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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Jul 1969, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAV, JULY 3rd, 1969 Seconid Glass Mail RZegistratLiOa Numiber 0368 Publi5hed eLvery Thursday at the oiffice of publ1çatien Main Street, Oronào, Ontario. Phone 983-5301 Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and PublLsher FIRST JOB OVERRATED The inmportance «f the fflxst job tends to be overrated, says the federal health departinent publication, "Unlder- standing the Young Adut" , '1 TI the choice has been a poor one, other opport.rnities wilf0-now. Tlhe important thing la to try to do well wliat- eyt the At this age, it's the attitude and enthusiat toward the job that counts more thas it being the ,,,let" job, says the publication.l Experience, interest and aptitude make for success. Situations and people change, but work habits - like con- .c(entiousness, dependability and thorougihness - when learned early, will prove invaluable later on. ALTER HOURGLASS FIGURE! Are you getting an hourglass figure with all c sand àn the bottoLý3m? Is thec floor getting farther away when vou bend over to ouch your toes? Have you notieed that you avoid stairs, ýor pull yourse]f up them by the handrail? Mi so. you can change this situation with a f ew simple daily exer- cises, that eau be idoue anywhere, according to the latest advice. Par too many «of us are in poor shape because phys- ical fitness for the masses is slipping away more every year. Kuiowhow lias taken the physical labor out «f manufactur- iug jobs. We ridle power nioWers instead of pushing the bandi mower. Our (homes are electric; computer, typewrîters and business machines work with the slightest touch. Even in niany sports we have taken the exeroise away. We have ,golt carts to eliminate walking or carryiuig, 'and ski lifts to ,ake us o the top «f the giope. Jnstead of rowiug, we use motorboats. We are week- end -athtletes or maybe only TV sports watehers. - Yet we ail need and shouid have daily exercise. The body reimains strong only il it is used. Those parts involved- uni our usuiai regimen remain in reasonably good oue; those parts we do't use get weakcr. lihe only answerseems to be to make exercise part of> ,ur daily activitiies, hke.brushing your teeth and conibiug 1;;Gur hair every .morning,,note the Port Arthur News4)hr'on- 1Icle. Aud white any exercise prograin should have a'certain ainount of vigorous activity, such as running or jogging, there are other calmer yet beneficial exercises. that eau be donc ahnost anyw!here'- sittiug at your office dkek, working arouud the house, walking on the street. Anyone without muoh effort should be a-bie to th1ý,k Ju'p about 15 such exercises which coulil be doue durnig the daily routine. Bûnd over more often aud take a good stretch .1o,ce in a while.,Youir felliow workers niight think you have gone a littie lcooky, bt those thiugs are accepted these davs iwith a knowiug Niuk and there's no harlm doue. Thp" thing, the experts say, is to remembe,-r and make a point of doing these littie twisters on a'regular banis. And the time to start is today because tomorrow yoil be just lhat niuch older. EVERY "1LITTER BIT" HURTS 'Once again ýthe department of highways makes its ennual appeal o keep the roads, the beaches, the paring areas dlean and clear «f'al garbage and refuse.i1 The departmeut eniphasizes the staggering cost invol- ved in clearing Uap after YOU. Every year eihildreu and grownups too, are injured and maimed througlh glass and tin cans littcring flic beach- es and lirking under a few iuches of sand. Read on sshat the departinent says and shudder. ,In 1968, motorists traveiled 26 billion miles withiu ithe Province of OutLarlo. And lu just one day last Julv man- aged Vo :scatter 1,306 pieces of litter along one mile -of one ~Multip1Y this bY flec 13,0 00 miles ofKiug's and I'" Jo ndary Ilighways in Ontario and you eau imiqginetbc niïor clean-1up that faces the Department as motorists 'take ,o thc roads for the sunmner holidays. Ltteriug s not just a habit, it's au expensive