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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jun 1969, p. 3

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Il 1 mil lui imý=; mi ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, .JL-NE 26th, 1969 Headged I (cntnued frcm page 4) reens h feeling that certain tl Dsa ople are hedged out. In Jbsfriendïs we can see thfat peo- pican be hedged in and flot even relz t. Some are hedged in end want out. Some arc hedged out end want in, and s'ore are hedged lna and do not know it. lBut hedges are not always as ffixed as' they would seeni for ev- 4-z the faithful hedged in with God 'are not beyond attack by the forces. of evili. It is very important tao fil aur lives with the presence 'cf God. To show this, Jesus toki the parable of the empty house. The unclean spirit which was diven aut, returned ta the exnpty )bouse with other cvii spirits and soca the 'bouse vas in a worse chape than in the beginning. We meed lo allow room for God ta f111 Ile bouse of aur life. Then we are hedged in with God and when troubles, trials and 'tribulations coene, God is with us and victory its as9nred. But it s o pitiful state to be ledged lin and not know it.- We iiam be hedged ino by aur s'malness c! .outlook; our contentmnent witih i4imorance; our desire to lie self- Abh. Thtis can also lie truc religion fse and it is hurting the Church., taldng a terrible toiT on the influ- eree of the Christian Church te- daY. Tou niany are hedged ifand tlley do net know it. They are tee, satisfied with a smal outlook on 1%1e. !!héy are content to go on, ignorant of the great truths aio Cod, because it takes- work. It tàkes struggle ta receive what .odas ta gîve us. We go an con- tent 'wth selfishness, hedeed in oAd oiten not knowring it. Job's 4niends were good illustrations of obis E iphaz said ta Job, "Job, PINE RIDGE Landscaping and Gparden, Service (FREE EST1MATES) Home Maintenance, Nurgery Stock, etc. Phone 623-7633 bx 235 Bowiuauvfle Orono Building Contractor brick -block -Concrete Stone Work Carffltry .- Caihinet Work Flenrs T11e 983-5441, ORONO you have sinned, that is wày you arc having your troub'e. CcaIe 9i confess, search your lif anid id out what. that sin las' î :~~ inyirýina like th 3 h, i_>'-s At is the resuit of sin." Eliphaz was hiedged in and didn't know it be- cause if sin was the cause of job lying there in ail his miseTry, then Eliphaz himnself would have been lying there toa. ýBilIbad was one of Job's fniends, a reliigious man with lcss experi- ence than Eliphaz but he truqted mnore in tradition. He had a great Eist of old s'ayi'ngs tliat he hadn't dis'covered himsell, just a store, af quotations. He. seeks to comfort Job with -these old worn out sayings. Our expenience is the sanie. As far as religion is concerned, we find people trying to point out that ane is suff ering because _of hiaving sinned, or quoting an ciçi laying to a persan who, is in ex- treme trouble and Lt doesn't help, often hinders. Job had a third fniend, Zophar who prides himiself that hé coames ta the point, speaks his min"I. S'aYs what he wants ta say, no inatter who hears or what thA ef- feet is. In 911aius pulfed up pomp fie says to Job. "'Know therefore that God exacteth cf thec iess t-han thine iniquity deserves."1 Now isn't that cgmfort for a sick iman! "You've got a lot te, be thankful for, Job, because You know you deserve a lot more then you are gctting."1 Job had Iost al bis possessions, lail his fagniy. RHis wif e turned fr-om hini and scoffed, -Why do n't you icurse Ged and die." His friends tauntcd him with their sballow. rel4egiuls views., Job was sick, hiad sores' and bouls and was tol d, "Be thankful, Job, because yau deserve Ia, lot mr. Job had his hedgcd in feeling. He had e v- ery right ta have' it. But he was hedged in ýwith ,Gad andl that mak,-es the difference. Il we go on to the end of the stary of Job. we'11 find out that ihe was better off ino the en~d than he was ini the ,beg-inningà. Often we have a hedged in 'because we live for, the ,wrong things. W express an arti- ficWa outlook on life. Wc enn be shaliaw in our religiou~s reaction and expression. God is hedged out ln a sense becausewe've aliowed aur lives ta be focus'ed on the an- tificiail and s'hallow. But if we know what Christ camne to reveal and corne ta a place where Giod is ýhediged i wth us.,then tibere, ,ought to be the greatest experi- ence'ai joy. Recause, mark t7iy troubled times will corne, bard moments we think wc can b-"4'" get- throuigh, trouble piled on trouble, but if God is there v'et- ory is assured. N Sametiimes we are cauph+ 4 iii ,awares by forces of cevii because wve have taken toc much for çr-n- ted. The experience aof Job teach- es us that the faithful are Pn+ l' - ypnd attack for there will be trials, temptations and challenlees in liue, God has revealed in Jesus Christ, that Hie wants ta be ino our livies, to hedge us -n, in certain ,ways, ta igive us victory lin RMe. He bnings meaning, power and Iight lin Jesus Christ as we d'-i ýcate aur lives to hum. toc I ~Iewa CpI. N-11 217-3. rahail and Shaun, -UpiaidaS Air Base, Ottawa, Ontarie, visitedù Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabill, Mrad Mrs. Willis Barrabail and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe La Riocca whileNeil was on course at.Tren- ton Air Rase. A goingaway party for Miss Judy Wiliiams, the Phys. EdI. teacher at Cliarke Hligh Schiool, was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johinson on June l4th with 35 gue.sts attcnding. Miss Williams, following a period of travel, will be returning to Au- stralia. 