ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY. JUNE l9th. 1969 vote "tYES" For G.F.O. ON JUNE 24' SA strong well financed organization to represent al farniers., ' The greatest grass roots representation ever aèhieved to date SA farmer controlled organization respons4ble to, the farmer e lect- ors. SA farm organization that will hAIp improve farmers' incomes SAn organization that can nrovide research data to combat, f-,irm marketing problems. SA power structure able to compýte with other groups in society. SA fight for a fairer fax load For a strong mnited farm voice on June.24 vote "YES"' Red and White evap. - Price Buster! MILK-2 First Grade Creamery, BUTTER Facial Tissues - Pop Up KBL E ENEEX ifioz. Tir for 3 3c lbo 6 7c Pkg. of 400's Sunspun Canadian - Special! 8 d. Pkg. C ES E Sfces 3lC bround 9Ideul For fi I~ Ground eef Barbecue Best Buy! - Save 40c! - 4 Varieties Libby's Relishes 12 oz. lors 4 for $1 Best Buy! 4 3/4 oz. Jars Strained Foods -Hoeuz Assorted 4 49c Specialiy'Selected- Tender Young- Tenderloin Portion 3.3V2 lb. Loin '0' Pork, lb. 79c Weli Trimmed - Tender.- Young Loin Pork Chops lb99 èheIbo 63< h OORNISH'S RED",&, WHITE Il W. rue Mr th e' t nita al.Ph.â.e9e3-mi0, Orate J WVould Consider Change i mi industrial Zone Presentation and cross-examin- aion of conditions of the Clarke Township Zoming ýby-law and a- menclnwnts was the order of the day at the Municipal Board hear- ing held in Orono on Monday. Considerable time was spent on cross-examinfation with the estab- lishment oif the R12 residential Zones and the Development Zon- es, which in the latter case legal representatives feit was freezing these areas un.duly. Mr. At Low, secretary for the Clarke Planning Board, was in the stand for the major Dort-" of the hearing, faoiowed by Deputy- re eve H. E. Walkey and Mr. Little, a Pl anning Consultant hired by the Township. Mr. R. Lovekin, also represented the Township. Most of the cross-exam- inati.n was, conducted by Mr. Austin, represe.ntinig the Clarke Township Ratepayers'- Associa- tion. Some of the more pertinent in- formation from the .hoaring in- cluded saufne minor ýdiscrepancies in the wording of the by-iaw. In cross-e3eamination it was learned that though the Planniing Board was stating that the Departmient of Highways wanted a Devebop- mient Zone on bath stdes'of High- way 115 and on sueh a irequest this had been done. there had in mect heen no written reuuest fir this move. it was pointed out 'bY Mr. A. Low that Couneci1 enuld give approval for development in a Development Zone so in this matter it wýas not actually. frozen. Hie said, upon cross examination. that three -or four undertakings had been approved,. Tis, stated one legal representative, would require an amiending by4aw, some thing that couneil had not pasised and ýasked to whom these Privel- edges lhad -been granted? At this point the Chairnian, Mr. Th*omp- son, said "1what council does at their meetings as no concern of this hearing' which was beine 'held to discuss only the zoning by4laws in question. This Uine of discusion was ruled out. fMr. I46w spoke of the oreat need of protection against un- controled developmvx,,t and said it would 'be totally impossible to let the Public,. in general. draft a by-law. He said there had been five years go into the Plan as it now stands. It was also pointed out that there existed 100s of loats whioh were at one time suit- able for residential dwellinps .and purehased for sueh purposp but which are now of no use due to the present by-law. The ehairman eommented lihat the barn 'door had seanmed to be elosed too late. 11e also Question- ed the R 2 zones and said it rwould seemi more logical to have ail development of a residential nature' take Place around exist- ing 'bu!lt up areas rather than hoping ail over the ~w~n In the ýmatter of the Ml Indus- 9-4 -lIarea Mr. Low said he had no objection to it being moved, he would have no objection to decreasing the size of the Ml zone vhen bein.g cross-examined by Mr. Austin. Pos6ibly the most informnative portion of the lhearing was the questioning of Mr. Little, >ni ning Consultant, by Mr. Austin. Upon Little taking the stand~~- Austin requested an adjourament of the hiearing. 11e stated in his plea that this man was wel1 quaI- Xied ta draft a ;plan for Clarke and as council had retained his services the people of the Town- ëhip should benefit from this ser- vice through a wËlbd.eveIotped and sound plan. The req'uest was denied. littile time ta study the area, tu any great extent and so gave pins- wens in general terms. He did say there*could be changes in the Industrial zone iMl, the devebvi)- ment area north of Newtonville and the Ri zone around. Leskard. Clark. Public MIBR ARY HIOURS OPEN: Tugesday 6:30 *8:36 Thursd8y 6:»0 - 8:.30 FrIday- 2:30 -5, 6:3o - 8:30 Saturday 3* -là CeiZijour ll.ud Plumbing8L J1'.hanical Contractor who selis, instalb opd guarantws CAMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono Albert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIES Phone 983-5249 Oreme Custom Gardening Services Ploughing - Disking - CultiVat- ing- Levelling - Earthmoving Custom Landscaping - Wee4 and Grass Mowing - Post Ilole Boreing - Snow Remôval SID McAFEE RA 2, Bowmanvjie Tel 725-6024 SIMPSON 'S Paintlng and Docoroting INTEETR - EXTERIOR PAPERHANGING REIIODELLING "Ver a deén dependable job" Cali Dougli a ad Gary Slipson NS- 5104 Sweet Juicy Culifornia ValeCIO, oranges 3 doz.o$1 Walker's Chocolate Chij> lb. bag 39c