ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TUURSDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1969 Up And Down The look Stocks New Aduit Non-Fiction Book ad Dog Training - Train- mng the fwmily dog frSm puppy- hood ta niaturity, also field train- ing for -flushing spaniels, trailing hounds, retrievers and pointing degs. A Guide to Pre-Confederation Furniture of English Canada - For collectors of Canadiana. T'il Trade You an Elk - An amn- using story about a zoo-4keeper. Ann Landers Talks to Teen- Agers About Sex-.Sound informa- tion from a leading columnist. Fiction The Cardiff Giants - Young ad- uit humour about seven-foot 'twin Texan surfers. The Delta Factor - Adventure and mystery as Mickey Spillane, introduces Morgan the Raider. The Camera Always IÀes - 'Can- adian writer, Hugh Hood, explores tihe lie of a filmn star "0o suk4ài- es. Taxnmy in Rome - Gay adven- turcs of a bewitchung girl. Juvenile The Cat in the Hat Cornes A NEW HUMILITY huniility as he ýthinks of man ia ______________ Taken from a sermon by Rev. Back - The zany humour oi Dr. Seuss. The Black Stallion Ohallenged - Flan'4's owner daims that his fiery rtd stallion is faster than the Black Ginnie Joins In- Sunamer at the lake, and Ginnie learns to swim. Mystery of the Auction Trunk - Nancy's bid et an auction cre- ates a summer of suspense. B. E. Long. Scripture Lesson- Isaiah 40 12-31. It. lias been hrilling to witness men of science placing human' be- ings on the moon. One radio com- mentator said. "Ten years ago the intelligentsia would neyer as- sociate science and religion." Yet people with the greatest mental ability have been able ta relate the two. The trou.ble bas been in the way wedefine God. For the Whoever y>ju are... FrnceS lkesto travel. Sheill be protected by OHSIP against the Icost of health care she mas' need outside Ontario, at OHSIP rates. If she decides ta re- side in another province, her OHSIP coveragewli be "portable ". She'l remain insured for up ta 4 months. Albertis stili working but he's riot sure for howv much longer. Un- employment, illness, or financial difficulties won't prevent him from having OHSI P protection-he can apply for temporary premium assistance. Full or partial premium assistance will also be available ta hlm, determined by his annual tax- able incame. pete is receiving Old Age Assist- ance tram the Province of Ontario. AfterOctober lst, his presentcover- age from OMSIP will simply con- tinue from OHSIP, automatically. AIl he has ta do is wait. Heknows OHSIP will be the health insurance he can count on. Sallynlohn ae epecting another S baby in February. Saýll l eableta choose her own doctor, and' he'i be free ta accept her as his patient. He wilI advise John in advance if he intends ta charge more than OHSIP caver- age providles. OHSIP will pay at the rate -of 90 percent of Ontario Medical Association Schedule of Fees (1969)-most doctors accept'ths as ful payment. The cost of Sallys hospital,,roomn wil be paid for by their Ontario Hospital In- surance. Miario works for a small firm, but he'u be covered by OHSIP just like Bill. Any employer who employs more, than 5 but fewer than 15 people may arpply for Group coverage for his em- ployees. Maria's boss plans ta form such a Group. as, Of Octlst.- OHSIP ONTARIO HEALTH SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN can take care ofyou OHSIP is the new, standard, comprehensive plan of health insurance protection and benefits in which every resident of Ontario is entitied to participate-regardless of age, state of- health or f inancial rneans-through the Gomerment or a designated agent. Meanwhile, if you are now enrolled in, OMSIP-the existing Government plan-or in a private plan, your coverage wiIl continue without interruption provided you continue your enroilment. OHSIP witl be the heaith care you can count on-from -After October lst, many private insurers %WilI become the Ontario Department of Heaith. "esignated agents Il. Each wiII provide the stadar OHIP ontacton no-prfitbassIfyou haveît any helth insuifloe, stnar HIPcntatonann-rfitaisg' at the premium rates set by the Ontario Govern. you maV eflroll fo Octoer Ist ment for OHSIP services.-If you wish othercoegebwrtn toO SP services from your agent, you can arrange for ILFl"HveaebywiiUPo0H 1. them through a separate contract. 219 5 Yonge StreetToironto 7. ONTARIO H-EALTH SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN ONTARIO D)EPARPTMENT0F HEALTHI Hon. Matthew B. Dymond, M.D., C.M., Minister studied in a scThntific way, were real and God was not. But we are experiencing a new humiàty . the part of many people in re- lationahi.p ta the reality of God. The three astronauts experienc- ing the great accornplishment of man could have been tempted to say "we can do without God", yet Aidrin read from the &Yiptures, "When I consider Thy heavens, the worIk of 'The fingers, the moon and the stars which Thou hast or- dained; Whgt is man that Thou. are nilndfuil of hlmi" He is ack- nowle4ging- God in a, very force- fui way. He is revealing a great (Continued en page 5)