ORONO WEEKLy TIMES,- THURSDAY, JUNE 19th, 1969 Second Class Mail Registration Number 0368 Published every Thursday at the office of publication Main Street, Orono, Ontaro. Phone 983-5301 Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editer and Publisher TOO LITTLE TOO LATE The tcrm "too littie too late" appears to beapplicable to Planning in Clarke Township up to titis point To back this up one Mnay refer to the OMBVI chainnan whn, on Mon- day lie rcmarked that the barn door was closed too late. Also it became apparent that Clarke Township is about to commission a f jin of qualified Planning consultants to pre- Pare a plan for the Township. Reeve Poster has said that àt is the intention of Council to employ prof essional plan- neais to inâtiate a zoning plan for Clarke'as soon as the 0MB approves the Present zoning by'law. It is unfortunate that Gouncil did flot take this action some five years ago, a peri- od when land developinent was rather dormant in tii com- If such action hhad been taken at that turne the cost wouid flot have been tas great as it is going to be today..Ai&so the unfornate position of hundreds of unusable lots would not exist as they do now. The f ailure to move, both on the part of the people and the Councilh'as resulted in a greater, and more coStly prob'lesn. With ail due respect to anembers of the Planning Board, it is lust not possible for thoni to prepare a plan in 'depth and to successfufly process it and present it before the OMB for approval. This takes mn r tained in this field, who have a background of kniowledge in planning. Nor do fwe feel that it is atogether fair to ask local citizens to passI judgeiment on nelghbouring properties. Impartial decisions widl corne more freely froan an outsîder and thils freedom ean only resulti better Planning. The Planning Bocard and iCuneil have been struggling for at least three years witb zoning by4aws and only on Monday were they able to maRe a presentation hefore the OMB. Mr. Little f ol*t his firm could niake a niueh more detailed study 'and coimplete a Plan ini at least one year. it appears thiat Clarke as at at on the right track if, of course, they carry Out their intentions. Letters To Editor To the Edtor: Re: Parking Delemana and Iack of interest by governing body. May I bring to your attention, thzat two years ago a meeting on jparkinsg was held with a large einumner of businessmen present. The Police Truatees asked for the- co-operation of businessmen m2- Orono in solving parkins' pro- blenis. Not one concrete sugges- t.in came out of that meetin-' -TheMain Street in Oruno is not very wide and ivll pak onlY a fe'w cars ibut, if ail the business- men wouid see 'that their cars and their eniployee's cars ar- nPf the Main Street aise the landlords provide parking for tenants anid se that they use it there would be considerable more spa-- few businessmen and some la »d- lords have provided, their own parking and I wish to'thank these peuple for their co-operation.. The real eoanplaints arise from buiànesmen Who have used uP ail their space with new build- ings. Some cf -these were with seMfish motives trying to Push -kanitary sewers on the rest of the peuple cd Orono and this same at- titude applies to parking. Aeeording to Iaw cost cof parking for businesses is to be borne by the buisnessman. At the 13arkincP meeting 'we offered to supply a parking lot for businessmen and wve will stiil do it if three-cluart- er-s of the businessmen wil agree ,ta pay for it. Most places of busi- ness apfpreci'ate business e-noughi to supply thoir customners with parking space. WhY is Orono dif- ferent. Even the forefathers of our businessmnen in Orono had re- spect lor- their custoiners and suPpled adequate sheds for horse and buggy parking. This is the only thing that relates to Editor's note two wceks ago when he said we are going 'back to horse and bugg9Y days with our narrow pfave 4ment and narrow streets as he ca4s them. Let me reâind you "iit a Need's study ssas taken and thisproject is under D.0 regulations. If our editor would looR areund him lie would sec that our streets are wider than niany being put in larger centres now, e.g. Port Perry. The one street we tried to wid- en, Park Street, the removal of trees brought a real cm. Even if we could widen streets to the saide Walks by putting hydro under- ground and moving hydrants the cost would' be prohibitive and I Am quite sure the rest of the Peepfle of Orono are no)t interest- cd in paying for the this for the iParking for businessmen. Ju'st be- cause you are on the Main Street you are net a privilcdgcd person. Get with it and we will co-onpr- ate in any way possible. To those businessmen who 'are realilv be- hind the Editorial of two weeë's ago, please sign your rame loaa letter to tac editor and stp"d iun and be heard if you think you are night. The parking problems will be solved but flot because of fi'. type iof editorial in the edfition of two weeks ago. Floyd Nicholson, P.S.