'Mr. Richard Black, s'on o(f Mr. an'd Mrs. Robert Bliack is attend- ing an Ôfficer Training Course at Ohdliwask Air Base, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit De Jonge, Mr. and Mrs. darl Kùnnnett and Mr. E. Sehxni'd accoanpainied some twenty4ive Hi-C's on a weekend cRmping trip at Pieton. Mr. and Mrs. K. Grey joined the groupj for part of the weekend. Ail report a most enJoyabie tâme. The Rainey £amiLy celebrated the 25th wedding anniversary of Mildred and Ervian Rainey on Saturday, June 21st, with supper at the Acres Restaurant and the evening at the home of Jean and Glen Allin where a social time was had. Mildred and Ervan were presented with a silver tea ser- service. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rainey -lfo spcnd the next three weeks in Manitoba. Mr. Carl Kimmett is attending a short course at Dorset ti week. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Archer. Mr. Jack Archer, Mr. and Mrs. George Cole, Port Hope were vis- UNMTD CHURCH Orone Pastoral Charte Rey. B. E. Long SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 1969 Orono United Church Sunday School at 10:00 Service at 11:15,, Kirby- Maring Service at 9:45 a.m Sunday Sehool at 11:00 a Perm anent Press '5o 's on~ Saturday vÉth Mr. andl is.Caca Billing's. saIao!ine Johnmc2i pissed hL -xard 'oi Vert (Siiver) Swimming Test at Oshawa Civie Pool on June i8th. Miss Johnson has accepted a position as lufe- guard Instructor at Camp Samac Pool for the Summer and w&l al-, se' be atteniding the Onitanlo Lead- ership Camp at Longird MiTRsas the representative f-r lak H-ig'h Sehool. The husbands and wvives oi the "Country Four" Quartette were ententyained Tuesday evenine at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allin at a Barbecue and social eveniing. Mrs. Wesley Cawker cf Bow- manvîlle and Mrs. John Leishman of Oshawa visited Mrs. Milton Tamblyn on Sunday. Mnong those attcnding the pre- sentation for Mrs. Ethel Carleton and visiting la Orono fo>~ the weekend wcre Miss' Marjorie Tyr- :-AL Mr. G'ant Tamblyn Mms Àin~I uartand Margaret, Mrs. r,: i«,e Wood, Mr. Dou ('qm>7- by, and iVaster Danny Groaneveli. cf Simcoe. FLu'W ERS by Jackman PHONE COLLECT 623-3365 1lu Ktag st. E BOWMANVILLIE Fer AUl Tour Flwe Needa FELOWR... Funeral Arrangements Weddîng Arrangements Hospital. Arrangements FREE DEILIVERY! Drop inaid bramse aroand our Large Greenhonse Showom fer tropical plants,ý seeds, pottlng soils, pets, roothIg hormenes etc. CALL COLLECT DAY or NIGHT 63-5 757 VAN BELLE GARDENS LTDO Flower Shop Between Bewmanvllle,,aid Oshawa on Highway No. 2 NOW AT YOUR DX Service Station Highway 35 and 115, Just north of Newcastle Featurug .... Premium Quality Produets -AT THIE-MOST RECASONABLE PRICES - Steve 011 may be pkked up in amy quantlty 1.t per galles ATTERNTION FAEMERS and TIRUCKEE8 - Spal distcamt o« gasoliemesd diesel tuai. PHONE 987-4216 Men' T-Shirts Work Pünts' A great fabrie for work pants - 50% ctton 'and 50% Fortrel. Add Koratron Permanent Press and you have the best in easy care - machine wash, drip or tum- hie dry and neyer iron! Green only. Waist Sizes 32 te 36. Priced from $6.95 t $7.98 Short-Sleeve Work Shirts Good quality work shirts with short sleeves, generously eut with long tails. in green shade te match work pants. Sizes S, M and L. Ptic-, çach -$3.98 "Jockey" ,,tapcred T-Shirts with short s4eeves-aid low ribbed4'ncckband'or mock turtie neck. Shades of gold, blue and white. Sizes S, M and L. Pliced from $1.75 to $2.00 Shorf-Sleeve Dress Shirts Men's Permanent Press white shirts, styled by "Currie" with short sleeves and solt coliar. Sizes' S, M, L and XL, Price, each - $6.00 Men's Shorts Men's walking shorts, weli-tailered from good quality cotton, some No-mron. Contin.ental waistband or loops. Stripes and plain shades of gold, beige, green and bUne. Waist Wizes 30 ta 42. Priced from $3.95 to $5.95 ARMSTiRO G,.S I .4 i.' i Swimmi*ng Time, Table EFFECTIVE JUNE 30,-1969 Royal ýLîe Saving----------- 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Intermediates 1 -- -- ------- 9:30 a.m. Intermediates, 2--------------------- 10:15 a.m. Juniors 1---------- ------ ---- 11:00 a.m. Juniors 2 --- ----------- 11:30 am. Juniors 3 ---------- - --------- 12:00 Seniors----------- 12:30 p.m. Beginners 1 9:30 a.m. Beginners 2 ,. 9:50 a.m. Beginners 3 - ----------- --10:10 a.m. Beginners 4-- 10.30 a.m. Tadipoles 1 - 11:00 a.m. Tadpoies 2' - - -------- ------- 11:15 a.m. Learnita. Swini 2 - ---- 11:30 a.m. Learn ta Swim 1 11:45 a.m. I

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