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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jul 1969, p. 1

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-VOLUME 33, NUMBER 28 Weekly ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, JULY l7th, 1969 Observe Conservation Week With Tour 0f Ganaraskan To mar-k Conservation Week, the Gnaras a Cnservation Au- thority was hast to 20 members of aracouncils and the press for a tour of the ar ea under its juris- cioün and for dimner. TXhe group, led, by R., A. Poster, chairman of the authority and Warden of the United Countes, consisted of reeves and ci- lors of Port Hope, Cobourg, Cav- ani, Clarke, Manvers, Haimilton and H1-ope Townships. D). M. Wood, resource manager of the authority, and Maurice Lewis of, the Conservation Auth- orities Branch, Toronto, also at- tended. The tour started at Centennial Park, where the group viewed the rèetaining wall of the (ianaraska River and the fish channel. At the Port Hope Conserývation Area on Highxvay >28, J. A. Rey- noids, Port Hope representative on theauhry pointed out that a piece of property had been urasdas access to the 86- acre arca, which had been ob- bained from the Department of IHighways, as wcll as an unopen- cd road allowance, given to the authority by' Hope Townshiti. Corbeý_tt's Dam, the original hy- dro dcamn in the are a, Mr., Rey- ndssaid, would eventually be rýrnovate,1d and landscapeîd as .a p)i(nie aFýa an!d to. contlrol flood- Tefive-acre park ai Syl!van Gien and the 53-ucre park at Gar- den 1111 Conservation Area, were, also visited. J. Douglas Henson, management forester for Durhamn County, joined the group at Garden 1Hl1 and direted a tour through the Ganaraska Forest which, he said, hnd been created on farm land whidh had been abandoned front 1900 to 1930. It was startcd primn- arily to help prevent floods in Port Hope. There were two categories of forest, he saaîd, production forest and protection forest. The pro- duction forest would be thinned for, pulpwood after the first 25 years; ater 45 years it would be inncd for pulpywood and pole- wood; after 65 years' it would pro- duce pole wood and saw logs and at 85 years the final cutting would be for saw logs and veneer boîts. There were 8500 acres in the Ganaraska, Mr. Henson said, along with 1,500 acres of Dur-hamn County Forest, svhich was established about 1927. The Ganaraska Forest, lie said, wýas onle of the very few areas 0f ,sucýh a size in this district, whideh was compfletely open to the Pub- lic both summer and witer. Iu the wi-nter 200 to 300 snowmo- biles 1had been known to be lu the forest at one li me. Hiking trais wvere marked with bMue and red arrows.1 The gr7oup viewed the sur- ronigcountryside from A. H. ~icardon Lookout atý Dean's lïiii and from Lookout 1H11lu the Ganlaraska Forest.' The tour ended with coffee, ser- yod at the Cold Springs Camp, where boys from the training school at Bowmanvhlle take turus 1,iving throughout the ycar. The result of some of their work in the forest had been point- ed out to the group frSm tne 10 time. Penls of young pheasants be- ing raised for the Departinent Of Lands and Forests by the boys were exarined by some memnbers of the group. These pheasants will 1,e releiaséd later to provide gaine for 1huntf6nqs. NewhIndustry For Cobourg A new industry. employing 100 workers to start fand covering 19.04 acres in Division 'Street in- dustrial Park at a cost of $1,0 hbas been annuonoao&l for Cobourg. SSealed tenders for construction of the new industry which will build mobile homnes' have been called by R. H. Cook Associates Ltd. an 'architectu.ral firin in Ed- monton, Alta. Pyramdid Homes (Eastern) Ltd. Who have, a plant in Windsor have announced they, will be setting up- production in Cobourg. The plant, Mill employ 100 workers to start and excarid to possibly a 300- member sta-;ff within three years. LINDSAY PLANT PLANS RMOVE A Lîndsay infidustrY is mvn tts produtl,-'infacilit1ies 1) Co- bourg. Sporio9 ani ~ tr Limited owned ibvy F@clf n io of Bàalimiorc iI cntretanew-, building on a five-ac'ý2 site on Division Sre cr fnCan- adfian GnrlElictrie cPlant. Mr, Ito sidthere aPre seven -to