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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Aug 1969, p. 1

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Robarts, Opens Festiva 0f Arts, The Honourable John P. Rob- arts, Pi;,emier of, Ontario, last 'rhursday, night opened the second Festival of the Arts. During, the VOLUME 33, NUMBER 31 Th~e Cou ncil of Clarke Township -passed tie necessary by4iaw to bring their election dates in lime -with that of the County Sohool Board. Election for Township Council will be held later this yvear for tie year 1970 and this terni will be a one-year 1term only xatier thin tie present two-year ~tern. Ater the nne-year termi Lcouncil will -&gain r.evert -tu, a season of the Great 'Pine Ridige gift by Pamela Spcnce andi Midi- oeigceremonies on the west ael Clari;e, memnbers of the cast, lawn of the Newcastle Community while Jtidge R. B. Barber, chair- Hall, he was piresented with a man of the festival, looks on. The Weeklyý LA 5 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUBSDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1969 ýManyPass Red Cross. Swimming Test at Orono The Swiniming Program run by the Orono Water Safety Club was very successful with well over 3!0 chuldren participating. Mrs. Shirley Reynolds, as head, instructor, organized the classes and taught the children very ex- pertly. Mrs. Betty Brooks, Redi Cross exaniner from Oshawa complimented Mrs. Reynolds on b~er well run projrami andi op tic thoroughness of tic chldren's training. Clilîdren receiving awards are: Seniors - Donald McTJaren, Pam Newell, Becky Lee, Paul Staples, tLarry, Luna, Jacqueline Snelders, Cliff Fee, Betty DeJonge, Steve sawyer, Carol Chatterton. Interiiiediate - Jake Vanbelle, Sylvia Vanbelle, Ruth Chater, bale Evans, Sharon Johnston. 'Warren Jolinston, Sharon Lowery, Lorna Lowery,' David Ard, -Katby .Dennis, Janet Schoenmaker, Linda DeJonge, Wanda Kramner, Cindy Tee, John Cornish. .Junior - Debbie Youngmnan, Mandia Lowery, Terry West, Mau- reen Shetler, Linda Copping, Brenda Vranderspruit, Sonya Fed- demýa, Lura Bridger, Deibie Gor- don. Pob White. David Dennis, Carl Lowery, Nicky VanSeggelen, Kenny Hutton, David Chatterton, Jonathan Staples, Carl Coatham, Donald Dennis, Joanne Tennant, Connie Battams, Jane Staples, Christine Coombes, Penny White, Edna Reitsma, Joyce Werry, Jan- ,et Duvail, Carol Barnett, Richardj Roberts, Ehirley Allin. Beginners - Nicky Gibbs, Jas- on Lee, John Werry, John West, Miael Gibbs, Wendy Snoc]ik, Kristine Dennis, Isabel Davidso'n, Peter Ritsma, Fred Lane, Shelley Battams, Connie Battaius, Eric Selers, Patti H1boey, Norman Wag- enaar, Tommy Allun, Tim Stapie- ton, Marianne Tax, Corie Law, Marie Hianoock. Monlea Manning, Vicki Manning, Kim Battams, Milan Popovitch, Diane Shetler, Lyn Couroux, Nancy Groot, Jo- anne Hudson, Paisley Stutt, Beti Nixon, Wendy Wilkins, John Hill, Darlene Knapp, Brian Schoen- maker, John Nanninga, Maurice Allen.- Those passing 'Survival Swim- ming' Test are as follows: Stacie Stutt, Katiy Grady, Kathy Gustar, Karen Homewood, Tracie Stutt, Carol Anne Calwell, Rob Payne, Mike Carmanl Steve Mercer. Bronze Medallion awards were earned by Katiy Gustar, Kathy Grady, Stacie Stutt, Karen Home- wood. lst Bar-Carol Anne Caldwell, Steve Reynolds. 2nd Bar--dVliohael Cariman. Xoyal Life Saving examiner: Mr. Peter Richardison, Oshawa. The executive for the past year was: Pres.,- Mrs. Jeanne Staples; Sec., Mrs. Shirley Williams; Treas., Mrs. Ruth Grady; Direct- ors: Mrs. Joanne Hutton, Mrs. Beryl Clark, Mrs. Florence Allen, Mrs. Helen Henderson. tVý-Io-year term when botli Town- ship arti Sciool Board elections wilI be held at the same time. Clarke Township Coundcil on Tuesday gave their approval to the Clarke Libnary Board to make an offer for the Waddell proDer- ty for library purposes. This ac- tion foliowed a letter and dele- gation from the- Library Board who asked Council's support la the proposal to make an offer. The proposai was also supported by the Orono Police Trustees through a resolution .forin sub- mitted to Council. Tenders for gasoline, diesel oil and furnace ohl was granted to Bill Skelding of Newtonville, Fencing tenders went to the Dur- ham CQunty Co-Operative, Orono. Couneil authonized the Clerk to season opened with the presenta- tion of Marlowe's 'ýDr. Faustus." -Coýurtesy of Evening Guide, Port Hope. volu meV acation Bible School Oporating Close to- seventy-five junior chidren have registered with ýthe O-rono