ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDA-Y, JIUNE 1lt, 1969 SSc Miliso. Insurance for Ai classes of personal and Commercial Coverages Office: Main St., Orono 983u-5032 les. 983d5754 I Gord S*impssn I Phone Orono 983-58U8 Oreno, Ontario PAINTINSI CARPENTRY I GENELAL REPAIRS Interior zxterier à'H"ARLES REtrID Or.no's Licensed A tâeer and Valuatoxt flpedallze fi arni and Turnhture Sales C, emlt mne fer terme and dates rZeNt ORONO 983-5914 Menu monts and Family Memorials eV quality and service, leaves mtag. te be desired Sthe persen Who bought from, aamlgbl.r, friend or relative %ë RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY 78 Ontari. Street- PORT HOPE *Lweest display In Seutheru WATSON'S Marine andCycle orme Pmie M8343 M.VULLOCH BOAT &MOTORU CUAIN 8AWI Enalr. te a&l makeset Lau Egwrs ami 2ami 4 *yoe «AC0 FLOW POITS AND MACINEET PL-U7*'INGanid IIEATING A .4Cl1-UR RUllNfi, ER VI' L-A FINANCING Lew lBterest Rates N A Tyrone,263-2650 Haimpton 263-2288 ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duvali 983-5108 ELBCTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME I NGLIS - THOR - GUARANTERD SERVICE- Hamiltons Insurance Service i" I Package Pelicies Fldebt7 Bond. labWîty Lute FinI Mertgage Leuans oSadie Hamilton BOX 133 ]Phone 668-35521 Stafford Brothers Manufacturer* of 318 Dundas Street East W1ITITYONTAÎJO Building a flouse? or uilig eu eum Floyd Nicholson FOfl RENT Pasture, shad(' and w,Èe'- for about 6 head. Phone 983-5033. a- TYRO1 - SIGiMA C PAPER DR7VE SATURDAY, JUNE 2Ist These boys' groups will colleet at the curbside any papers or pop botties on Saturday morn- ing, June 2lst. b-24-c FOR RENT Tent Trail.er - Sleeps' four. In- cludes mattresses and camp stove. $25.00 a week. Avallable any time Reserve now. Phone 983-5542. b-24-p PUPS Free to a good home. Phone 983-5542. a-p WANTED Bank accountant requires à two-bedroom ýapartment or house in Orono or immediate district, preferably with refrigerator and stove. Phone 983-5304 or 7234228 b-c ORONO TRAILER Sales and Rental Phone 983-5947 Orono, Ont.' FOR SALE Spring box plants, flowerig Geraniums and perennial plan ts. Also a box trailer. De moôy'a Groeenhouses. Noih- St., Newcastle. Phoane 987-4916. g-25-e FOR SALE Dried sheRed Crn for sale. or' î o rpc doulvery eaUJ Bob 'Carruthers. R1, Bowmei- ville. Phone 623-5485. t-I Nursery Stock Evergreen, Flowering Shrubs Box Plants Landscaping and Soddlng RICHABDSON'S NURSERY Pontypool, Ontario Phone 983-5180, Orono D.ROGERSON ORMO, ONTARIO ANTIQUE& WE EzuirA»D SUL 014 Glus, China, Fine AMduc IF TI's OLD . .-. CALLUS WE FPAT CASE! Phone 623-5342 arter 6 p. RCABD REALTOR » Kig nt., E. Mhon Rswlmg or Semigorea Wv"ILF HAWKE' y. aim«0»Aa& , mffloeu of »d Wbm~Uk NOTICE rI, Rôsýs Lewis, w-l l ot býe ni- p'.blic for any debts incurred cby Mrs. J0 An'na Lewis from tihiýs date, June llth, 1969, anid there- Tafter. C-25-P NOTICE Orono Landsraping and Garden Service Phone 983-5598 Orville Chatterton Elect rical Contracting Electric lleating and Service PHONE 983-5546 Mr 983-5940 Orone, Ontario Contact Orozw Area Representatives Roy Fo.ier 983-58011 Dane Found, 62343965 Andy Sutch Roy Strong 983-9119 52 r il Bethany BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCullough are happy to announce the arriv- ail of their new son, Peter Scott, 6 lbs. 6 oz. (to ýbe called Scott) on June 4th in Méemorial H ospital. BIRTH MeIILGH-Don and Shiela (Bar- raibeli) are pleased to aninounce the safe arrivai of'Christine Marie o n May 22, 1969, 61b. 12 oz. A - lttle sister for Nadîne. 