siîght'empinyses in the present rnted pren.,iilses located o01- James Street, Lindsay. Orono Chamber Tê SeekIndustryý The Grono Chami-ber aof Com- merce held their monthly me;ýet- iug on Monday evening at the' New Duci Oven Restauranit Wheu il *as reported that 319) had, been served aI the Bleef Bar- Mir. S. Mther, 'chairman of the Bar B-Q Comîrittee said he was weil satisfied with the event and that il usas a "bang-upuight!i' He saadî there was lots of help and wth the Bar B-Q, entertaiumeut and dance, there was littie else could have been added for the uight. A financial statement could not be presented as al bis had not been placed wth the Chamber. ýMr. H. Hoenseh, prcsident. of the Chaamber repoarted that tic lweuty flower boxes'and sik gar- bage conýtainers had been placed on the Mlain Street, making a de- cidediirovement. It vas. report- cd thlatthle flower boxes had.cost a ltt]Lé over $11,00 a piece ushicit Inc-ludiped construction and the flOw-CfSý The reido also stated that contact bdbe made with an indu3try that weàs consideringlo- oating in the Township and set up an ludustriai committee to furth- r- investigate Ibis cnquiry. Mcssrs Ray Dickson, William Carman, Jake Middleton, Jake Reid' and Roy Forrester were appoiuted bo bhc committea. It is often sahd that too many coaks spoil the brew but not lun this case when Jak4e Middleton, Stirling Mather, Matt ,Suelders ,nd Freddie Storsbergen ahl had a hand iu the prepari ng of the food for the Orono ýBeef Bar.,B-Q. Here the group are interested in the pot of beans being heated at the, park. 320 Enjoy Bar,,B-Q, And Talent Show Biuilding Permits. .In last wee(k's issue we present- cd figures for Suuùe building par- mnits whîch were acbually the MVay figures. Tic ýmonti of June. saw sixteen builing permitsissued having a ttlconstruction value,,of $190,- 60 0. The total construction- value to lie end of June lu the Town- sip of Clarke -reached au amounl Off $839,500.00. Orono Fair Featurin'g Rodeo One of the wildest, mnost excit- ing action shows to over be put on the road is to make a one night stop lu Orono at t he Dur- ham Central Pair Grounds. The largest touring show lu North Ameriea, Tom Bishop's 4-B Ranch Rodeo and Wild West Show has been booked by the Durlham Cen- tral Agricultural Society to ap - pear there on Saturday, Septem- ber 6th. The action starts at the buck- ing chutes and there are plenty of theilîs from the instant the gale swings open. Once the rider and mount are in the arema, every split second counts. If you glance away for an instant, you may miss the biggest thrill of the en- tire performance. The profession- RI ecowboys who take part in these events lead a strenuous life beset with hazards, rot only lu the rod- eo arena, but in the treniendous amount of niglit and day driving they must dao, getting from one qhow to the next, n-,otinç dead- liues and paving high Pntrv fees for the privilece 0f ridfiug these untamed animals. Tlike its n-od d~ois sucli as theold tume 101 Ranch Buffalo Bill Cody with his Con- gress of Rough Riders, thé 4,B Ranch Rodeo and Wild West Show movos entirely by truck, utilizing a modern fleet of ncarly 40 vehicles. This is a great step f orward When ono considers that tbis show, founded by te labo T. W.' Bishop lu 1912 originally moved fromn place to, place by horse aud wagon. 0f course each big performance retains sonne of the original merriment, colour Show, the famous Miller Brothers Show or the howman 0f ail time,' and explosive action that made the Thomas W. Bishop Wild West Stampede world famous lu the 1920'c end 30%s. Championship ro- deo events suri as Brone RidÏng, Call Roping, Steer Wresthing, and Wild Brahman Bull Riding are features of thîs unique show and have remained favourites 0f ro- deo fans everywhere, down tho' the years. Brahmjan buils with the feroeity and cunning Mý jungle an- imais, ipack plenty ,Mo dynamite and k eep rodeo clowns like Bill Hawkins and Beef Wilson ou their tocýs.