- Maybe parking meters are the answer. DejarSir:June 16, 1969 Juine 24 is fast approac-ing, This is thc day when farm n)eonle thr'oughIout the Provinee will de- cidle their future destiny., The Lcampaign is rnoving ahead rwell but there appears to be a concentratcd effort to scare and Confuse the ifarmer by telling him that the G.F.O. is going to be Government controlIed. The legislation itself wiil make it possible for-farrhers to build amost any kind of organization -they want. The legisiation con- tains very flew requirements and aIl of these are 'there for the pro- tection of the farmer. Bylaws anust be confirmed or rejected by convention delegates; there must he a full audit by a professional auditor; there is a definitu rneth- od by which bylaws can be re- voked or the, organization dissOiv- The simple fact is that. this leg- isitatio>n Provides for Iess Lyovern- mient control than does the legis- lation useil by labour unions or prafessiona-l associations. Govera- ments have flot shown any sign *of taldng over these. Faimers need a stronig, well- financed G.F.O0. that can w6rk, out solutions to the problems, de- ign policies and prograins and then partictipate in iniplementing these programs. Govertnment may be required to provide legislation or protection but government in- volvement can be kept to a min- imumi if we have a G.F.O. able to' work out policies -and progranis for, fariers with farmers takîtc a much greater responsibility for their own welfare. - Some people have said that in- tegration of a marketing board into the G.F.O. cannot take place This is definitely flot the case. It is possible to dothis under Sec- tiion 3, Subsection (2) of Bull 140. There is soene feeling that the ,legislation does flot allow the G.F.O. to taRe action in certain directions or tliat the members are preventýed from being suffie- Drop lin fer a Refreshing MiIkShake CIIOCOLATE MILK ORANGE DRINK and ail SOFT DRINKS MATIS BILLIARDS anmd Buirb.rsh.p Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS BTONECWOK Ws a&1» de Vluney iently militant if this becomes necessary. Under Subsection (3) 'bt develop, perform and carry out programs for the benefit of farmers" allows the G.F.O. to do anything that will benefit f arin- crs. This, does flot mean that farmers will be able to break the Hay -Fever Relief ACTIFED (reg. $1.12 for. P. B. Z., reg. $1.05 for ....... GOPYROMIL ,reg $1.09 for ... CLORTRIPOLON, 4 mir $1.19 law or the criminal code but ïl. doesflot restrict any legal acton by farmerýs. I sincerely hope that ail farin peuple will vote next Tuesday Respeetfully yours, ...........Don......h. Farmers Need A Better One On June 24 Vote GeFO. YES X T B ' HeIp Waànted' lia Summertime Fun Specials Pepsodent TOOTU- PASTE.. (69c) NOW 47c. VASELINE ........ý (45c) NOW 33e Cepacol MOUTII WASH .. ($1.75), Now $1.57 Scope MOUTH WASH .- ($1.29) Now $1.16 MODESS 12's ...... (590 Now 47e Old Spice DEODORANT ($1.25) Now 98e CuRADS .................. (49c) Now 37e Z.B.T. BABY POWDER ....(89c) Now 78e Noxzema HAIR GROOM ...(89c) Now 78e *Adorn HAIR SPRAY .. ($1..98) Now $1.47 Right Guard DEODORANT ($139) for $1.18 ALKA-SELTZER......(79c) Now 68c. I NIKOBAN ...... ......($2.99) Raid BUG KILLER ....... ($2.25) Now $1.83, Guard INSECT REPELLANT ($1.3,9) $1.13 77C M Plastic Tumabiers 19 icents eacnh or 3 for 25 cents SStutt's Pharmacy Plione;983-5009 Orono, On.t. j N EveroneElse lias a Good Organization FOR TALENT NIGHT PROGRAM IN ORONO WEDNESDAY, JULY 9th, 1969 Those< interested are asked to contact either A. JaI<eman or S. Mather,, 983-5851 or 983-5442, as soon as possible. Arrangements will be made for auditions Sponsored by Orono ýChamber Commerce The Family Farm Depends On You And G.F.O. On June 24 Vote 77% q i Everyone Now $2.58