- - -.--.---- - ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. TIIUISDAY, JUNE 26tlh, 1-61 Sce Milison Iiîsurance Agency AI danes of personal and Qxunercia1 Joverages OffLe.: Main St., Orone Gord Simpson pâme. Orese 913-5SUS Ores,, Quite interl.e Extulmo 1 'CHARLES REID AuoIi.a.r and Valuatox 1.eiali.In Farm and Furnmture Bal« Comiutone for t.ernis 1 ad dates PEONE ORONO 983-M04 Monuments and Fsniily.,Memorials Ow quality and jervice leaves neihlng te ho desired t'lb. permon who bought frein iam.lghb.ur, triend or relative lbRITTER GRANITE OOMPANY 18 Ontario Street PORT HOPEC nierpotdwplay tu Soutiern ITSON'S Marine and Cycle Oresephon. 8083-5343 lKMULOCUBOATS & BMOTORS CRAIN SAWS Stpaku t. aUlzmakes of Laws ULowem a»W 2 ami4 cycle @TACO FLOW POINTS AND MACHINENTY LYCETT Plumbing & Heating Bornes PLUIMO a" KEATINO 44 UOME RUiNER SERYKU e-A FINANCING Tyre243-SUO0 Hampten 3<3-288 Orville Chatte rton Electrical ,Contracting Electric ,Heating and Service Oron,, Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC Jierb and Gerry Duvail 983-5148 *ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - Hi-Fi FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTERD SERVICE - BOX 133 Phone 668-3552 Stafford Brothers Manufacturer% of Cemetery Memoials 318 Dundu Street Emot WHITBY, ONTARIO Building a bouse? or remodeliag Yomr Pre"t ome, tien contact IFIoyd Nicholson FOR SALE >Dried sheiled Corn for sale, ,or Pl& up or delivery cail Bob> Carruthmr, RR 1, Bowmat- ville. Phonie 623-5485. t-f FOR SALE A baby's car bed, like new. Phone 983-5832. a-p FOR SALE Four Burner Eleetrie Stove in good condition. Reasorsable. Phone 786-2207. a-C HELP WANTED ~Full time Clerk Typist recmiirpdl starting September 1969 to work in the Orono and ,Ywrby Publie Selhools. Half tisse to be spent at each sehool. Salarv and benefits as per Sehool Board sehedule. Apply in writing' bef are Julv iOth to Mr. I. Golder, Grono R.R. N. or to Mr. D. Moffatt, Oronc, Box 30. a-e WANTED House or aPartment for two adults iimmediately. Phone 983-5173. a-p WANTED TO RENT 2 bedroûm house or apart- ment. 3 adults. Rural area - ferred. a-p Orono 983-5022. WANTED One Metronome. Phone Orono, 983-5726. a-p WANTED Bank accountant requires a two-bedroom apartment or house in Orono or, immediate distriet, preferably with refrigerator and stove. Phone'983-5304 or, 723-4228 b-e ORONO TRAILER Sales and Rentai Phione 983-5974 Orono, Ont. Nursery Stock Evergreen, Flowerlng Shrubs Box Plants Landscaping and Soddiug RICHARDSON'S NURSERY Pontypool, Ontario Phone 983-5180, Oreno D.ROGERSON OUONO, ONTARJO ANTIQUES WB BUT I&» 8ML Olh GmIs., China, PI». Art&"h IF rra OLE .I SA LLUS8 WIE PAT CASE! Phone 623-5342 after 4 p.m. JACK RICARD REALTOR w KIm nt., E. DOWMAN VILLE Whou Buyin.g or s.iag cai WILF HAWKE RWRUENmTATMV Mm smof " *i d M AUCTION SALE Selling Saturdýay, June 28th at 10:30 a.m., the antiques and household gooýds of Mrs. Robsrt Aluin, Ohurch St. South, Orono, including an oak Dining roum table aud six chairs; an oak china cabinet; Beatty washing machine. hall rack, an old kitchen and chairs; cýoflfe table, chester- fieild and chair; beds, frîg and stove. Antiques include carnival ,glass dish two honey clomb gob- lets, an ironstone platterý xincgar cruette, cheese dilsh, butter bofwl, thrce glass lamps etc. Also seiling at this sale is a 141/ foot plywood Nipîssing Boat wîith a 35 H.P. Evinrude Motor, electric start' and a 2000 lb. Tee Nec Trailer with ail aceessories ,and in good condition. Charles Reid, Auctioneer. NOTICE There will be no Service at St. Saviour's An~glican Ohurch on Sunday, June 29th, 1969. The con- gregation is invited to Morning