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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Jun 1969, p. 5

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PERSONS OR THINGS SEE1NG PEOPLE 'AS (Coxtinued.from page 4) can display a complete lack of leeliiiig over the millions starving in India, the thousands of hom..ý devastated by eartliquakes in South America, but ifsmen we know is hungry, negleeted or loses his home we can become very anxidus or indignant on his behalf. We seetm to forget that the masses are mnade up of ind4v- ~iduas, that everyone who suffers às a person 'and no less important to God ýfor living in another part of the world than ours. How eýkv àt Ls to reaet to the need of »eonle far removed from us as ljhough they were 'lhýings". Technology, autoation, natur- al smallness af thinkçing and act- iing ail combine to create the sit- uation, where People become ý'thngs" rather than ýpersns."~ Christianity is always a chal- longe ta be aware of the individ- ual. We cannot be content to have a superficial attitude towird it or expression of it. It must be- came the natural part, of every acton., 1 is John's sixth birthday and be has just reedved a two-?whppl- ed bike. He tries to ride it. neyer baving trled ta ride a bike bgîoe. Sa his efforts, in the first nmn- utes, 'are utterly without success. HHangarry, half-cryiug, he re- appears. "Dad", he accuses, "Dad. 1 thought you told me that when 1 was six years old I could ride a &*iie."1 Poor John. You missed the point. "'When you are six years old. you can ride a bike" is not 1,ike ~'when. you are twenty-one you can buy a drink." It is not Ilke that et ail. Being six years old id>csnýt mean that vpu inow hrnv to ride a bike. Tt rmeans, rather, that you are oicd euou.h to learn liow to ride a bike. You ca't jus-t Diôunt a'bike and say "get goiw. PINE RIDGE Landscaping and 1Garden Service (FREE ESTIMATES) name Maintenance, Nursery Stock, etc. Phone 623-7633 Box 235 Bowmanville ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. THURSDAY. JUNE 19th. 1Iqco bike, I command you te go!", The trufth of the matter is, you ean't ride 'ýon" a bîke. You have to ride "with" it. You lean w"'Ih its sway, you follow its w, v When you do this, it WIl î ý; v. .o r lean, and foiG-v o'ir lcad. Fol a bike is something a- live, something you can't just "kn-ow" but have to 'feel." So it Is with Chris.tianity. A superficial contact does not rr'nkc one Christian. We cannot ride a- long through 11f e ",on" Ohristian- i ty, we must ride "ýwith" it. le-n- ing with it, foilowing its lead un- til it becomes ýa natural r>-i- our expression. W'hen we reach that point, people are se --- ,experienced as "ýpersns" ýnot Kendal News ,I was interesinýg to welcome ,bOc-k Mr. and> Mrs. Wim., Darling- ton and their five ebjidren on Sunday wben, BllI took lu the Mtasonic Ohurch Parade. Bill was born in Kendal and alter serving, in Italy returned to Kendal to carry oný as a store4ceeper. He now seils building supplies in King- ston. Rev. Norman H. MacXeuzie, M.A., D.D., Personnel Secretary of the United Ohurcli Board cf Wor(id Missions will preach the Sunday Sohool Anniver&ary seSmon on this Sunday morninig, June 22 at 11:15 a.m. We are indeed fortun- ate to secure as guest speaker this great missionary. The attendance pins will be presented te tb' - day School ebIdren at this, serv- ice. All the children should be there. ,Miss Marlon McKelvey, R.N., is -,home fur a few holidavs9 thi- Rev. T. Snelgrove welcomned týhe Masons ta our service last Sun- ray morninig. Mrs. Jack Fonk sang a be'autà- fui contralto solo. entitled' "How Great Thou Art." She was aeeom- panied 'by Mrs. A. Foster. Sorry to report that Mr. Len Rloy is in OJshaiwa Gtýeeral Hospit- al. He had an operation oni _ý anim lest Thursday. ,Mr. Reg Elliatt has the freme of bis new house in Kehdal er- ected. Orono Defeats Nluffmen 's 21 -14 On Jue 9th the Huffîmanm Bro- thers' Port Hope tykes journeyed te Orono foir a "B" scheduled game and in a real marathon, the Orphans took a very free scoring game by a ceunt of 21-14. Orono won it with. seven