one. Last year it cost the department of higliways more than e970,000 to dlean up after you aloug 0Otario's highways, notes the Chathami News. ,Maintenasce crews «f the Department spent more ,hna quarter million man-diours cleaning- up litter alonq 0)ntario's highways last ycar., With a littie co-operatîon trom the motoriugc public in keeping roads dlean, this time eouild be put Vo better use. Last year, 353 persons were convicted of littenincs in, Ontario. In addition, nlany were sopped by thepolice and warned about the fine for litteiing. But it costs ithe-,r way, for Ontario taxpayers pay the huge tab it r Q S teo keep the highways clean. Litter can eause accidents.- Brokern« glass Sau cause a biowout, flying paper can obscure a driver's, view at a cnit- ical moment ýand boxes or pieces «f metal or wood can ,cause a driver to swerve. Do your part Vto help keep Ontario c1ean and safe. l{elp keep Otarao's hâghways clean VMis holidav scia- soc:n by kepring a ltter hag in your car and using it. Letter to Eitor Oroio, Outaio, June 27, 1969 Dear Sir: Reading your balieof iast vieek 1 couidcn'tLp bi>tnonde w-ho the dlgto i fethe yotin*er set ow the parents. If they aie after thie youuger group they are after the wroug ppon1c' Xids ouly eopy what they se' cdu.- crs do se go to the "sourcei' It remindcd me of a local man going after the boys playing cards in the park a few y ears 'ago. That maqn nover tho agbt who ,started thsegames andaed them te go on, he just wenif after the boys aud net the man at the sour.e. Drinking, they ecomplatin bot that's a joke. There is us a parent in most familles that drink social or otherwise. Sit back ar.d tliink of ail the people you and 1 have seen drinlving at the races, thc Milr andinl the forestry, cQme now delegation, nouýe of us are blind. We are ail guilty one way or another. The Police are doing aw""- fui job eonsidering thc exanipie we are setting, we the older oroi,,n or Moes the delegation tbiuk "it's net what's done but who doees 1 and thcy will be ieft out when ,ùhey too break the law. The younger set want c- strips te race on but' the nI1A-- folks like up put thumbs dowu on that idea, they neyer con%,Hlr they will at le.agt be in oue spot Aduits $2.50 ORONO TOWN HAL L MUSIC BY THE, BOLAROS 0F OSHAWA Dancing Music for everyone, young and old alike. and not in towvn ou the racing. streets Saine of the,- delegation bas yet to have their children reacli tr- ag so they reully areu't "with it" yet but d'on't make the miÈstake and say. "my ehiidren wouldn't do that", xheu hey get older. be- cause parents "you're wrong." You would ba amazed xvba+ ohildreu see lu public and bebind closed doors Itliat tbey wili r-- in years te come because we oid- er folks set thec exampie. Cure the examipie and you wout' nced a delegation. The younger group in Orone are wouderful people, take time to get te kncow them, quit com- pLiniung, we helped Vo make .11-m and their habits that way.. Sincerely. Louise Painson. Drop in for a Refresbing SI1k hake CHOCOLATE MILK ORANGE DRINK and ail SOFT DRINKS MIATIS BILLIARDSý aid Burborslm.p *Oxford, BRICKLAYERS S TON EMASON S' We al». de cbaqw naal SUMMER, ORFF MUSIC CLASSES One-hour group Iessops on Tuesdays, ln Orono United Church foilowing the Orff Method for b1", 5 to 12 years of age. The fundamentals are taught through rhytlunic activity, car training, and the play- ing of specially deslgned instruments. Those provided ure glockenspiels, xylophones, metalophones. -b timpan!, assorted rhythm instruments1 and flute-like recorders. This course provides a unique introduction to music and is a valuable aid 'In correcting faulty rhythm and car training in pupfils already studying an instrument. ýGifted childrebi experience 'the joy of improvising and the challenge of playing in a group. Mrs. R. D. Morton, A.T.C.MP R.R. 1, KENDAL PHONE 983-5682 Orono Activities On Wednesday, JuIy,9th Beof Bar B-Q AND Talent how, ORONO PR PET VOUR TICKETS NOW SO THE CHAMBER CA %-- PLAN AHEAD Tickets available ut most stores lu Orono Pubîic SchooI Children $1.00

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