - - ---- - - - ------ ---- - ------ ------ - ------ mu ~labbe wa"Im «'Offl M.

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