Drama Festival Opens JuIy3lst Opening night foi, the Great vieRidge Festival of the Arts' -econd season is rapidly approa- eigand ectivities at t-le New- castie ( Town Hall have reaehed a \ee pth The yout'bful cast; 2uîchIg sta.ff and a large group elocal ctizens building on the Counatioas laid by Miss Joan 3e nneiýtt and Mr. Roy ýHiggins, co- fonesof the festival in 1968, a'esure of three great prIodue- ens for the 1969 season. Sect building, costume designing ndprop making and building is going on ah day, every day. --t times rebeailgals are carried on over a cli of hammering, drilling and thle moving of sets, but in spite of iwhat, to the o utsiders, may look like complete chaos, thle productions are rapidly tak- ing shape in readiness for t-le gala evening, July 31st. The production of Doctor Faus- tus opens this year's festival, and it shohuld be a rare treat for avid theatre goers, this being' the first stage production of Do-tor Faustus in the Toronto area for many years.1 The Good Womean of Setzuan by Bertoît Brechit opens on Sat- urday, August 2nd and ýRodgers end Hart's uproarlous ýmusical comedy, The Boys from Syracuse will open on Tuesday, August 5t-h The ýinterest ln the Great Pine Ridge Tourist region, one of greet scenie beauty, lias been incre.ased by the eveilability of live theatre for visitors to thle area.. The area is benefitin-g economically from the work and the dedication of the theatre arts stuidents. Al Orono Weekly Tim es VOLUME 33, NUMBER 29, ORONO WVEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 24th, 1969 Apple Production Cost Shiring Plan Outpacës Consumption Endorsed For Apple growers fromi District No. ',Ontario Apple MUarkeinig Com- Sision wr warned recently et Newcstlethatthe future of the, aïpple idsr in Ontario is not Ebeýn Jouecs, of Tfrenton,ý a dir- etrof tlýi cîmmission warned thtunless, they coul d. increase lie per capita consumption of apls, groers--wzould' have themf comýng out; of their ears. 11e ad- 'ised no ne sbould put more money into uew orchards at this 11c noted that six or eighit lauyers of Otario appnles-," were 1,ain store operators andl advsed ,is audience tliey hadi to seilI 85 cvcent of their apples to themn. The apple Marketing Commis- sion, lie contended, bus brought 'rder luto the pricing of the pro- -4uct and has stopp'ed thle apple porice backring down. Chain stores ceni 1o longer buy Ont-ario apples at- less than the cmiso esta- bIishied level. James confessed that the grow- ens woui-d neyer be able t-o do .ýnything te stop Quebec or A- mierican apples, from cominng into thje province. At the seme time le nloted t hat a lot of spies went, -Q t-le United States last year, pearticularly Michigen and 'Newv York. Americen growers would ret-aliate if Ontario growers at- tempnted to stop their products, thle' menibers were toid. New directors for one-year terms are Robert Carruthers, RR 1, BowmanVille, Linsay Death and Walter Rutherford, Coborne. Reý plecteçl"were Douglas KcMP, RR 1, Bowmanville and Eban James, Trent-on, director-,at-lerge. Robert Kemp was re-eleýct-ed chairman. Nearly 300)o Iwer7s from Peter bGOrOughj, Otare itra al buto.NorthuMberland, Duram ,attended the meeting. -- Region Study Hosp ýialîtari Legal ActWin The Port Hope and District Hospital Board eof Trustees have instituted legal action against t-le publisher and thbe editor of t-be Seninel Star eof Cobourg because of an article pubhishe-d in t-le June l8tli edition. The2 board solicitor, W. E. Bon-: ney.ýville first sent- a letter te t-be publisher efth -le, Cobourg weekly newspaper,' demandiug a rctract- ion t-olie priuted ln t-le flrst- newvspaper publislied following re- ceipt-ofeth-le letter. Since ne retraction appeared the board deided te follow up witli legal action. Mr. Bounes'Ile seid rccnt-ly t-bat e writ of summou!s would be delivered t-o t-li publisher and edit-or of t-he Nort-humberland Publishers Lt-d., Poster Russe-Il. "No date bhas been set- for t-le delivcry of the summons, but- it- will be soon", lie said. The solicit-or said t-le amount- ofl t-le damages would remein unstat-cd t present but et a lter stage