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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jun 1969, p. 3

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. - --- - w~ *mo ORONO WEEKLV TIlES, THURSDAY, lUNE 5th, 1969 Report From Queen's Park Alex Carruthers, M.P.P,, Durham Farm Assessmnent and Taxation Last week the Minister of Mun- leipal 'Affairs made a stateMent in the legisiature whiceh wiIl be reflected at an early date in legis- lation affeeting rural assessment and farm taxation. As a pragmnatic f arm taxation, the Minister has approach to the alleviation of appointed a committee which will be reporting Vo the Government by Octoher 1, 1969. Orono Building Contractor Brick -Block -Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors -Tile 983-5441 ORONO I b __________________________________ fi PRICE BUSTER Assorted 3 ounce packages3 - iely Poders$ PRICE' BUSTER Fresh from the poultry farmi EGGS Grade A2 doz. $ Large PRICE BUSTER! Hardwood Lump OMARCO"hAL PRICE BUSTER! 10 ounce cans Case SOFT DV'RINK'S $ ý.ov lbM. ba g of 24 1m67 Frozen Eviscerated lb. 39fc IF OR THE BARBECUE LUNCHEON MEA ' Drs lneslbç .4 r,,.. i pipkj1. B r s W e e s 9 Grouad Chuick lb 79 CUDNEY JUICE, from Concentrated - 48 o%. -tins' 3 -for$1 69c and Pimento, Headcheese, Pork and Dressing, Dutch Loaf, M1ac and, Çheese, Luncheon Loaf.I 6oz. pkgs. 2 for 63c. Feature - GreenGiant Faney 12 oz. tins Fancy Niblet Corn 5 for $1 16 ounce jar tin 39c OORNISH'S RED &WHITE W. reserve the rlght t.elmit quantles Phono 083420, Orme equitableine - relation classes of property. to other The committec under the chair- manship of Mr. A. N. MacKay, of the Assesmment Branch, Depart- ment of Muiicipal Affairs, will be required Vo make recommcnd- ations with respect to: (1) The definition- of a work- ing farmn. PINE RIDGE Landscaping and Garden Service (FREE ESTIMATES> Home Maintenance, Nursery Stock, etc. Phone 623-7633 Box 235 Bowmanville ai times ,Vice-President of the 'A» sociation of Teachers of Engisia in the SecondaÈy Sohools and Gel- leges 0f Metropolitan Toronto. In 1967 Pr0 essor Ropes gave one of the Champlain Lecture at Trent University on "Peterbor- ough Niters and Canadian LMt- erature."l The Committee's appointment is an outgrowth of the Govern- ment's policy as indicated ini the buidget w;hite paper. In his budget address the Hon- ounable Charles MacNaughton, Provincial Treasureir, announced a numnber of policy changes which included: (a) The reform of taxation and Govemument structure in Ontario. (b) The intention Vo ax capital gains when a provincial income tax is întroduced. (c) The raistng 0f Government assistance for elementary and sec- onda--,ry education to 60% froni the present 45%. (d) The assuming as 0f Janu- ary 1, 1970 of the responsibility for the administration of real property ax assessment to ensure tînt the entire province is assess- cd at mnarket value by the end 0f 1975. (e) The rda ilion 0f measures to cushion thei impact of market value azsýsssments on certain typ- es of ti propertY. Onecas of property specifie- ally meIond bY Mr. MaoNaugh- ton was wrîgfarms. At that time the Tireasý,urer said: "ýGenerally the Government. le- iHeves that thie property tax on workin'g farms should be consid- erably lower than, on non-f arm properties because of the limited ability of working f ar ms to pay taxes out of current incomies." SThroughi the appointment of Vhe commitee the Govenment is taking lhe first stop owards de- veloping a policy for .