ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUVRSDAY, JUNE lOth, 1969 *EP-STOOL FULLER sre in home or SCREW DRIVER ne'plated tubular You get 'five screw- slip feet. 1 drivers" in one. Special $1.88 Sturdy plastic handie acts as storage crn- partment. $1.19 Value A1M"-ýSpécial 99e RMM .. FLAHERTY TOOL BOX For handyman, hobbyist or 'professionai. Ait welded . construction with lift-out tray; overall size 19" x 6" x 61/2". .8 $6.P5 Value Spécial $4.9 REY REFUNDED Orono Raceway Entries, June I13 h lst Race - Quinella Direct Johny, B. James; Jimnmy Belwyn, G. Sherwin; Ozark Jeff- ery, T.B.A., Dicks Henley, L. Goodale; Rob Ron Chief, W. Brovvn; Bonnie Delight, T.B.A.; Jerry Hat, T.B.A. 2nd Race Jim Dusty, S. Brown; Bert Bumpas, F. Conlin; Moarlands Kay, S. Moor'e; Lorraine Hal, R. Rahm; Miss Buckeye Lady, L. Dixon; Capetown Shelly, 0. Bur. rison; Prince Ogden, G. Sheldon. 3rd Race - Quinella .Van Pride. C. W. Reid; Kawar- tha Butch, J. Mclntyre; Thelgiers T.B.A.; Cass Hunt, 1. Cochrane; Dictator Pick, W. Hooey. 4th Race The Entertainer, J, Drew; Mer. cury Way, D). Hie; Bonnie Van, E. Brock; Harriman's Ace, L. Brawn H-esahoney Pick, N. Osborne; Juddy Ann Grattan, P. Stewart; Ricky Superior Hai, K. Harnden. th Race Doreen Mar Mic, W. Hannar; Rodwyn Todd, G. Srelon; Rob- hies Gai, R. Powell; Wilona Tïii Pee, D. Fines; Lightning Dares, I. C0chrane; Deputy Chief Orr, N. Osborne; Hi Vie, L. Goodale. 6th Race - Quinella Kim Marie Hal, S. Brown; Donna"s Pride, O. Brethour; Gent- ry.,McKlyo, O. Burrison; Mindy M., C. Hie; Knght Direct, T.B.A.; Gene Putney, T.B.A. 7th Race Parkview Ann, R. Glover; Lil Buck, ýG. St. John; Gene Toiwn, J. Drew; Canal View Jet, T.B.A.; Hieland Direct, M. Bréthour; Ka- wartha Candy, G.. Sheldon; Erin Spencer, W. Norris. th Race .Caîl Me Spud, G. Shcrwin; Dus- ty Gailic, R. Johnson; Fins Hiat, L. Goodale; Supeior Mark, B. James; Victor Hi C, W. N\ornlis; Penny Rice, C. Hie; Moilly Hiaw Lea, R. Brown. 9th Race - Quinella Clancy Herbert, G. St. John; Quinte Lad. P. Stewart; Kawartha Cathy, G. Horner; Random Chief, D. Boyee;ý Waltzing Matilda. R. Bird; Lynn D Dale, T.B.A.; Jagla, W. Norris. Positions drawn by R. Lindsay and E. Brock. Supervised by Chas !bey. 31 Pupils Inlured Three elementary sehool chil- ren suffered minor injuries when a sehool bus overturned last week near the village of Enfield. The Children were tre'ated and released from Bowmanville Mém- orial Hospital. Newcastle OPP detachment said the vehirle, operated by Bur-- ley Bus LUnes Ltd., Cobourg, flipped over on its side as it was rou.nding a sharp curve on thé road, at the Ninth Concession of Darlington Township, The bus had just begun its route and had 10 to 12 ehildren on board at the tune otf the accid- ent. 'They were being tranisponted to Ennisidilen public school. 1Thé rest of thé chilcren on the bus escaped without injury. No estînmtes have yet been mtade of thie dam-age to the vehicle. The question of how, often' school buses lare inspected was raàsed during a meeting of the Northumberland - Durhiam County, Sehool Board. The question was raised as a resuit of -the school bus accident. At the meeting a school board Local'News The Un-ted -9,ntý,s Road Dp- p-ir ment of N:hmS'dand Puiiham a7e working on, the east side of Main Street south. At the p'--iýEnt time they are remo-.,ing driveway culverts on the east side. We unde:ist-and that the dit- ches are to be fill½d in tg a degree ani paving extended east of the travelled portion of the p .es2nt roadway. HEATHER'REBEKAH LODGE A regular meeting was held on June 10. The minutes of the least meeting read and approved, roll eall showed one officer absent. Birthday greetings were sung to Sister Julie Jackson. A. memorial service was con- ducted by Sister Mae Allen and Sister Betty Major for ail mem- bers who had passed on, and flow- ers wereto be ,--laced at the cer- etery. The meeting closed. Lunch and a social hour was, enjoyed by ail. COURT FINES ADD UP TO $1,606 Newcastle De4achment of the OPP are adding heartily to the Provincial coffers. The detachanent had 106 cases prosecuted June 2 in Bow7man- ville Provincial Court, amounting to $1,606 in fines and üther charg- es adjourned to ýanother date. The following day, the detach- ment had 31 erlinil cases iný court with 20 persons found gul- ty. .Between May 30 and June 4, the Newcastle Detachiment--inves- tigated 16 motor vehiclé accidents and 60 general occurrences. UNITED CHURCH Oro*i pastoral Charge Miister Roi'. B. E. Long SUNDAY, JUNE Stb, 1969 Orono United Church Sunday Sehool at 10:00 Service at 11:15 ar.. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 a.m Sundtay Scbool at 11:00 Ono, Up Aiid Down The Book S k Adait Non Fiction The Overlo'aded Ark- Gerald M.- urral The Autobiography of a Super Tram-p - W. H. Davies Aduit Fiction The Women at Pine Creek Allis McKay No th Against the Sioux -Kcn- neth Ulyatt An Operri,-"Ional Neccessity- Gwyn Griffin That Sumer- Allen Drury The Sea Flower - Ruth Moo>-e JUNIOR BOOKS Far Out the Long Canal Meindert DeJong The Borrowers Alo'ft - Mary Norton A Fly Went By - Mike,.MeClint- oý-k Babar and the Prafessor- Laur- c-:1 de B -unhoff BaDb3.-r's Castie - Lauren't de Brunlioff. by Jackmainart PHONE COLLECT 623-3365 162 King St. E. BOWMANVILLE For AlVêtir Flower Needs Funeral Arrangements Wedd!ing Arrangements Hlospital Arrangements FREE, DELIVERY! Drop In and browse around our Large' Greenhouse Showroom for tropical plants, seeds, potting SOUS, pots, rootIng hormones etc. CALL COLLECTDAY or NIGHT 6 23-5 75 7 VAN BELLE GARDENS LTD. Flower Shop- Between Bowmanvllle and Oshawa on Highway No. 2 NOW AT YOUE DX Service Station llighway 35 and 115, juÊt north of Newcastle Featurg ....> Premium Quality Produets -AT THE MOST BEASONABLE PRICES - Stove Oil may ho plcked up in mny quantity 19.9r- 'per galon ATTENTION FARMERS and TRUCKERS - Speclal discount on gaie and diesel fuel. PHONE 887-4215 Suggestions For Dad On- ,,Fathers' Day SPORT SHIIRTS A good sélection of Sport Shirts with long or short siéeves. Mostly permanent press. Fancy'checks, stripes and plain shadés. Sizes S, M, L and XL.,Priced fromn $4.00 té $8.00. KNITTED SHIRTS Cotton Knits with Crew Neck or V Néck, short sléeves. Color- ful stripés and plain shadés with constrasting trim. Sizes S, M and L Priced front $51O0 te $q.00. TROUSERS Please dad wih a 'pair of our well-tailored Sîacks in no-iron fortrél' and cotton. Beige, gold, green, blue, grey and black. Waist sizés 30> té 44. Pricéd front $7.95 té $14,95 SWEAT SHIRTS Fleece-lined cotton Shirts with crew neck and long sleeves. Idéal for the camper. Gold and gréy. ýSizes S, M and L. Priced front $2.50 te $3.50. JACKETS Make dad happy with oneý of our Sport Jackets. Several styles in imitation leather nylon and Celanese Bedford Cord. Beige, blue, yeliowa and brown. Sizes 36 to 46. Priced fromt $10.95 té $19.95. Hats, TMes, Socks, Pyjamas, BeIts, T-Shirts, Swim Trunks, Iiandkerchiefs, Slippers ARMSTRONGS u. I ( ~ I .1