eofth-le proceedings t-le board of trust-ces eould define t-le amuont. The' act- covring li1bel st-etes thet n ',rit- of summous bas t-o lbe issucd within t-lre mont-ls trom t-he dat-e t-be alle,ed libelous st- temeuts wcre made. Tie board eof trust-ces, be said, fels thet- t-le newsoaer over sterped t-be bouu-ds of reasonable and tair conmm'ent. Oshawa City council on Mon- ,day endorsed a cost slaring ar- ,rangement for the Oshawa area regional goverumnenýt study but Inembers were informed Picker- ing Teown ship would not buy the ,ploposal. The sugges'tion, from the Osh- awa Areia Planning and Deveiop- ment -Study executive committee, ,woulýd have' the ten municipalities iu the basic study are:a piay 25 per cent of thle de velopment pýo- tion of the stuýdy on a percapita basis follewing the twelfth month of the study. Robert Rich-ardson, secretary of t-le executive commnittec told co uncil t-le province woul like to get an indication of wvhether t-li municipalities would egree t-o paying ,before the study begins. Pickering Township counicil lu ia letter to, Mr. Richardson said it would not support the proposai. Pickering counceil insists that the 25 per cent bie assessed against only those municipalities whicli are inclu(ded in an Oshawa' cen- treýd regional goverument. Oshawva council also supported an executive c'ommittee resolu- tion calling for the study to begin August 1, 1969 and for thbe city teo act as the corpýorate body te siqn t-le agreement with the consul- tants and the province. Thie total cest of t-le regional goverument study is $850,750 an-d ,the development component is $740,750. The province lias already agreed teo pay 100 per cent of the ,regional government review com- ponent of $110.000. a n D ies 0f1 Inj uries %A 55-yeer-old Twp. of Clarke .man' was killed sliortly befora mnidniglit Monday ln a car-PuckuP truck accident, t-liee miles est- ,of Oshawa on t-le Macdonald- Cartier Freewey. Deed on arrivai et Bowimanville ,MLemorial Hospital t '12.30 a.m. Tuesdeay morning was Rex'. Ler-ne ýIWeland Kreuse,,55, of RR 1 Or- pno, as a restuto0 iniuries sus- tained wlien lie vas tlirown from t-le pickup truck lie was driving. The driver of t-le car, Jack .A. Davey, 37, of 78 Augusta St., Port H-Iope, xas treated for minor injuries et Bowmenville Memor- mal Hospital and released. Mtr. Kreuse's pickup was eliead of Mr. Davey's car, in t-be cast- bound laue of t-le freeway, wben, thébe ollision oceurred, The Newcast-le OPP det-acliment is releasing ne further information on t-li nature of t-li crash pend- je-g t-li completion of t-lie inves- tigation. The pnickup wvas e $1,000 write off and t-le car sust-ained an es- ,timeated $800 demege. Treffic, ,vas not noticeably t-led up as bot-h vehicles ceame t-o rest on t-le sida of t-le freeway. purchases of equipment, printing etc, as far as posible are made ln, the Pine Ridge area. 1 The large appetites of the young peopyle must be causing a small boom in the local stores. The fesival direetor-s report that they will be dehghted to ac- cept private or business donations of this ye'ar'.s3 festival. The Great Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts is eligible for a $1.500 grant from the Ontario Arts Council on the condition that the festival raises a total of $4,500 in local donations. To date the donations amount to $2,608. ACTORS RETURN Those who saw the festival plays last year will look forward to seeing Don McKenzie who Dlay cd the part of Billy Budd, back again this year. Oehawa,,actor M. Clarke returns with three differ- cnt parts lu, 'Dr. Faustus'. Mar- jerie Murphy, who did so well as Lady Alice More in 'Man For AU] Seasons', will be acting and stage managing this year. Jin Baskerville is back to play the magician ln 'Dr. Faustus' and chief of police i 'The Boys from Syracuse,' Jinm works 12 hours a day for a paving firm but finds time for rehearsals and stage managing after work. 1He has just completed bis first year at the University of Windimor wh.ere lie is working on his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drama. Keith Allin, whose memorable portrayal of Sir 'Thomas More lasi