Service at St. Georze's. Nemrý-0-,le at Il a.m. Bishop Marsh will speak. a-c NOTICE, Ocono Landseaping and Garden Service Phone 983-5598 d-25-p VISIT 'FRED'S FRUIT MARRET Geraniums and box plant's for sale. Aigo Maclntêsh and Spy Ap- pies. Frcsh apple eider, îce cream 79c haif gallon. t-f COMING EVENT Kiriby Ohurcli Salad and Straw- berry Supper, July 2nd, starting at 5:00 o'clock unitil ail are serv- ed.1 Armission $1.75' and .7.5c, b-25-c W.FRANK REA L ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21 King St. W. flowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 923-91741 Port Hopei Office 885-4548 Fer prompt, eourteou, effic- ent service wheu buylng or sellIng and for the largest sel- oetion of properties lu the are. Contact Oron.. Area lepresentatlyes Roy Postier 983-5801 Dane Found, 623-3965 Andy Sutch Roy Strong 983-9119 52 r il Bethany Vour Esso Home Comfort Specialist. Says-. COOL IT! Instz] an air <onditioner in your oresent warni air furnace. Free estimates for comforqjable living this suminer. HARVEY PARTNER Phone 983-5206 Orono AUCTION SALE . Selling Saturdeay, June 28th at 10:30 am., the household effgets od Mrs. Robert Allin, Church, St. South, including dining room suite wÈth six chairs and china cabinet, antiques, cisihes, studio eouch etc. iÀst &i articles next week. Chariles Reid, auctioneer and Lawrence Harris, clerk. b-c APPRECIATION Miiay I express my sincere tJ>axks to the citizens of the coin- munity, Home and Sdhool Asso- ciation, stàff members, my' Grade 4 class, pupfils, principals and staff menibers of former years for the beautiful 4Mfs, good wLçiies and plelaant evening. May 1 aise take lthis opportunity to express my deep appreejiation for all you have done throuii the years to make my work in the schol plîcasnt and satisfy- ing. a-p Ethel Carleton CARD 0F THANIKS Sicere thanks to those w&ko ie- mearbered iem during my illness, Carolene Lunn CARD 0F THANKS ~Midred and Ervan Rainey woulýd like to thank their many friends and relatives who remem- ýbered thcmi on their 25th '.vcd-, ding anniversary. a-p' FORTHCOMING IMARRIAGE' Mr. ahnd Mrs. Haa-ry L. Weather- up oi Orono ) ii to ann.ouncee the forthcoening marriage of their daughter,ý Barbara Arn toAlex ,Robert Anderson. The weddling ^wilI take Place on Saturday, July i2th at 2 P.m. il, Boýwmanville. BIRTII CARLETON-Terry and Cathie (nee Ferren) are happy J»- an- nounce the, safe aiatlça of their son, Jason (Jay) AIlan, 6 ibs. 14 ozs.. June 23rd aýt Osha*a Gener- ai Hospital. A baby brothy-- for, Tarri-Lee. a-C DIED, LUXON, Mary Ethel-At the, -Memnorjal Hospital,, Uowaanville- on Sunday, June 22nd, 1969 M4ary Luxon, Kendal Ontario,' w fe -o« 01 Irene (Mrs. 'Lornèe Mart'n'eil) ,, Irene (Mais. Lorre Martineil), of Port Hope, Ont., and the late Vi- ola (Mms. Fred Whiite). Age 83 Years. Resting at the.Barlo)w Fun- eral Home, Park St.. Orono. Ser- vice fro<m the Funeral Home, Tuesday, June 24th at 2 p.m. Internient Orono Ceinctery. DIED At Bowmainville Memnorial Hos- pital, Friday, June 2th, 1969, Ernest John 1Iamm, Orono, in bis 9th year. Belovcd hugband of Fliorence Emily Hughspn and dear father of Calvin, Neil. Donald and the late Beatrice Burns. Funeral service was heid froml Orono United Church on Monday, June 23rd at 2ffl o'clock. Inter. ment Orono Cemetery. IN, MEMORIAM WINTER-In loving memory of a dear, husband and father. Gor- don R., who passed away June 27th, 1967. 1We do notforget, nor do we intend, Wc think of you often, will, do ta the end; Forgotten by some you may be In our memnory you will ever ,bc. Ever reinembcred by Helen and boys, n-p PuMiPINo, OUTr SEPTIC TANKS Bort T.mupklns' . ieue 7S-385 ,"à