-axing working farms which will le Tuowaship of Clarke, First Instalment, of TAXES Due June 16, 1969, Penalty of 1 percent per month charged on ail first instalment taxes unpaid after June l6th, 1969 NOTE: 2%/ percent Discount on 2nd instalment if paid on or before Jnne l6th, 1969. Carrent taxes must be paid at, par at the Canadian Imperial'Bank of Commerce, Orono or Newcastle branches. H. DeWith; Treasurer. (2) The appropriate basi:s for valuing farms for tax purposes. (3) The manner in whieh farras ýshould be' taxed. The committee wdll have the henefit 0f a nuimber of studies re- specting farm taxation incýlucling The Report 0f the Favm Income Oomrmittee, The Report of the Se- lect (3omnijittee on Taxation and the Report of the Ontaiio Cern- tnittee on Taxation. Fiurther sub- niassions will be received by the committee frem interested groups duiring its deliberations. The ffinclings will form the bas- is for asound policy 0f f armn tax. ation designed to removean un- due burden on the -f arm so long as it reniains in agtieultural use. Frent Appoints Thle appointment of Profe,ýss;or ,Gordon H. Roper as Professor of ~EngIish' Literature ait Trepat Uni- versi'ty was announced. recently by President and Vice-Chancellor T. H. B. Symons. Pirofessor Roper is at present Chancellars' Profes- er f English ait Trinity Coellege in thýe University of Toronto. A native 0f Peterboroughl, Pro- fe6sor Rop)er was ýedueated at Queen Alexandra Sthool nd Pet erlborou;gl Collegiate and Voca- tional Sehool. He attended George Williams College in Chicago and the University of iChicagýo where he received his BA. in 1938,. lis A.,M.' in 1939 and ;his Ph.D. in 1944. Fromn 1944 to 1946 Professor Roper iserveýd with the Canadian Army. lJuring the course of lis re- seiardl work, Professor Roper held telaching appointments both aýt Yale. University and at the Uni- versitY of Chioago and after the war lie was appointcd associate Professor of English at Trinity College, in the Univ-ensiýty of Tor- onto w4here he bas sueeessiveily held appointments ais acting hia o.f the Department, Professor and Head of the Department, and Chancellors' Professor of Enýglisli. iProfeissor Roper ibas also held, Voir moýre 'than Vwenty years, an appointment in the Graduate De- partment of Eniglisih 0f the Uni- versity of Toronito. Hle ias b!een a Visiting Professor at the Unýiv- ersity of Chioago and the Univers- iVy 0if British Columbhia. Professor Roper's main aeadem- ic intýerest is in the field of Amer- ican and Canadian Literiature. As well as e'diting several bioeks in the field, he has published a large number of scholarly articles ý-nd reviews in sueli publications âS the Encyclour)dia Britannica, Literlarv History of Camada, The University of Toronto Quarterly, Thc Quelen's Qutaderly, Dalhousie Revielw, The Canadian Forum, Thýe NortJhern Review, Modern Phýilosophy, Modern Fiction Stud- i!es, The Anerieian Boek Cellec- tor, The Emersion Socie-ty Quart- erly and, Unversity a£ Ghicago" ,Magazine. ProfesSerRoper is ýpre-, sently engaged in a, critieai, study of the work of Robertson Davies In addition to his academie work Prof essor Roper has also been a founding Senior iFellow of ýMassey College lu the University 0f Toronto, a founding -memnber of the Melville Society, a member 0f t.1 counc1-10f1th Bibligra---, * Callyour licensed PIumblng & MechanicaZ C onractor who selis, installi qpd gaate PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono Clarke Public LIBRARY, HOUES OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 8:»' Thursday 6:30 8:»6 Friday 2:30 - 5; 6:30- 8:30 Saturday,10 - 12 Albert'$ Texac. GENERAL REPAIES phone 98"M549 Orm» Custom Gardening Services Ploughi ng - Dildkng- Cultivat- ing - Leveling - Earthmàoylng Custom Landacaping - Weed and Gran. Mowlng - Poat Hole B>reing - Snow Removahl SMD NcAFEE an 2, Bewmanvile Tel. 725-6024 SIMPSON 'S Paintlmg and, -mmaiom - 11T10B» Dg!aa Md Gary 8-mM, FEATURE! Ont. Grown ilothouse No. 1 icr 2 For 33c' SPECIALLY SELECTED CANADA GRADE "A" Turkeyas 5 to0lb Best Buy! SAVE 10c. K r aft CHE EEZ WHIZ Best Buyl SAVE 8c.,- Austral- Halves or slices 28 ozs. FANCY PEACHES AI.

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