muns in the bottom of the sixh iuninig. They punched five home in the first, eollowed it up with six in the sec- ond, picked up just one in the 3rd and two iu the fifth for their tot- al. Port Hope scored lu only three three innîngs. They broke on top with seveýn in the second, added two more in the third and finish-, cd up with five more iu the top of the fifth canto. Battery for Orono was T. !Vof- fat and B. West. D. Lucas and D. Stinson formed the starting bat- tery for the Welders. For orono, Van Seggelen had a double, two singles and a free r Il Local ew Jonathan Staples and Ejwa'rd Clark, Orcno R.R. 1, vîý ewilners in the S?,f. ty Cccr-ptt o: by the Durhiam Safety 'Council, with their Posters, Poemý P-d Slogans. 'iheir teaoher is Mrs._F. Lunn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Con-- Detroit are visiting relatives in Orono. Mr. Carl Tennant is a patient Mr. and Mrs., jac k Walliai. Orono have moved*into their new home West of Orono. ~Mr. and Mrs. Cari Billings have returned home Jf1oni a visit with, the f ormer's brother and £amilY, Mr. 'Harley Billings. Phil- adelphie. Mr. Vern Hiarris of Orono WUs eleeted, to the executive of the Ontario Poultry Confederaiai nt their recent airnual meeting in Guelph. Miss SaIlY Staples is h1r~~ in Britigh Columnbia,, wdth her aunt and uncle and famiilq,'- and Mrs. GIen Wiggins of Don Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MI>cp-' ' Windsor visited fieinds in Orono this week. ticket. De Jonge had two bingles and a walk. Cornish contributed the Samé.' ForPort Hope. K. Brown had four straight singles. Moore had a pair along, with Jex. The latter also picked up a base on halls. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Miister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY. JUNE 22,. 19' Orono United Church Sunday School at 10:00) Service at 11:15 am. Kirby- MornIn.g Service at 9:45 a.m Sunday Sehool at 11:00 Up A-id Downi- NEW BOOKS FOR JUNE 19th Alduit Non, Fiction The original My Sister by Ruth McKenney The Home Ranch by Moody Eileen Ralph Adult Fiction Snaw on Iligh Ground by, Ray- mond SawkIins Dirty Story by Erie Amibler Dead Woman of the by Hugh Pentecoot. Juvenile The Case, cf the Si(fver 4gg by Desinond' Skirrow Favourite Horie Stories by C. W. Anderson .Acrcss Five April's, by Irene Hunt Are You My Mother? by :P.> D. Eastman Ann Can FredPhrr The Man Who Didn't Washi His Dishes by PhulIîs Krasilovsky. F LO WvERS by Jaclkman PHONE COLLECT. 623-3M6 la King et. E. NOWMANVILLU F«, AU! Veu Flow« Nesis Funeral Arrangements Wedding Arrangements Hospital Arrangements FREE DELIVERY! Dr"p lua ad browse &round our Large Greenhouse Showroom for tropical plants, seeds, potting soils, pets, rootIng hormones etc. CALL COLLECT DAY or NIGIIT 623-57 5-7 VAN SELLE GARDENS LTD. Flower Shop, Between Bowmanville and Oshawa on Hlighway No. 2 NOW AT VOUR DX SerÉvice. Station Bighway 35 and XlS, just forth of Newcastle Featuring .... Preniium Quallty Products -AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES - Stove 011 niay b. pleked up ln any quantlty 19.Se. par galion ATTENTION FARM ERS and TRUCRERS - Speela diftount on gasolihe and diesel fuel. ]PHONE 87-215 Sale of Al -a Weather Coats Clearing the balance of our la dies' all-weather coats îat 25% iff. LADIES' SWIM SUITS One and twa-piece styles ini Ladies Swim Suits. Sizes 10 to 18 years. Priced from - - - ---- --- - $8.95 to $13.00 GIRLS' SWIM SUITS Stretch Nylon Swim Suits for girls, In plain shades and al- so prînts. Sizes range fram 2 ta 6X years and 8 te 14 years. Priced froni $1.98 to $4.98 MEN'S and BOYS' SWIM TRUNKS Several styles lu Men's and Boy's Swim Trunks in otrèech Nylon and Rayon Lastex. Sizes 2 to 6x yrs.-$19 to $2.25 Sizes 8 to 16 yrs.- $2.50 to $3.50 Sizes 30 to 40 waist- $1.98 to $4.00 CIIILDREN'S SQUALL, JACKETIS Children's Nylon Jackets with hood, cottan flannel lined, ........ zipper front. Blue and red. Sizes 3 ta, 6X years. Price, eac¶i $4.25 Farm Wives You Have A Vote On June 24 To Work for You and Your Family Vote . . . .... ..... . .....

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