~.-z, -~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY. JULY 24th, 1969 Up And Down The Book Stocks May 1 reminci any'ne planning to miotor to the US. thattile l- brary offers the beautiful ¶Lme- life Library of America. 'ro add to the p2evious volumres, this week we are sheiving these five b'ook' The Plain States-Iowa, Kansasý Minnesota, Missou"i_-ý, Nebr,,Aka, North Dýàkota, Sou hfi>akota. The Frontier States---Aliaska and Ha&waii. The Middle Alatic Stte- DelawareMln, Pennsyl'aan- ia. The Old Souti-Alabama, Flor- ida, Georgia, Mîssisippi, The Border 'States- Kentucky, North, Carolina, Te'nnessee, Vir- ginia. OTHER NEW BOOKS- Informai Gardenirng -The'.nw homeowner's guide to planting his property. Crazy Over Hlorses - a light look at the world of thorouighbred racing, This Side of Glory - A Bristow love story set on a Louisiana plantation. .Iuvenile- The Wonderful Flight to the Mushrroom Planet - Spaceship fantasy that borders on fact. White Ghost Sumnmer - a fine mystery and a grand horse story. Pippi Goes on Board - A second hilanjous book about Pippi, the Tomboy. The Young Sportsmnan's Guide to Saiing - a practical guide of basic knowledge WiI Lor Ace Wins Aguin Wl Lor Ace, owned by Jack Wlliams of Orono is marking his mark at the Orono raceway so f ar this season and again on Fni- day raced'to the winner's circle in the ninth race in a lime of 2:10:2. For the win Wil Lor Ace paid $15.30, $9.60 and $2.70 Wil Lar Ace was followed by Tranquiîity and Gentry McKlyo. Ran4om Chef pIa ced first in the opening featiure with Gerald Robin son placing second with Gypsy's Honor and Brown. with Hlarriman's Ace. In the secondre~ Jack Wil- liams won wUh Hoo onq' fol- owp'd by Johny's Choîru and Re- Ibe Prninness. lMiss Buceye J gdv won the Ithird with Gerptld Rh nso ac- meif qpn'd , 0h -irk ,.fý-rv, 1!Dster David took the third pos- Holiday Notice Our'Store will be closed Muy 30ith to August 4th Picnic tion in this event. Add Worthy, Deputy Chief Orr and Succesa Cleo placed one, two and three in the fourth race. Bil Reid of O:-ono took the .f 'fth ra'ýe with VanVs Pide C fol- lowed by M'anne Rýdde1l and Frosty Susan. In the s ?th"ýe SuiPýýror Pad- dy p1aced f istwth Gerald Rob xnonsroiw»i nne-YMark and Bird 'thi-d wth Waltzbg yMatilda. Geýrald Robnson won the 7th diving Bonnie Deliglit and paid $24.90 for the win. ,Molly Hfaw Lea1 and Jerry Hat were ne-d in ,!ine at the finish. Iles-ahoney Pick placed first' in thie eighth folowed by Moorelands Kay and TIhe Entertainer. *Attendance was stated at 600 -with a mutual handie of $19,886. Director Named For Distrift Municipyal Affairs Minister D. McKeough bas announced that B. Craig, 51, former director of AG- sesment for New Brunswick, bas been appoint ed director of assess- ment for the Peterborough area. Mn. Craïg will be in charge of proparty assessmnent for four new, assessment regions, covering the counties of Peter'borough, North- ujmb ýriand, Durîham,, Victoria, Haliburton, Hastings, Prince Ed- ward, Frontenac, L.innox and Ad- d *n o n. Mr. Craig xhose office will be in Belleville, will be responsible Fo- ensuring that every property a~ thý- area is asssssed at market value and the asses-zment is uni- Im'y appli2d. He wilI make noessary aîdfts and inspcctions. -, the four regional assessment- ' taIff of asse.ssmont specialists oiiI be atta hedI to his office to carry olit valuations on spccial properties. Orono Building Contracte r Brick -Block -Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors Tile 983-5441 ORONO ST PICTURE OF THE YEARI WINNER 6 ACADEMY AWARDS!. JOHNV~ULF ~~CROLEED Evenings at 8.30, $2.00; Children $1.00 Matinées Sat., Sun. and Wed. at 2:00. - $1.50, Chi1drnen $1.0 Passes Suspended WEEK BEGINNING Fn., JuIy 25 p '- ' 2 Pc. CHSTERIELDLARGE COLONIAL CHAIR or ROCKER SIVIVEL ROCKERS Reuar $8.00 Regular $209.95 CLEARING FROMOU RC $269~~ t ~32*~~$11t95 ~to $I29*95 ROLL-AWAY BEDS _ PCE. COLONIAL DININGROOM from $29,,95 up SUITE $AVING$ ON A - LLReg. $399.95«0% 9 5 $AIG NALCLEARAWAY......e 4 S HOME FURNISHINGS _____________ -Corne to Country Don's-j FU NITURE Phone 987-4l715 Hwy. 115-35 at Newcastle Cut-Off PARK COBOURG