.ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, tIIURSDAY, JUNE 19th. 1969 The Orono Public Selhoou Cee Club was entertained Wedretuv evening at the 'home of their .principal, Mr. D. Moffat, to a dinner and sociable evening. The Orono Hydro has complet- ethe construction of a new 3- phase hydro line on Chlj.-eh St. north from Center Street to the school. This along with thç-n- road program in this area has made a great improvemnent. Orono Raceway, Entries, J une 20 lst Race- Quinella Northco, Jerry, I. Cochrane; Wiiona Thn,.P, D, Fiaes; Sue'.s Ann, I. MeHattie; Judy Ann Grat- tan, P. Stewart; Poôrtalîe Ann, M. Vyse; Rioky ,Supeiior iai, 'K. Hannden; Debbie Spenex.,' J. Drew; Fin's Hat, L. Goûdale. 2nd Race - Dusty Gai, li,.Johnsan; Lorraine Uial, R. Rsftm; 'Bonnie Delight, G. Robnson; Miss Bu<ôkeye'Lady, L. Dixon; Deputy Chef Ore, T.B. A; Jerry Hat, T.B.A., DIMk's lien- ley, L. Goaoiale; Molly Haw Lea, R. Brown. 3rd Race - Quinella Cass Hunt, I. Cochrane; Rodwyn Todd, .G.' Sheldon; Liz Song, J. Wlliams; Dictator Pick, W. loo- ey;Chester H.arm'Ace, L. Braw'n; Happy Minc, R. Staples. 4th Race- Torbolton Lincla, C. Hie; Prima Paddy, G. Burns; Suecess Beau, T.B.*A::; Harriman's Ace, L. Braxvn Bonnie Van, T.B.A.; Quarterbacik, S. Brown; Hesahoney Pick, N. Osiborne. 5th Race- Prima May, O. Burrison; Park- view Ann, R. Glover; Lyn D Dale, T.B.A.; Vîictor Ri C, W., Norris; Penny Rice, C. Hie, Erin Spencer T.B.A.; Prince Ogden, G. Sheldon Kawartha Candy, G. Shekilon.- 6th Race - Quinella Dust Proof, G. Wetherup; Sup- erior Mark, B. James; Quinte Lad P. Stewart; Clan Herbert, G. St. John; Waltzing Matilda, R. Bird; R-omestead Pat, E. Adams; Sun- day Mae Grattan, B. Sammons; Wil Lor Ace, J. Willàams. 'th Race- Titan Song C, I. Thaekery; Ar-. den Jack, 'R. McQualid; Tecujitseth J. Reltis; Lightning Dares, I. Cochrane; Hii Vie, L. Goodale; Lady Moray, S. Brown. 8th race Rusty Mac Hlerbert, R. Powell; Jagla, W. Norrds; Don Orey, T.B. A.;Rob Ron Chief, D. Fines; Kim Carie Hal, S. Brown, Lil Buck, G. St. John; Burt Bumoas, T.B.A.; Lady Dean, R. McQuaid. 9th Race - Quinella ' ;Country Mir, K. West; Mindy M, H. Hie; Gentry Mcklyo, O. Bur- rison; Jim Dusty, S. Brwn; Sànm coe Boy, G. Rohinson; Gene Put- ney, T.B.A.; Gaylord Grattai, R. Hicks. ORONO Decoration Day Sun. June 22 (UT FLOuWwERS CARNATIONS and CHRYSANTHEMUMS MiUletons Atte'ndance Counseflor Proposai Opposed, The proposed appointment of an attendance counsellor for the Un- ited Counties met wîth opposition from a few members of the Northumberland - Durham County Board of Education at last Thurs- dayis meeting. The administration recomrend- cd that an attendance counsellor ghould be hired by the board to enforce coinpulsory school attend- ance in respect of ail resident children of school age. H. N. Sheppard, a member of the board asked what was wrong with the present attenclance off.i- ersý, who were people whio seemed to enjoy their work and nIany of them would like to 1ý carry on. "Why is it that we have to hire a new officer-at a high cost to the board.?" 'W. Frank Thom, director of ed- ucation. said the board was re- quIred"by law to have an attend- ânce counsellor. The presenit of- ficers did flot nrovide thk- tvne of assistance the board needed. "We do not need officers who lue R Pupfil baek to qeho&."We need a person who can rqo to the home an.d relate to the pupils and the parents and try to improve Lhuîr outiook towards sehool," he said. "I have to disagree with 0l o this, Mr. 'hom," AMr, Sheppard sa-d. "iiow can one mnan look after ,bree or four, complaiaits in the one morning?" G. T. Whitefield, a member, asked if it was not the responsi- bility of the guidance ýteachers to i.mprove the pupil's outlook to- wards sehool. With these te'achers and the present.,officers working to)gether it would be a lesser cost to the board. He, pàinted out the high eost -of _transportation, for' such a eounsellok to travel al over the two counties. Mr. Thomn said, he did,not know wlat the. oogt to the board 'was for the present attendance officers. M. A. MýoLeod, admiffistrator, said some of theim wor1ed- for a nominal.sum oûf $30 per year. Mr. Thom said he did flot know if other counties were still using the "piece meal system.". In answer to a qutestion he said that schoIs now; received grants That's the kind of thinking that wili get you nothing or Viva-your but savings. By buyirig your new car noW you can kind of deal probably buy directly out of stock so you get im- why you waite mediate delivery too! No matter which fine car you Go in and tell want-Pontiac, Buick, Beaumont, Firebird, Acadian to give you. Every GM car has to make it before we mark it ~3Pontiac- Buick LBeumont -Aca MARK 0F EXCELLENCE See your local coùihoikzd Pontiuc Deule COWAN PONTIAC-BI 166 KING STREET EAST RflWM A VIIIR VTPr on enroilment and not on pupil attendance. W. C. Down agreed with the proposai of the administration mzd said there was room fo)r a person who eould go and talkc wth the parents and pupils, an.d a person whio eould do this prop.. erly wauid have to qualified. He cited cases where ehldrea used the sehool bus to get into town to go to the pool rooms. William C. Hall, B. -COMM. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday iPontiac dealer is ready with the You've been waiting for He knovws ed until now. Sa see him right away. 1him wha-t kind of a deal he's going adian Firebird VIva EIX.1 869C %K LIMUTED g ~. ~ **.. a 'Y S o you thought if you waited until now to visit your Pontiac-.Buick dealer youd get a better deal, bigger selection, immediate delivery Good thinking. - . .,,. ,~ .... ~PHONE 623-3396