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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Jul 1969, p. 1

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Oirono Summer Festival The Orono Swimming Club pro- ~gram 9,tarted with a splash on IlVonday and lias transformed the Orono Pool anti Park into a liee- lÈve of activity duriag the niorn- ing sessions whichb start at 8:30 ,,and continue through Vo 12:30 ~p.m. The swimimiag classes will ~VOLUME 33, NUMBER 26 lie held during the month of July with tests being held near the end of the mor4Lh On, Tue lay a total of 318 children liad been enrolled in the varilous classes and more are expeected follocwing the holi- day. 0f this niamber 87 are en- rolled in the Tadpoles (shcown a- hove as they splash on the edge of the pool) anti 87 in beginners. There are abso 37 enrollet inl the 'le arn Vo swim' group, 63 in Jun- iors, 21 in Intermediate's, 1 5 in Seniors 'and .8, in Royal Lif e Sav- ing. Mrs. Shirley Reynolds of Hamupton is lu charge of instruc- tion. Well Over 300 Take Swimming Lessons Insurance Plan es ntTo Be Altered ORONO WEEKLY T .IMES, TiÏURSDAY, JULY 3rd, 1969 GrauatonParty HeId At Orono PieScoo Again the importance cf edu- eatieunwas stre.ssed Vo the gradu- ating classa at the Orono Publie Sehool on Weduesdiay evening..of last week. The message was pre- sentet by' Mr. Terry Hlawkin, Guidance Ceordinator of North- umberland-Durham Board of Edu- cation ýand wrs meant for the sudents but was aiso a seund message Vo the many parents whe were iattendance. The impyortance of education, lie said, was muceh greater in hs era due o thle rapidly changing tech- nology', e said you'ng people must liýe flexible as well as beiag versatile, lan closing bis adtiress liesai threwas oae hing that had not gene eut of istyle anti that was the use of "Please anti Thank YOU." The graduation was held la the gener 'al purpose reem at the Or- one School where the _Q+idents en joyed a dinner previldedi by the niýenbers of the Home and Seheol Club. At 7:30 the parents joined ýthe gerup for the graduatiag cer- emonies. Miss Carl. Chatterton was the Valedieterian for the occasion. Pollewing this atidress the a- -wardswere prescnted. The Antiecli Trep.hy, whieh is provided bv Mr. W. L. Lycett, a former principal at the Orono Sehool, w as n"esiented to Mr. Lar- ry Lunan by Mrs. Jeanne Staples. Improvement Awards pre- penteti li Mrs. Ethel Caneton Vo Brian Black, grade eleit; Carl Coathana, grade 7; Deuglas Bbark. grade 6 aad Jimmy Estabrooke of grade 5. .Athletic awards were presented' by Mi-s. 1.-Brown te Brian Black antd Shelley Hooey. School Crests were preseatedtoioail the gradu- atiag elass with the nresentntiomns beiag made by Mrs. Mary Bunt- ing, prsident of the Orono Home and Sehool Club. Appreciatiens were presented te the former Clarke Town§hiD Board and o the Northumberland Duliam Oýounty Bolard of Educa- tion by Nico DeJoage. The reply Was niadeby Mr. W. H.. Garffln. MissKa.thty Gustar tendereti the 'thanks of the graduating Class te the staff at the Oreno Public Sehool which was repilied Vo by Mrs. Touclibura. Thaaks and ap- 'preeiation was also exteaid,-- to the parents liy Miss Janice Cald- well. Cove'ted Sehool Letters were presented Vo Nico de Jonge anti Larry Luan. Students begin, Vo earn credits for the Scheol Letter in Grade 5 witb points being giv- en up Vo and including Grade 8 for variouis achievemeats. The gucst speaker was intro- duced by Mr. J., Witheridge xvith hanks beiag extended by Larryv Luna of the graduaUýng ia Those graduating frem the Or- ono Public SchooyI were: Betty Adegeest, Leo, Adegeest, Richard Beacock, Tony Becker, Brian Black, Steven Boyd, Ricky, Bowers, Janice Caldswell, Kevin Callanan, Carol Chatterton. Ver- oaica Ciesîelskî, John, Ceathaja, Karin Cox, Nieo deJonge, Krista Dent, Jean Duvali, Ron Forrester, Kathy Guster, Shelley Heoey, Sheila Kennedy, Wesley Knaoyp, Larry Luan, Steven Mitchell, flan- dy Nixon, Ted ,Robinson, Laurie Schaaid, Edward Stec, Denise Ete- pheas, Sandra Taylor, Ohaig Ten- nant, Geraldine Vandenblrink, Kathy Watson, Rolin Winters. Kindergairtenls Seen Eighteen kindergarten classes are Vo be established la sehools in Northurnberland and Durhi f- the start of the sehool terrm in September. G. A. MaeLeod, superiatendent of instrtiction, told the Northoi'm- berland-Durham' Ceunty, Board of Educatiýon at a recent meeting thant the total ceat for each kinti- ergarten would lie $2,000. 