United Churcli Vacation' Bible School. The school is being operated at the churcli fo> a iwo- week peniod whicli started on August 4tli. The sehool is lieldi ev- ery morning from 9 to 11:30 a.m. 1The chikiren are divided i nto five age groups starting at the age of- three years. The age groups include nursery, kinder- garten, pirnary, juniors and sen- iors. The daily program includes arts and crafts, singing and Bible study. Around, twelve aduits are assisting witli Vie program. An openhouse is to bç planned for parents andi fniends this com- ing week. FOOD'FOR 1000 FOR CONSERVATIVE BAR B-P the Durham County Progres- sive Ass.ciation is planning a mid-sunimer bar B-Q witli enough fond aM-d provisions for 1000 per- sons. Last year the organizers pre- pared for 200 to 300 guests and more than- 600 turned up. The sl7.alies of steakbur'gers, corn and donuts were exhaustedi haîf way through the proceedings. The Bar B-Q _held at the home of Mn. A. Carruthers, MPP, is scheduled for August ifti. send a letter to the Orono Police Trustees pointing out that tliey are already overspent in some asp.ects of their road budget and that monies paid out in this de- partment for tie Police Village will be ciargedi at 8%k% interest. Mer#tioned in discussion was an amount of $1923,00 for catch bas- ins etc at Station Stree't and Main Street and tie purchase of a nid- ing niower. Tihe Great Pine Ridge Festival of the.Arts officially opened for itssecond season on Thursday ev- ening of iast week with the tmag- icai history of "Dr. Faustus." The Hon. John Robarts, Premier of Ontario offiicially opened the show with the ceremonies being held on-the lawn of the Newcastle C4Xnmunity Hall. Present on the platform with Mr. Rob arts were: Rev. T. H. Smith of Newcastle United Churcli Donald Martin, Judge and Mrs. R. B. Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Honey, Mr. and Mr's. Alex Car- ruthers, Mr. and Mrs. Russell RoWe, Warden and Mrs. Foster, Mr.,and Mrs. Dougilas Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Secord and Mr. and Mrs. George Merton. "We have a wealth of talent in Canada to develop further the artistic sidie of our society," said the Premder. The F>ren.%,er ended 'by âaying lie had, not come to Newcastle ta make a speech but to see 'a play., J4dige Baxter, the president of the festjVal, said one of the reas- ons lie got involved was because lie had heard go many aduits crit- icize Youth: "But I have neyer seen a more dedicated group than these young people," lie said.- fl. J. Cunninghiam, the reeve of Newcastle, officiaily welicomed the guests and the Premier,' an.d saidi the festival was -one 'of the com- munity's greatest assets, What was hailed last summer a's "an exciting experiment in Youith theatre" lias hanpened a- gain with the opening of the hrýee plays, "Dr. Faustus", 'The Good Woman of Setzuan" and "The Boys from 'Syracuse." The latter' two plays opened on Satur- day and Tuesday respectively. T he plays prove once again that young puople, under proper direction, can.pluimb to the dram- atic depths the thouglits and em- ot.kqns of mature stage characters, Ever.yone agrees that the per- performers are excellent andi many' are outstanding in their of- fcrings. Many of last years stars have returned in the persons of Keith Aluin, Mike Holmes, Jirn Baskerville, Jim Westheuser. Don McKenzie, Bill Murphy, John Me- Guirk, Mike Clarke, Diane Hoar, Frances Hoarwith new corners Cynthia. Ayre, Murray Twist, Rhonda Waisglass and many, many others. The three plays give a wide cihoice ()f theatre with each hein% entirely diff erent: tragedy, tragic- comedcv and a musical. For enter- tainment -the plays are excellent and one s1hould make a point of being in attendance sometime during the next two and a half weeks. Othrt. features of thé Festival this year include a Variety Night being held on August llth and l8Vh. This is being presented by the Festival Company and local talent whi.dh includes a Folk sing- ing group of Jim Baskervilie, Sharma Ferguson, Candy Storks, Bill Arnott, Ralph de Jonge and Bob Elliott. Also included on the program is Miss -Tin'a Kozub, Ken Stubington and Tony Devai. An art.exhibition is also on dis- play featuring work by local art- ists, Dr. A. F. McKenzie, Mr. Don Staples, Mrs. A. van den Heuvel, Mrs. Ve"pe Johnson, Bowmanville Mrî. A. Walton, Newcastle, Mrs. E. F. Whitson, Newcastle andi Twp. Elect'ion to- Coincide With Schools ÏW4~00-

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