1 a-p VISIT FRED'S FRUIT MARKET Geraniunxs and boxplants for sale'. Also Maclntosh, Red Delic- ieus and Spy apples. Fresh apple eider, !ce cream. 79c haif gallon. t-f MISSING A dehorned Hereford yearling steer,. Last seen between third and fourth line Clarke at Osmaa Hunt Club on June 4th or Sth. Contact Wm. AUn'at 987-4557. NOTICE Decoration Day, Orono' Cemet- ex-y, Sunday, June 22nd. Service in the Chapel at 2 p2n. b-24-e LOLA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE 1CLOSED June 16, 11, 18 while attending Rebekah Assembly, Toronto. a-p It pays te, advertise in the CLASSIFIED SECTION of the'Orono Times W.FRANK IREAL ESTATE LUMITED bealter 21 King St. W. Bw anvill 623-3393 Toronto 923-9114 Port-Hope Office, 885-4548 For prompt, courteous, effidl- ont service when buying or seflhag and for the largest sel- oction et prqpertios hIthe ares SNport Briefs 1>ORONO JUNIOR GIRLS WIN OVER NEWCASTLE 'The ýOronoJiunior girls, 13 yrs. of age and under, defeated New- castle in their opening giame by a score of 34-16. The garne wais piayed in Orono Th6re are a total of 22 'girls pîay.Ing for the local teïam which is being doached by Ronnie West The Orono, home' garnes have yet to be' announccd' as the local club is apparexitly having trouble arrangini time aýt the local park. Oronio pljays in Bowmanvllle te- ntght t 7:00 p.nt HUFFMANS BEAT ORONO 18-13 Jn E.OýB.A. tyke action played ai Welcorne on Wednesday night of last week, Port Hope Hluffman Brothers defeated the vsitors f rom Orono ina'areal slugfest by a huge score cd 18-13. The Weld- -ers wvere behind ail the way Vhrough and had to corne up with a big 10-run rally in the last of the sixth inning to- pull- out. with the victory. The Ports lxad scored one in the fir9t, two in the third andi five in the fifth before, break- îng out. Orono seemed headed for viet- ory early when they notched five ooàunters in each of the first twt, innings. Best they could muster fromn then on, were single tales la, the third, foulth and seventh. ÎD Watson did the pitching for the, Brothers with D. Stinson be- lhndý the platter, Tomn Moffatt -weait to thé bill for the Ox-phans and, Barry West was hehind the plate. Ken Swales hart three Singles and a wal.k to lead th-e Ports wit¶i G. M'oore helping 'out with two tlnxely singles andl a double.. Stinson singIM d ~4strolled thrie and Watson bcd a one-base blaw- phis -twb fre tickets. West and C..Robinson had two bits and a base~ on bails for. Orono with J. Quinton singling and- doubling. Musieum (Oontinued, from Page 9) pin. every day but Monday, unless- Monday is a holiday, in whieh case- the xflseurn will be open. Admission is 25 cents per, adîult,. 10 cents per eh-fld. Located'at Silver and Welling-- ton, streets, tjhe rnuseum was the foexnmer residence cdf the J. H. Jury family. The 8-roonx house dates from 1861. LYLE 11WTEST ELECTRIC Orono: 983-5962 Quality Electrical Heating and Lighting Installations and Repaira by Certified Electricians PUMPINQ OUT SECPTIC TANKS Sert Teumplms pâem. Mn BLYCETT Plu, b ng a H e ti g ýM*, - - - --- - ý- 0001wm - - ý - - - - - , -"""