0fd Vhis amount $300 will Lea spenton tyys for cach, class, barnging the totalfer toys in the 18 classes o $5,400. HolesHonoured About forty teachers and f orm- er teaehei-s of the Milirook-Cav- an area expressed appreciation Vo C. A. Holmes ef Port Hope, retîr- iuig area supeintendent of educa- tipn, at a tea in South Gavan area public sehool on Tuesdlay, June l7th. Making Vie presentation o f a wallet cf moaey, Mrs Hubert Lowes, North Cavan principal, stresseti the kindly helpfulaess of Mr. Holmes ýte teachers and - Du- pila hroughout Vhe .vears . Miss Jean Buraham, of the Millbrook staff, pianeti a pink rose col isar!e on Mu. Hoînaa. First Ticket Wins $5 2,000 A 32-year.old Bowmanville trueker is $52000, richer - al because, for the first tirae lu bis lif e bc decîded Vo buy'a -ticket on the Irish Sweepstakes. Edward J. Blake, RR 3, Bow- manvulle says lie neyer thouglit about buying a ticket before- but this time it paid off. S"The first 1 heard of it, was a- bout 11:30 Saurday morninçw." saîd Mr. Blake. "l heard ou the newscast that Ribofillýo had corne' ln second.", The big prize hasn't yet chnng- ed Mr. Blake's lite as lie went Vo Oshawa as usual'on bis day 'nffi Vo sweep the floor of the lauid 1o. mat bc oowns on Simcoa Street South. His regula- jol isl with Cm9soidated Truck Lineý l Jin Aithougli it xiii require some careful thought first, Mr. Blake said lie will likelv inveat tl'r - ey. 11e suggested that real estate migit lie one way Vo minimize the bass Vo the ax collecter. "0f course, weIll ake a good vacation toe," he said. "We plannng on going eut West hs summer anyway." 1 The father of two school-age daughters, Mr. Blake says hi,,.;~" was excited whea she heard the news. "I ' thn4 ene thing we will def- initely plan is to ake a tip te (eentixlued on page 5) WiVh the introduction of Medi- cal-e la the province lu October hs Year the student 'accident in- surance lias Vo be altered Vo pick up certain expenses which wvill not be eovered by the plan. The Northumberland - Duri ar County Board of Education "d at a receat meeting of a volun - ary plan which will lie avail "bic V:o ail students. The insurance Company respon- ille eutlined the newinun~ in a letter te, the board. It- i. es unlimited dental, expenses; $1,500 accident life insuran?,, whiieh is doubled if -the accident eccurs while in or by a achool bus: dismeniberment coverae up Vo $15000; rehabilitation costa up Vo $3,000. The company said it would lie wiiling, during the moath o'f '"- ember, te cover ail medical and surgiCal expenses and ad~4-- ' hospital expenses prier Vo the -in- troduction of Mediienre. Graduates 1This coming Wednesday, July MV the annual Orono Sumaner Festival will be held which in- cludes a Beef B>ar-B-Q, a Talent Show and a Dance. The outing is beIrcg sponsoreti by the ODrono Chanaber of Cern- mi-ree with thae Beef Bar B-Q starting the activities in the Or,- oroParkwlien primne beef in a bun vw i be s.-rved , on.a .steak boarda]g with relishes,' beans coffee and dloughnuts. This Bar B<q bas ini the past been a real fr-ast with outdioor eooking anti outdoor eating in pleasant sur- roundings of the nark. Servitig £roma 5:30 p.m. until ail are serv- ed. At the sarne time a Talent Show will be held in the Park for the entertainment of those in attend- Cemmencjng at 9:30 a dance will be held in the Orono Town Hall wiih music b.eing provided >y the Bouleros df Oslhawa. This dance wilI inelude dancing for everyone with aIl type~s of music. Corne out andi make this a fine day in Orono. GeV your Bar B-Q tickets now at most of the Oreno stores, including Matt's, Middle- on's zRalph's and Oreno Times. Wîinners '0f Bike Rodeo PiCtured mbove are the twe winners of 'the Bike Rodeo held amoüngst the pupils of the Orono Public Seheol. The rodeo is de- signed Vo eniphasize traffiec regu- laions and safety as well as bic- ,ycle skilîs, safety check, anti a written test on gafeVy. Thc Oreno rodeo was hel at the Ormo P Fair groundis with the event being sup- ervised by the staff of the Orono Public Sehool, parents and the Ontario Provincial Police. Patti Lutn, daugliter cf Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Luan, won the trephy for Vthe girls as well as bce- ing the Rodeo Champion. Donnie Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Adams was the trephy winneûr fo>r the boys.1 Phil Long, son of Rev. anti Mrs. Basdl Long of Orono, received] his Bachelor cf, Arts Degree in Psy- clogy and Geography at the closed deors that they will copy Lutheran Un4versity in Waterloo, À. former Orono Higli s'bool graduate, lie bas recently been ap- Pointed ýan elementary sýchoe1 principal witli Ontario Couaty Board <i Education. Ma s sey Unable To OPen Fsia The invitation Vo Raymond Mas- sey to opprn the second. season of' the Great Pinie Ridge Festival of the Arts on July 31 was turned d*own because of the actors prev- icus cenimitments. M1r. Masssey, the brother of the late Vinceat Massey, ia a letter te the Board said that nothing would give himo greater pleasure than Vo attend, the opening cere- meaies, but> previous comnuat- ments in Califýornia mad-e t possible for him Vo attend. 1V wouid lie of much satisfae- tien to my father, lie writes, to know that bis native towý,n iwas prometing, worthwhile theatrp -nd that the Comnunity Hfall was the; home of the Festival which lias breuglit suffi renow.n Vo New- castie. lIn bis letter Mr. Massey stated that lie was most interested te, hear of hie Festival and the suc- ces, t'cenjoyed in the lastsae. Wed. ZZ

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