ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1969 fààhe MilisonUsrac for -411 classes of personal and Çomerca1Coverages Ofîfice:MaUn 8. Oreno 983ý>-5032 Rés. 993-5754 - ord Simpsen Fhuw Orono 983-5988 Or.no, Ontari. FAINTINQ REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIES Ia*rl.t Exteîrio CHARLES REID Oew's Liensed Aue"»« ad Vahiatut BpdaEz. In Fari n md Oumure " ' Eknu me fer toeiu MW dates PnomE aONS 9M.-14 Monuments and Family Memorials ,Owr -qualy am ervice leavz noadng te ho deured Aê$ ou .peses.who beught fr.m Î4a neighur, trienà or relative TeRUTT'ER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Otarle M8-reet, FOUT NOPE" "Lagea dplay ln Sutkern WATSON'Sam and cycle Orono Phoue 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Alouette Snow Mobiles McCollough CHAIN SAWS lRepairs to a makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines, OTACO PLOW POINTS AND IMACHINERY BYAM I Tyroe 263-8660 OrvilIe chatterton Electrical Contracting Electic Heating and Service PEONE fl-154 «o 98-U04 Orme., Ontarle ORONO ELECTRIC M.rb aad Gerry Duval 983-5108 BECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELEÇTRICAL APPLIANCE8 T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-Fi FRIGIDAIRE,- ILC.A. DOMINION ELZCTROQKOME INGLIS - THR -GUARANTERD, SERVICE- FRED'S FRUIT MARKET Hlighway,115, Southi of Orono Excellent Montm.orency Cherries by the basket or pick your own. Also first quality early apples. bc NOTICE Leather Carving Classes to comnmeiýce on September 2nd and 4th from 8 to 10 pm. Learn how to carve purses. key ca.ses, gun cases, golf bags etc. Z,'xtended classes for, dying leather. Please contact: Mrs. Jane .Keast phone 983-5810, before August 15, 1969. a-c CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE 4000 Scotch Pine - 5-10 t. - well pruned, gcod clour, access- ible by',good road, Kendial area. Phone 983-5557.. a-c NOTICE Orono Landscaping and Garden Service Phone 983-5598 h,36-p FOR SALE 1 Moffatt Electric Stove;, also 1 Electrie, Frigidaire Refrigerator; Both in excellent condition. Phone 983-5632. a-p Tour ess o Home Comfort Specialist Says- COOL IT! Ingtal an air conditioner in your present wari air~ furnace. Free estimates for comxvortable .living this suminer, HARVEY PARTNER Phone 983-5206 Orono NOTICE ORONO TRAILER Sales and Rentais Orono, Ontario. Phone 983-5974 Truck Camnper for Rent., Nlrs.ry Stoc Eve,ýrgreen, Flowering S hrubs Box Plants Landscaping and Sodding' RICHAEDSON'S NURSERY Pontypool, Ontario Phone 933-5180, Orono 0EONO, ONTAMO ANTI@UL- WB DuT A» s ýL @M Gabu, tCbàha, PM.arlo 17 M OL. . . CALLUS WE FPAT CAME! Phone 623-5342 after 6 pan. JACK hUARD REALTOR jw Khg k or LOST Angus cow , mear to calving, rope neck tice with dise No. 60. Please, phone 983-5423. Tom Gret- ton.3c Sewýing lterationis and repairs clone et home. For wv)men -,alter- ations in skirts, dresses and coats For men - ýturn shirt collars and cuffs, shorten and lengthen trou- sers and draping and back seams. Also zippersand pockets. Mrs. M. Downs, corner. Park and Churech Stst phone 983-5493. tf AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY1 AUG. 13, IZIRTH BROWN-Ray and ilelen (Fee) are )happy to announce the birth of theirdagtr Denise Arlene, 6 lbs. 12-l, ozs., on July 31st'q, 69 et Bowmanille Memrial lospit- ai. rea-~raduaensMranid Mrs Ro 4~~ra~, Orono. (Grand paensMt anPd Mes, McxiFee, Qmlremee n Mand nd fl Mrs. Lloyd Brown, Pontypool. a-c CARD 0F THANKS I would like t0 extend my sin- cere appreciation. to Shiloh U.C. W., my friends and neiglibours for their thoughtfulness whule I wa t ill. a-p Jean Morrow, CARD 0F THANKS 1 wish te thank friends and rel- atives, the Rev. B. Long, who came îHlQîsteins -Ml1 Quota. Conig te sec me in hospitals and for pîcete Genesce Holsein Dispersal, carde and plants, mîy Doctors anad 55 head, 50 regfstered, 5 grade, Nurses and a special thanks te.* D.{.I.A. testeil, ail from unit sires 1br. ,McKenzie. a-p such as Rockdal-e President (VG, Epliraim White. ST), Kayen. Farm Anthony (Ex), Lassie, Leader (VG), Seiling Pet- CARD O THANKS ho (Ex St). Nunmber cf fresh and springer cows, 10 bred heifer s. The fami ly of thec late Rev. L. This sale is called on very. short W. Krause wis.h to express their notice because of sudden death. sincere thailks and appreciation The- cows are in their working to their many relatives, fricnds, condition and wilI be good- value neighb.ours and empyloy'ees of In- f0 the buyer. MILK QUOTA - 400 ternational Cartage Co., for floral lb. No. 1 milk quota will seli at tributes, mes sages of sympathy 1 p4m. (effective Sept. 1), 30 can and kindness ghown li,-,many DeLaval'1 Bui'k, Tank, DeLaval ways. We woud also like f,01 thafnk milking machine' 3 units. Ail seli- Rev. H. Hilsden'cf Kin', St. Pent- mng at the farni, the property cf ecostal Church for hir. trcneth- the estate cf the late ARTHUR ening words in our time of sor- L. BLAINCIHARD, lot 23, con. 6. row. c Dar4ington PTvP,7 miles N4ff of lowianviJle o 1 ilî i nrth and 1 mile west cf Hampton. Fokiers available. Robert Flett on Pedi- gree, Te-ms cash. No. reserve. Sale- et 1 p.m. Lloyd -Wilson, Uxbridge and W. D. Atkinson, Stouffville, Sale Managers and Auctioneers. W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMAITED 21 King St. W. l3owmanville 16ZZ-3393 Tercto 923-9174 Port Hope Offce 885-4548 For prmpt, courteoos, offlel- ent servic wheu buylng oe olln.g anud for te largeet sel- ecti of.propeitlesa luthe area Contact Oroso Area IEr«eeatîveo 1Rioy or 983-5801 Dane Found, 623-3965 Andy Sutch Roy Strong 983-9119j 52 r il Bethany) Callyolr I I icensed Plumbing & Mechanical Contracter who selis, instal.j CARA PLUIMBING AND H1EATING, Phono 983-5207 Orono 'Times' PUMPINO OUT BertITAK Stafiord Brothers Manufatirers of 318 Dundas Street ls wmTBY,,ONTARJO Buie ldng aYouse FIoyd Nicholsc LYET T