>Atualy in the rodeo arena purpose of rescuing the co'vboy when'he's thrown off the back of these dangerous animtais, thoey are Iife savers first and fuuuy men second, roally tumning it on with hilanity and jokes for the audience once thte cowboy is safo- ly -ont of readh. of the bull. An- other show stopping act is the fa- mous 4-B Ranoli Square Dance on Hlorscback. Wlh 4 couples mount- ed on fast moiug eowponies they pair up for a rrani old-fashio ned doiso4do just as it's doue -on lte open range. Caution thougli - move lightly 'on your feet, to have your toc stepped on lu this eveunt could be uearlyfatal! T.V.'s fast draw gunmau Chuck Aylet whose fast draws are oft- en seen ou television always tbrihis the khddies with his genu- iue (.and loaded) six guns. Elvis the unrideable Mule neyer fais to 'tear lte house dowu' with his antlcs and the 4-B Ranch Roman Riders demonstrate the thtrilîs of the ucar extinct and anent art of survival lu the Romnan arenas. Jankie Rinehart of North Holl'y- odCaliforuha provides a, mag- nificent traýiued d ancing horse act which has appeared lu mauy maj- or cities of tne world. Tri ck and fancy rcopiug and a breathtaking The annual Orono Beef Bar-B- Q was a great isuccess last Wed- uýesday ievening xvhen 320 were in attendance at the Orono Paik. The evendng not onfly featured prime beef, beans, coleslaw, sauc- es, doughuuts, eoffee etc., but al- so lively entertainment by the Baleros of Oshawa and the vari- ous numbers of the Talent'Show. The weatherman co-operated with the fincst of weather and the local cooks with the finest of food for the cook-out, and this w&as further enhanced by the beautiful setting of the Orono ,Park. The talent show saw ton nuin- bers presentod with Joe Boswell and Ron Luxton, an instrumental and vocal duet, winuing the sen- ior section. Young Rfiekie Harper placed firstinl the Junior division with his guitar boogie. 1Other numbers of onjoyment ineluded: Duet by Faye and Gloria Adams; Solo, EMaine Mer- cer; Gina Andruns dancing to 'Pretty Baby'; Piano selections by Shirra Freoeman; Rhcky Anuoart and EnIc Selars on Twin Guitars; Joyce Burgess vocal solo; Heda and Don Whitson, Clarinet and Saxaphone duet, vocal solo by Viekie Harris and solo by Dorelda MeCarron. Judges were from the Peterbor- oughi and Oshawa Radio Stations with the sound equipment provid- cd by Orono Electric., Following the activîties at the park many then enjoyed an eveni- ing of dancing at the Orono Town Hall where the Baleros again pro- vided their enjoyable music. display of beautiful and skiliful brick riding with the 4,B Raneli cowgirlls is another, outstanding event and one 0f many iu this big exciting program. Not ail 'the perfomners are Can-- adians, nor are they al froro west ofSaskatchewan. Take the show's (Continued on Page 3) cern A meeting was held Tuesday evonhng of merchauts in the Or- ono business section as a rosult of a proposai preseuted to the -Or- ono Chamber 0f Commerce ou Monday evoning. At the Chamber meeting Mr. W. H. Carman spoke on the desir- ,bility and the urgent, ueed bo es- tablish a parking lot ln the bus- imess section jf Orono. H1e said Ihat a big improvenient had been made in the Village stre-ets but that Parking was eut down some- what through the project. Hie sug- gested that as the properly on the ,sout>h-east corner of Church and Centre street would be up for sale tbat at least a portion of this sitould be purchased for a park- ing lot. It was thon moved that tie CIhannber calI a meeting of the businessmen the foliowing even- ingc to diseuse the matter. The Tuesday meeting was at- Mr. Camman Comnish suggested tended, by a good majorily of the to tho meeting that parking was Main Street businessman who un- fuiîther being reduced with the animous1y agreed that a parking proposai of establishing parallel lot was neoded if the> business parking instead of lte present di- section was to survive. This group 1agonal parking. Here again VIte are to follow up the establish- meeting was unanimnous in agree- ment of lie parking lot on the ment and the group are 10 poli- suggested location, corner of Cen- lion both the Oronio Police Trias- Ire and Churcl streets and will tees and lte Oounties to have meet with ail municipal groups in parking romain as hitnx)w exîsts titis connection. on the Main Street. Times Too Maony Cooks?

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