year is stili bein.g lauded, promises tO turn in an even more inspired performance as Dr. Faus- tus. Keith's well thought eout dramatic interpretations are a joy to behold and anvone e ven re- motely interested in theatre should rot miss thýis epportunity to see hlm, The old Post Office building, ln Port Hope h-as returned te its 'w.hite eleplient' st-at-us. The Norliumbcrland - Durham Geounty Board of Education lias turned down council's offer te take over th e building as board headquarters. In a letter read te town -council recently, M. A. McLeod, business administrator, seid the board considered t-le matter and ,bas dccidcd net te accept t-le offer. The Board would be using the present facilities et Cobourg Colle-giate Institute 'East- unt-il Jet-e ln 1971 and thle members felt t-bat council would wilsb te dispose of the former federal' building before t-bat tuie., The baard's Imain reason for turnîng down the off er was t-bat Main Street Paving ro Start The United Counties of Northum- berland and Durham were on Tuesday preparing the Main St. in Orono for p'aving. The first operation was the washing dossu of the street and we expeet that pavrng oüperations will follow within a day or two. This- work w4Il conclude most of the road work in Orono for the year., Parade for Football A parade will lead off the Old- timer'e Football game on Satur- day, Auîgust 2nd. It will inoludeý a fourýhorse team with a float on Which the queca of yesteryear will be ridin'g. She xii he sur- rounded by an orchestra of old- tiinemusicians. This will be fofIX lowed by the players and antique cars. This parade xvviii formn-ip at the Solina Community' Hall at 2:00 p.m. and proceed to the bail field. Before the officiai. kick-off a two minute silence will be ob- served for former players. The promoters point out, that refreshments booths will be on the grounds and suggest that you bring your pot 1uck supper so the xxhole fam'ily üan enjoy an afler nom-i and evening of :sport and entertainment. Mr. L. Byarn, ly '~~is thrn treasurer for donat;ions to the fund te the Glenholrn' , ocL!for, Retardcd Chidren in Oshawa. Clarke Student On Exchang e Vsit 0o uebe Clerke Higt iSehool student-, Elizabeth Spry of R.R. 1, Orono, ret-urned thils week from Bruni. miondville, Québec, where she has been the guest of Evelyn Guay, a st-udej)t of Le Presentation de Marie school there.- These girls are among the many hundreds of students from Ontario, Quebec and the Western provinces parti- cipating lr the Provincial Ex- change sposored by the Canadian Council of Chri'tians and Jews. While in Quebec, Elizabeth en- joycd tours of Man and His World Sentinal Star of Cobourg because During the next two weeks t-le girls will be visiting points of ln- terest-lu t-he area and aise join- ing iwith t-be Oshawa students ini their activities. The girls attend- ed a lundheon.,et the Royal York Rot-el where theit-aDd 500 other students of thle ToronÎtb area were guests of thle Ont-ario goverament This vies followcd by a tour by boat- of the Toronto harbour area Tliey att-ended a 'plane trip and a lacrosse game Monday and speet Tuesdey in Niagara Fails. There will be a farewell dinner next wcek given by the Cityof Oshawa This lias been a wort-hwhile ex- perience for the girls'aurd their f9milles, a chance te learu more about t-is great country of ours and te become a littlc more flu- ent in ýCanad,'s officiel languiages the building would be cost-ly t-o) renovate arcd even t-be fini.*bed product vwould net be entirely,ý, suitable for ,t-le board neefds. "lTherefýore t-le board lias decidcdï net t-e go ghlad witli t-le projeet'l Mayer Michael Wladyka seid t-le letter coucluded elmost enaý year of negotiatiens. Council was,, boping te make t-le taxipayersa savings by giving the bidn free of cost and simply asking for t-he equivelent of eeali year's t-ex on e 30 year lease. Crhe tex bih t-o t-le board, uný- der t-li present rate, would b approxiematcly $400, per mont-h. Council felt t-bat considerable savings would be made if t-lic board lied decidcd t-o eccept t-ha town's off cr. Post Office Not Suited For Board 0f. Education